City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/27/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber-City Hall-93 Highland Avenue
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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208491 1208491Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 5, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208492 1208492Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 6, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208493 1208493Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 10, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208494 1208494Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 11, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208495 1208495Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 12, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208496 1208496Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 18, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208497 1208497Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 19, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208498 1208498Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 20, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208499 1208499Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 25, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208500 1208500Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 26, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208476 1208476OrdinanceThat this Council's Committee on Licenses and Permits consider the attached amendment to Ordinance 9-31 regarding Wage Theft.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208477 1208477CommunicationReporting on the High School Building Committee meeting of June 17.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208478 1208478CommunicationReporting on the Municipal Working Group Meeting of June 24 re: Aviation Pathways and Noise from Logan Runway 33L.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208470 1208470Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208471 1208471MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, May 23, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208516 1208516Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Legislative Matters, meeting on June 24, 2019.Approved  Action details Not available
208490 1208490CommunicationActing as President, cancelling the Regular meetings of this Council that were scheduled for July 25, 2019, and August 8, 2019.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208542 1208542Officer's CommunicationBicycle Advisory Committee submitting comments regarding a Bike Master Plan and Vision Zero implementation.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208565 1208565Public Communication119 residents and 2 organizations submitting comments re: banning facial recognition technology.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208566 1208566Public Communication19 residents submitting comments re: protected bike lanes and a bike master plan.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208567 1208567Public CommunicationElizabeth Lundgren submitting comments re: #206495, the proposed native plant ordinance.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208543 1208543WithdrawnWithdrawn.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
208544 1208544Public EventPublic Event License, MA Health Connector raindate for already-approved 6/27 event (#208436), Statue Park, Jul 2 (raindate only), 10:30AM-1:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
208545 1208545Public EventPublic Event License, SomerMovie Fest, Seven Hills Park, Jul 11,18,25, Aug 1,8,15,22,29, about 7-10:45PM.Approved  Action details Not available
208546 1208546Public EventPublic Event License, Madison St Block Party raindate for already-approved 7/6 event (#208926), Madison St, Jul 13 (raindate only), 8AM-7PM.Approved  Action details Not available
208547 1208547Public EventPublic Event License, Norwood Ave Block Party, Jul 13, 1-7PM (raindate Jul 14).Approved  Action details Not available
208548 1208548Public EventPublic Event License, Hudson St Block Party, blocking either side of 140 Hudson St, Jul 17, 5-8:30PM (raindate Jul 23).Approved  Action details Not available
208549 1208549Public EventPublic Event License, Conwell St Block Party, Conwell St and Francis St, Jul 18, 3-9PM (raindate Jul 25).Approved  Action details Not available
208550 1208550Public EventPublic Event License, Derby St Block Party, from Grant St to Temple St, Jul 27, 10AM-8PM.Approved  Action details Not available
208551 1208551Public EventPublic Event License, Alpine/Princeton St Block Party, from 64 Alpine St to Lowell St, Aug 3, Noon-6PM (raindate Aug 4).Approved  Action details Not available
208552 1208552Public EventPublic Event License, Indiana Ave Block Party, Aug 18, 1-10PM (raindate Aug 25).Approved  Action details Not available
208553 1208553Public EventPublic Event License, Robinson St Block Party, Aug 24, 2-8PM (raindate Aug 25).Approved  Action details Not available
208554 1208554LicenseNew Drainlayer's License, KB Aruda Construction. (interim approval granted)Approved  Action details Not available
208555 1208555LicenseNew Drainlayer's License, Marchi Paving.Approved  Action details Not available
208556 1208556LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, The Dow Company, for the High School construction project only.Approved  Action details Not available
