Agenda Summary
In support of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and condemning attacks on disability rights.
Official Text
WHEREAS: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was the first federal civil rights law to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities, ensuring equal access to programs and services receiving federal funding; and
WHEREAS: Section 504 has been instrumental in eliminating disability discrimination in education, employment, healthcare, and housing, paving the way for later legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which provides inclusion and accommodations in public places; and
WHEREAS: Recent efforts to abolish, weaken, or roll back these protections under Section 504 threaten the rights, dignity, and opportunities of people with disabilities, undermining decades of progress toward accessibility and equity; and
WHEREAS: Any attack on Section 504 is an attack on the fundamental principles and rights of all persons that Somerville upholds as a diverse, welcoming, and accessible community; and
WHEREAS: The City of Somerville is committed to protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities and ensuring that all persons can fully participate in civic, economic, and social life; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED: That the Somerville City Council strongly reaffirms its support for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and condemns any efforts to weaken or dismantle its protections; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED: That the Somerville City Council urges federal and state lawmakers to uphold and strengthen disability rights laws, ensuring that Section 504 remains a robust safeguard against discrimination; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk shall send a copy of this resolution to the Massachusetts congressional delegation, the state delegation, and Governor of Massachusetts to express Somerville’s firm commitment to disability rights and inclusion.