Agenda Summary
On actions to promote students and community health and resilience in the era of climate change.
Official Text
Resolution On Actions to Promote Student and Community Health And Resilience in the Era of Climate Change
WHEREAS: In December 2022 the School Committee passed a Resolution Towards Becoming a Carbon Neutral District stating “that the Somerville School Committee commits to work in partnership with the city towards becoming a carbon neutral district”; and
WHEREAS: The City Council recognizes that reliably safe, healthful, and supportive learning environments are critical in achieving Somerville’s educational mission; and
WHEREAS: Extreme weather events linked to climate change have the potential to degrade the quality of life in the places where students and their families live, work, learn, and play; and
WHEREAS: The impacts of climate change will disproportionately impact today’s youth throughout their lifetimes compared to older generations, and as it is the duty of today’s adults to mitigate and help adapt to these impacts; and
WHEREAS: The adverse health and learning impacts of climate change cause disproportionate harm to students in low-wealth communities and in communities of color; and
WHEREAS: Modifications to school buildings and operations can decrease a school’s greenhouse gas emissions, enhance the school’s readiness to maintain a safe and healthful environment under variable conditions, and reduce the long-term costs of operations and maintenance; and
WHEREAS: The Somerville City Council, recognizing their responsibility as stewards of public funds and resources, acknowledge the findings of research conducted by the National Institute of Building Sciences, which reported that for every $1 invested to allay the impacts of extreme weather events caused by climate change, governments can realize returns up to $6 in cost-savings associated with reduced property damage, loss, and recovery; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
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