Agenda Summary
That the Administration provide an update on the Compensation Study, including a definite delivery timeline, at the November 9, 2023 meeting of this City Council.
Official Text
WHEREAS: Increased cost of living in the Metropolitan Boston Area and Somerville places greater challenges in the recruitment and staffing of our Municipal Workforce with yearly inflation ratio rates exceeding 5% between 2021-2023; and
WHEREAS: The Somerville Municipal Employees Union has not had a wage adjustment since July 1st 2021; and
WHEREAS: The last Wage Adjustment of 2% plus 1% step raise cannot meet current costs of living, further endangering the attrition of Somerville’s Municipal workforce; and
WHEREAS: The city is experiencing continuous vacancies in union jobs and is replacing this work with outside vendors, which is costing the city 1.5X to 2X the wage rate of union jobs; and
WHEREAS: The effective operation and maintenance of our city depends on Somerville’s Municipal Workers; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED: That the Administration provide an update at the next City Council meeting on the Compensation Study and include a definite delivery timeline to avoid further delays in wage negotiations with the Somerville Municipal Workers Union.