208557 1208557LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Caruso and McGovern Construction.Approved  Action details Not available
208558 1208558LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Celiberti Realty.Approved  Action details Not available
208559 1208559LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Winter Hill Yacht Club, 500 Artisan Way.Approved  Action details Not available
208564 1208564LicenseSign/Awning Permit, 69 Holland St Condo Association, including Mario's Salon, Boston Shaker, Davis Sq Chiropractic, and Davis Sq Dental, 69-75 Holland St, 10 awnings for 4 businesses.Approved  Action details Not available
208560 1208560LicenseRenewing Garage License, Mass Inspection, 712 Mystic Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
208561 1208561LicenseRenewing Garage License, Teddy's Foreign Motors, 68 Joy St.Approved  Action details Not available
208562 1208562LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Big Belly Deli, 513 Medford St.Approved  Action details Not available
208563 1208563LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, True Grounds, 717 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
208581 1208581CommunicationProviding an update on the Senior Affordability Task Force meeting.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208588 1208588Public CommunicationRenee Scott submitting comments re: the Tree Protection Ordinance and the Facial Recognition Technology Ordinance.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208587 1208587LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Valvoline Instant Oil Change, 182 Washington St.Approved  Action details Not available
208589 1208589CommunicationIn her capacity as President, establishing the Special Committee on Inclusive Equity; Gender, Families & Vulnerable Populations.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208590 2208590ResolutionThat the Administration revisit the proposal to institute citywide curbside composting.Approved  Action details Not available
208587 2208587LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Valvoline Instant Oil Change, 182 Washington St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208568 2208568CitationCommending Jean Parker on the auspicious occasion of her 100th birthday.Approved  Action details Not available
208574 2208574ResolutionThat the Administration clarify the status of part-time employees hired as part of the proposed Police Department Cadet Program, and the role of the City Council in confirming nominees for participation.Approved  Action details Not available
208575 2208575OrderThat the Director of SPCD and the Director of Parking provide a quarterly update regarding implementation of deed-based parking permit restrictions.Approved  Action details Not available
208576 2208576OrderThat the Director of SPCD provide a quarterly update regarding implementation of a universal waiting list for affordable housing opportunities.Approved  Action details Not available
208577 2208577OrderThat the Director of SPCD provide a quarterly update regarding development of a neighborhood plan for Brickbottom.Approved  Action details Not available
208578 2208578OrderThat the Director of Water and Sewer provide a quarterly update regarding the number and location of emergency sewer and water repairs.Approved  Action details Not available
208579 2208579OrderThat the Director of Water and Sewer provide a quarterly update regarding the progress filling vacancies in those departments.Approved  Action details Not available
208580 2208580OrderThat the Director of Water and Sewer provide a quarterly update regarding any maintenance requests being deferred for lack of resources.Approved  Action details Not available
208563 2208563LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, True Grounds, 717 Broadway.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208562 2208562LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Big Belly Deli, 513 Medford St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208561 2208561LicenseRenewing Garage License, Teddy's Foreign Motors, 68 Joy St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208560 2208560LicenseRenewing Garage License, Mass Inspection, 712 Mystic Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208513 2208513ResolutionThat the Administration move as quickly as possible to renegotiate our Recycling Contract to make it subject to the Living Wage Ordinance.Approved  Action details Not available
208514 2208514ResolutionThat the Administration appropriate an additional $150,000 for the FY20 tree planting budget.Approved  Action details Not available
208515 2208515ResolutionThat the Administration increase funding for road paving so at least 10 percent of roads are repaved per season.Approved  Action details Not available
208584 2208584CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Louis Ferrara to the Housing Authority.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208571 2208571ResolutionRequesting the voluntary appearance of Lt. Sean Sheehan to discuss personnel matters in executive session including any civil service bypasses and a review of his professional standards folder.Approved  Action details Not available
208572 2208572ResolutionRequesting the voluntary appearance of Lt. Gerald Rymill to discuss personnel matters in executive session including any civil service bypasses and a review of his professional standards folder.Approved  Action details Not available
