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Meeting Name: Public Health and Public Safety Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/5/2019 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
207464 2207464Officer's CommunicationDirector of Health and Human Services responding to #207378 re: the teen snow shoveling program.Work completed  Action details Not available
205496 3205496OrderThat the City Clerk invite the Clerk Magistrate of the Somerville District Court to meet with the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety to discuss drug courts.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
206427 3206427OrderThat the Superintendent of Inspectional Services report on whether or not an increased amount of construction can lead to more lead exposure, and what measures ISD uses to ensure contractors limit the release of lead into the soil or air.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
205933 3205933OrderThat the Director of SPCD inform this Board of plans to regulate or enable dockless bikes, and share information on the City’s contractual relationship with Hubway/BlueBikes.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
206396 3206396OrderThat the Director of SPCD and other City staff report to this Board on the Bird electric dockless scooter program and how the Administration plans to deal with it.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207040 3207040OrderThat the Chief of Police and the Chief Fire Engineer, and related staff, discuss how each department receives and handles a 911 call, including the dispatch of State Police, E911, Fire Alarm, and Cataldo Ambulance, and including the handling of asthmatic-related emergencies.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207041 3207041OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services, or related staff, discuss education efforts for the general public or child-serving providers on how to determine the severity of an asthma attack.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207042 3207042CommunicationExpressing the intent to work towards helping improve systems involving emergency response, care and education related to asthma.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207162 3207162OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services develop a resident checklist for emergency preparedness, including plans to help needy neighbors, and including the "Are You OK" Program.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207275 3207275OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services discuss key points from the Youth Risk Survey with the Public Health and Public Safety Committee.Work completed  Action details Not available
207276 3207276ResolutionThat the Administration provide any analysis, considerations, or existing practices for reducing ordinance violation fines for lower-income households.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207328 3207328OrderThat the Chief of Police, in conjunction with the Administration, advise this Board of the protocol for notifying the public and families when there is an incident in a public building.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207329 3207329OrderThat the Chief of Police, in conjunction with the Administration, advise this Board on school-related safety policies and procedures listed within.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207377 3207377OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services inform this Board of the protocol for communicating with the public about any particular patterns in seasonal flu or colds.Work completed  Action details Not available
207378 3207378OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services inform this Board of how the teen snow shoveling program is going this year.Work completed  Action details Not available
207441 3207441OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services report to this Board on the feasibility of situating a Safe Injection Facility here.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207446 3207446OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services inform this Board’s Committee on Public Health and Public Safety about Cambridge Health Alliance's plans to turn Somerville Hospital’s Emergency Department into an urgent care center.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207102 4207102CommunicationCity Solicitor responding to #205934 re: drone use regulations.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
206421 4206421OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services develop a FAQ about the local implementation of medical and recreational marijuana sales.Work completed  Action details Not available
205934 4205934OrderThat the City Solicitor inform this Board of any applicable regulations related to the use of drones.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
206291 4206291ResolutionThat this Board commends the MA Senate on passing Senate Bill 2562 "An Act Relative to Gender Identity on MA Identification" which allows a person to designate "X" for gender on an application for a driver's license and other official identification and further, that this Board encourages the MA House of Representatives to advance similar legislation.Work completed  Action details Not available
206585 4206585ResolutionThat the Administration share a more comprehensive set of goals related to air quality based on CAFEH study results, when or if available.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
206835 4206835OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services and the Commissioner of Public Works install NO SMOKING signs in the public parks in and around Ward 7 and Davis Square.Work completed  Action details Not available
206854 4206854OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services work with the Public Schools to allow whole fruits to be saved for use as snacks, given that many children often go without snacks.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
206856 4206856ResolutionThat the Administration consider a public information effort to inform the community about code violations that impact public safety, such as improper lead paint removal.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
206857 4206857OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services discuss conducting a workshop for parents and adult caregivers to help them better understand risks, indicators of use, and strategies of intervention for tween/teen substance use.Work completed  Action details Not available
206859 4206859OrderThat the Chief of Police share his view of how and when residents should call the Police or 311 for emergency and non-emergency matters, including which number to call, and consider holding a discussion on the topic that includes different stakeholders.Work completed  Action details Not available
206949 4206949OrderThat the Chief of Police report on the effectiveness of recent block closures for Halloween and discuss whether or not the program may be expanded.Work completed  Action details Not available
205684 4205684OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services appear before this Board to discuss efforts to support individuals on the autism spectrum and educate first responders about autism.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
205697 4205697ResolutionThat the Administration update this Board on a municipal ID program for all residents, including any input from local immigrant advocacy groups, residents and non-profit organizations.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
204724 4204724OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services present the Assessment and Plan in follow-up to the recently released City Wellness Report.Work completed  Action details Not available
204860 4204860OrderThat the Director of SPCD arrange a meeting with the MBTA and this Board to discuss the elimination of the Route 95 bus stop on Mystic Avenue across from Fremont Street, and how that stop can be restored with proper lighting, markings, etc.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
205828 4205828ResolutionThat the Administration update this Board on maintaining bus shelters or installing new shelters, such as the #90 bus stop at Assembly Square.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
205829 4205829OrderThat the Superintendent of Inspectional Services and other enforcing departments report to this Board on enforcing business signage laws, especially for alcohol, tobacco or marijuana advertisements.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
205909 4205909ResolutionThat the Administration, MA DEP, and Eversource explain to this Board the cause of the recent oil spill in the Mystic River near Assembly Square, the plan to clean it up, and any information residents should be aware of for safety.Work completed  Action details Not available
205785 5205785OrderThat the City Solicitor update this Board on the current status of the draft ordinance regulating Airbnb.Work completed  Action details Not available
205825 5205825ResolutionThat the Administration provide an update on the range of projected revenue from recreational marijuana facilities how these funds may be used.Work completed  Action details Not available
205826 5205826ResolutionThat the Administration consider, as part of its facilities planning process and its ongoing development of programs like 311, libraries, recreation and neighborhood policing, ways to establish multi-purpose neighborhood-based service centers.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
203004 7203004ResolutionThat the Mayor work with the State Delegation on an agreement with the State to permit City crossing guards at the crosswalks at Highland Avenue and McGrath Highway, and to permit the Police Department to enforce traffic laws there.Kept in committee  Action details Not available