Agenda Text
Proposing a Home Rule Petition, with the Mayor's support, to authorize the City of Somerville to establish a net zero emissions standard for new constructed buildings and major renovation projects.
Official Text
WHEREAS, Climate change is in part caused by humans’ combustion of fossil fuels.
WHEREAS, The findings of the Community Wide Greenhouse Gas Inventory (2014, 2016, 2018) demonstrate the built environment is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
WHEREAS, The findings of the Somerville Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (2017) indicate Somerville is expected to experience the impacts of climate change through increased heat and precipitation and coastal flooding, which may impact life and property in Somerville.
WHEREAS, The findings of the Somerville Carbon Neutral Pathway Assessment (2017) defines carbon neutrality and analyzes the technological transformations necessary to achieve this emissions reduction target through the implementation of policies and programs.
WHEREAS, Strategic community climate action planning through the Somerville Climate Forward (2018) action plan sets a goal for Somerville to be net-zero carbon neutral by 2050. Somerville Climate Forward identifies ensuring “buildings and homes are built and retrofitted to be net-zero carbon, healthy, resilient, and affordable” as a priority action necessary to reduce Somerville’s contribution to climate change and adapt to its impacts. And, “(i)n order to meet Somerville’s carbon reduction goals, all new buildings must be designed and built to produce virtually no (greenhouse gas) emissions.”
WHEREAS, The Somerville City Council adopted the SomerVision comprehensive plan for 2010-2030, which among other things affirmed core values to “(b)uild a sustainable future through strong environmental leadership,” and included specific goals to “(p)reserve and expand an integrated, balanced mix of safe, affordable, and environmentally sound rental and homeo...
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