208573 2208573OrderThat this City Council, In collaboration with the School Committee and the Administration, particularly the Director of Parks and the City Solicitor, draft a "Local Title IX" ordinance ensuring equal opportunity and spending on the basis of gender identity to athletic and academic programs offered by the City.Approved  Action details Not available
208564 2208564LicenseSign/Awning Permit, 69 Holland St Condo Association, including Mario's Salon, Boston Shaker, Davis Sq Chiropractic, and Davis Sq Dental, 69-75 Holland St, 10 awnings for 4 businesses.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208569 2208569OrderThat the Director of Communications ensure that all residents surrounding the Edgerly School are notified of the increased use of the school and subsequent traffic and parking issues.Approved  Action details Not available
208570 2208570OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works and the Director of Parks and Recreation include Chuckie Harris Park on the list of parks receiving port-a-potties.Approved  Action details Not available
208501 2208501ResolutionThat the Administration allocate funding for staff or consultant time to develop a roadmap to achieve 30% affordable housing by 2030.Approved  Action details Not available
208502 2208502ResolutionThat the Administration allocate funding for an additional project manager within the Out-of-School Time Division to accelerate coordination and consistency across City and District out-of-school time programming, and to accelerate coordination and capacity building among non-profit providers.Approved  Action details Not available
208503 2208503ResolutionThat the Administration allocate funding for an Aquatics Director for the Recreation Department.Approved  Action details Not available
208504 2208504ResolutionThat the Administration allocate funding for a part-time staffed or contracted performance-based waste reduction effort.Approved  Action details Not available
208505 2208505ResolutionThat the Administration allocate funding for a software engineer for the IT Department, potentially for a partial year after the CIO has been hired.Approved  Action details Not available
208506 2208506ResolutionThat the Mayor and the Director of SPCD add two additional staff positions in the new Mobility Department to work on the many resident requests regarding traffic calming and pedestrian safety.Approved  Action details Not available
208507 2208507ResolutionThat the Administration create a full-time Tree Warden instead of the current 0.2 FTE in the Public Works Department, and inform this Council whether the Tree Warden should continue to be located in the DPW or instead in SPCD's new Public Space and Urban Forestry Division.Approved  Action details Not available
208508 2208508ResolutionThat the Administration work to rectify the disparity in pay between the all-male Fire Alarm call takers (10 of 10 men) and the E·911 call takers (11 of 14 women), as the Fire Alarm call takers receive an average of about $25,000 a year more than the E-911 call takers, with similar work conditions and responsibilities.Approved  Action details Not available
208509 2208509ResolutionThat the Commissioner of Public Works, once the current contract expires in June 2020, not contract out for school custodian services for the High School and the Winter Hill Community School but bring this work back in-house by hiring City workers.Approved  Action details Not available
208510 2208510ResolutionThat the Fire Department deploy rescue squads for health-related emergencies that have traditionally been assigned to engine companies, that pollute less, emit less carbon, use less gasoline, and tear up the streets less than fire trucks.Approved  Action details Not available
208511 2208511OrderThat the Director of Personnel provide the City Council with a monthly vacancy report.Approved  Action details Not available
208512 2208512OrderThat the City Treasurer update the Finance Committee regarding Land Court tax title takings.Approved  Action details Not available
208559 2208559LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Winter Hill Yacht Club, 500 Artisan Way.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208558 2208558LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Celiberti Realty.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208557 2208557LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Caruso and McGovern Construction.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208556 2208556LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, The Dow Company, for the High School construction project only.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208555 2208555LicenseNew Drainlayer's License, Marchi Paving.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208554 2208554LicenseNew Drainlayer's License, KB Aruda Construction. (interim approval granted)Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208553 2208553Public EventPublic Event License, Robinson St Block Party, Aug 24, 2-8PM (raindate Aug 25).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208552 2208552Public EventPublic Event License, Indiana Ave Block Party, Aug 18, 1-10PM (raindate Aug 25).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208551 2208551Public EventPublic Event License, Alpine/Princeton St Block Party, from 64 Alpine St to Lowell St, Aug 3, Noon-6PM (raindate Aug 4).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208550 2208550Public EventPublic Event License, Derby St Block Party, from Grant St to Temple St, Jul 27, 10AM-8PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208549 2208549Public EventPublic Event License, Conwell St Block Party, Conwell St and Francis St, Jul 18, 3-9PM (raindate Jul 25).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208548 2208548Public EventPublic Event License, Hudson St Block Party, blocking either side of 140 Hudson St, Jul 17, 5-8:30PM (raindate Jul 23).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208547 2208547Public EventPublic Event License, Norwood Ave Block Party, Jul 13, 1-7PM (raindate Jul 14).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208546 2208546Public EventPublic Event License, Madison St Block Party raindate for already-approved 7/6 event (#208926), Madison St, Jul 13 (raindate only), 8AM-7PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208545 2208545Public EventPublic Event License, SomerMovie Fest, Seven Hills Park, Jul 11,18,25, Aug 1,8,15,22,29, about 7-10:45PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208544 2208544Public EventPublic Event License, MA Health Connector raindate for already-approved 6/27 event (#208436), Statue Park, Jul 2 (raindate only), 10:30AM-1:30PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208541 2208541CommunicationLegislative Liaison responding to #206643 re the porta-potty evaluation.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208472 2208472CitationCommending Ellen Shachter, who, in less than a year, has created a robust Department of Housing Stability to address the affordable housing crisis.Approved  Action details Not available
208485 2208485OrderThat the Director of SPCD appear at this Council's regular meeting on June 27 to discuss the status of 5G node placement.Approved  Action details Not available
208473 2208473ResolutionHonoring the life and work of Ifeanyi Menkiti.Approved  Action details Not available
208475 2208475ResolutionThat the Traffic Commission consider making Mt. Pleasant Street a 2 or 4-hour parking zone during work hours to discourage motorists from parking there to take the Orange Line.Approved  Action details Not available
208479 2208479ResolutionSupporting housing opportunity and mobility through eviction sealing.Approved  Action details Not available
208480 2208480OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking update the Ward 3 Councilor on efforts to update the Business Parking Permits in Union Square, and in particular to prioritize such permits for those local non-profit service providers whose service requires a vehicle.Approved  Action details Not available
208481 2208481OrderThat the Director of SPCD present safety interventions for the intersection of Washington Terrace and Washington Street in light of the recent accident there.Approved  Action details Not available
208483 2208483OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking provide an update on progress regarding processing residential permits.Approved  Action details Not available
208484 2208484OrderThat the Director of SPCD disclose where the public may find information about current applications for adult-use recreational marijuana store licenses.Approved  Action details Not available
208482 2208482ResolutionOpposing MBTA fare increases until issues of equity, access, affordability, oversight, and reliability of transit service are resolved.Approved  Action details Not available
208486 2208486ResolutionThat Somerville’s Poet Laurate, Lloyd Schwartz share poetic thoughts and poetry with the Council.Approved  Action details Not available
208487 2208487OrderThat the Arborist trim the dead branches on 4 trees in Veterans North Street Playground. (2nd request)Approved  Action details Not available
208488 2208488OrderThat the Director of Inspectional Services take steps to eliminate the rat problems near 10 Hill Street.Approved  Action details Not available
208489 2208489OrderThat the Director of Inspectional Services issue fines as appropriate the owner of 33-35 Barton Street for vegetation growing into the public way along Hamilton Road.Approved  Action details Not available
208474 2208474ResolutionThat the Administration and the Director of Health and Human Services use revenue from recreational and medical marijuana for substance abuse treatment resources.Approved  Action details Not available
208355 2208355Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource to install 133 feet of conduit in Chestnut St from Manhole #27931 to a point of pickup at 28 Fitchburg St.Laid on the table  Action details Not available
208356 2208356Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource to install 56 feet of conduit in Beacon St from Utility Pole 24/13 to a point of pickup at 104 Beacon St.Laid on the table  Action details Not available
208450 3208450Public CommunicationOur Revolution Somerville submitting comments re: #207923, the proposed Welcoming Community Ordinance.Work completed  Action details Not available
208451 3208451Public CommunicationMatthew Shuman submitting comments re: #207461 and #207498, Tree Protection Ordinances.Work completed  Action details Not available
208453 3208453OrderOrdering, in her capacity as Acting Mayor for recreational marijuana establishments, that the Director of SPCD appear before the City Council to review the process.Approved  Action details Not available
208517 3208517Mayor's RequestRequesting the change of voting locations of the following two Ward 3 Polling Locations due to the High School construction project, effective immediately: Ward 3 Precinct 1 to the Properzi Manor, 13-25 Warren Ave, and Ward 3 Precinct 2 to the Cummings School, 42 Prescott St.Approved  Action details Not available
208518 3208518Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to increase selected parking fines.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208539 3208539CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Fabia Oliveira to the Commission for Women.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208586 3208586Officer's CommunicationDirector of Water and Sewer submitting a communication re: the exemption of water and sewer charges for owner-occupied homes.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208530 3208530CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Daniel R. Dell'Isola to the position of Reserve Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208531 3208531CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Wudson Duperval to the position of Reserve Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208532 3208532CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Sergio Garcia to the position of Reserve Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208533 3208533CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Charles Houghton to the position of Reserve Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208534 3208534CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Charlie O'Leary to the position of Reserve Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208535 3208535CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Andrew Phelan to the position of Reserve Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208536 3208536CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Karanjit Singh to the position of Reserve Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208537 3208537CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Robert Taylor to the position of Reserve Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208524 3208524CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Richard Lavey to the position of Police Captain.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208528 3208528CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Paul Anderson to the position of Police Sergeant.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208529 3208529CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Devin Schneider to the position of Police Sergeant.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208525 3208525CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Michael Holland to the position of Police Lieutenant.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208526 3208526CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Michael Kiely to the position of Police Lieutenant.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208527 3208527CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Michael Capasso to the position of Police Lieutenant.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208314 3208314Public CommunicationEric Grimaldi submitting comments re: #208142, a proposed ordinance to ban the use of facial recognition technology.Work completed  Action details Not available
208538 3208538CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Michael Henson to the Human Rights Commission.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
208540 3208540Mayor's RequestCity Solicitor requesting to appear before this Council in executive session to discuss litigation in the matter of ExteNet Systems v City of Somerville et al.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208512 3208512OrderThat the City Treasurer update the Finance Committee regarding Land Court tax title takings.Approved  Action details Not available
208585 3208585OrdinanceCity Solicitor submitting an updated Tree Preservation Ordinance as approved by the Legislative Matters Committee on 6/24/19.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
208582 3208582Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of the revised FY2020 General Fund Municipal Budget of $237,335,739.Approved  Action details Not available
208583 3208583Mayor's RequestRequesting a revised appropriation of $893,321 to fund the FY2020 Veterans Memorial and Founders Ice Rink Enterprise Fund Budget.Approved  Action details Not available
208583 4208583Mayor's RequestRequesting a revised appropriation of $893,321 to fund the FY2020 Veterans Memorial and Founders Ice Rink Enterprise Fund Budget.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208582 4208582Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of the revised FY2020 General Fund Municipal Budget of $237,335,739.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208585 4208585OrdinanceCity Solicitor submitting an updated Tree Preservation Ordinance as approved by the Legislative Matters Committee on 6/24/19.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208572 4208572ResolutionRequesting the voluntary appearance of Lt. Gerald Rymill to discuss personnel matters in executive session including any civil service bypasses and a review of his professional standards folder.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
208571 4208571ResolutionRequesting the voluntary appearance of Lt. Sean Sheehan to discuss personnel matters in executive session including any civil service bypasses and a review of his professional standards folder.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
208522 4208522Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a multi-year grant for $94,662.16 per year (FY20, 21 and 22) with no new match required, from the MA Department of Public Health to the Health and Human Services Department for Tobacco Control Prevention.Approved  Action details Not available
208521 4208521Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $100,000 from the MA Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative for a regional underage drinking prevention effort.Approved  Action details Not available
207566 4207566ResolutionThat the Administration prohibit the use of any facial recognition technology by the City.Work completed  Action details Not available
208109 4208109Public Communication15 residents submitting comments re: #207461 and #207498, Tree Protection Ordinances.Work completed  Action details Not available
208142 4208142OrdinanceBanning the usage of facial recognition technology in Somerville.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
208228 4208228Public CommunicationDavid Bresnick submitting comments re: #207461 and #207498, Tree Protection Ordinance.Work completed  Action details Not available
208517 4208517Mayor's RequestRequesting the change of voting locations of the following two Ward 3 Polling Locations due to the High School construction project, effective immediately: Ward 3 Precinct 1 to the Properzi Manor, 13-25 Warren Ave, and Ward 3 Precinct 2 to the Cummings School, 42 Prescott St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208523 4208523Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $22,110 grant with no new match required, from DHS/ FEMA to the Fire Department for Technical Rescue Training.Approved  Action details Not available
208447 4208447Public Communication9 residents submitting comments re: protected bike lanes.Work completed  Action details Not available
208523 5208523Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $22,110 grant with no new match required, from DHS/ FEMA to the Fire Department for Technical Rescue Training.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208520 5208520Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to transfer $308,485.12 from the Transportation and Infrastructure Special Items Account to the Capital Stabilization Fund for continued operations of the GLX Shuttle service.Approved  Action details Not available
208142 5208142OrdinanceBanning the usage of facial recognition technology in Somerville.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208521 5208521Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $100,000 from the MA Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative for a regional underage drinking prevention effort.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208522 5208522Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a multi-year grant for $94,662.16 per year (FY20, 21 and 22) with no new match required, from the MA Department of Public Health to the Health and Human Services Department for Tobacco Control Prevention.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208519 5208519Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $308,485.12 from the Capital Stabilization fund for continued operations of the Green Line Shuttle service.Approved  Action details Not available
208348 5208348OrderThat the City Council be provided with the employees’ names for each position listed in the FY20 Municipal Budget book, prior to the start of the June 6 Finance Committee meeting.Work completed  Action details Not available
208576 6208576OrderThat the Director of SPCD provide a quarterly update regarding implementation of a universal waiting list for affordable housing opportunities.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
208573 6208573OrderThat this City Council, In collaboration with the School Committee and the Administration, particularly the Director of Parks and the City Solicitor, draft a "Local Title IX" ordinance ensuring equal opportunity and spending on the basis of gender identity to athletic and academic programs offered by the City.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
208519 6208519Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $308,485.12 from the Capital Stabilization fund for continued operations of the Green Line Shuttle service.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
207868 6207868Public Communication5 residents submitting comments re: #207461 and #207498, Tree Protection Ordinances.Work completed  Action details Not available
208019 6208019Public CommunicationAnne Taylor submitting comments re: #207461 and #207498, Tree Protection Ordinance.Work completed  Action details Not available
208344 6208344Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $55,739 from the Dilboy Enterprise Fund Retained Earnings Account to subsidize the FY2020 Dilboy Enterprise Fund Budget.Approved  Action details Not available
208419 6208419Mayor's RequestRequesting a transfer of $3,846 from the Executive Administration Official Celebrations Account to the Fire Department Overtime Account to pay overtime related to the Memorial Day Celebrations.Approved  Action details Not available
208410 6208410Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a transfer of $67,811 from the DPW Highway Ordinary Maintenance Account to the DPW Snow Removal Account to mitigate the Snow Removal Deficit.Approved  Action details Not available
208413 6208413Mayor's RequestRequesting a transfer of $40,000 from the Unemployment Compensation Insurance Account to the DPW Snow Removal Account to mitigate the Snow Removal Deficit.Approved  Action details Not available
208336 6208336Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $238,234,626 to fund the General Fund Operating Budget for FY2020.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208338 6208338Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $1,100,000 from Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to reduce the FY2020 Tax Levy.Approved  Action details Not available
208345 6208345Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $375,705 for the FY2020 Cable Television PEG Access Fund Budget.Approved  Action details Not available
208346 6208346Mayor's RequestRequesting the approval of FY2020 expenditure limitations for departmental Revolving Funds.Approved  Action details Not available
208339 6208339Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of the provisions of MGL c44, s53F1/2 establishing an Enterprise Fund for the Kennedy School Pool.Approved  Action details Not available
208340 6208340Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $795,675 in order to fund the FY2020 Kennedy School Pool Enterprise Fund Budget.Approved  Action details Not available
208343 6208343Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $225,739 to fund the FY2020 Dilboy Enterprise Fund Budget.Approved  Action details Not available
208341 6208341Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $928,436 to fund the FY2020 Veterans Memorial & Founders Ice Rink Enterprise Fund Budget.Placed on file  Action details Not available
208342 6208342Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $35,115 from the Veterans Memorial Ice Rink Retained Earnings Account to subsidize the FY2020 Veterans Memorial Ice Rink Enterprise Fund Budget.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
208520 6208520Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to transfer $308,485.12 from the Transportation and Infrastructure Special Items Account to the Capital Stabilization Fund for continued operations of the GLX Shuttle service.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208409 6208409Mayor's RequestRequesting a transfer of $100,000 from the Health and Life Insurance Personal Services Account to the CPA Fund.Approved  Action details Not available
208403 6208403Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $1,573,539 from Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Capital Projects Stabilization Fund.Approved  Action details Not available
208412 6208412Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a transfer of $43,000 from the DPW Fleet Division to the DPW Snow Removal Account to mitigate the snow removal deficit.Approved  Action details Not available
208408 6208408Mayor's RequestRequesting a transfer of $285,202 from the Health Insurance Fund to the DPW Snow Removal Account to mitigate the snow removal deficit.Approved  Action details Not available
208407 6208407Mayor's RequestRequesting a transfer of $1,138,103 from the Salary Contingency Salaries Account to the Salary & Wage Stabilization Fund.Approved  Action details Not available
208404 6208404Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $1,000,000 from Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Green Line Extension Stabilization Fund.Approved  Action details Not available
208402 6208402Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $1,800,000 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Salary and Wage Stabilization Fund.Approved  Action details Not available
208397 6208397OrdinanceRequesting approval to amend Ordinances 2-322 and 2-323 re: municipal salary ranges.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
208397 7208397OrdinanceRequesting approval to amend Ordinances 2-322 and 2-323 re: municipal salary ranges.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208398 7208398Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $27,702,978 to fund the FY20 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget.Approved  Action details Not available
208402 7208402Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $1,800,000 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Salary and Wage Stabilization Fund.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208404 7208404Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $1,000,000 from Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Green Line Extension Stabilization Fund.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208407 7208407Mayor's RequestRequesting a transfer of $1,138,103 from the Salary Contingency Salaries Account to the Salary & Wage Stabilization Fund.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208408 7208408Mayor's RequestRequesting a transfer of $285,202 from the Health Insurance Fund to the DPW Snow Removal Account to mitigate the snow removal deficit.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
208412 7208412Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a transfer of $43,000 from the DPW Fleet Division to the DPW Snow Removal Account to mitigate the snow removal deficit.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available