City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/27/2018 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber-City Hall-93 Highland Avenue
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
206708 1206708Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Confirmation of Appointments and Personnel Matters, meeting on September 17, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
206712 1206712Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Housing and Community Development, meeting on September 19, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
206713 1206713Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Legislative Matters, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on September 20, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
206709 1206709Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Confirmation of Appointments and Personnel Matters, meeting on September 24, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
206710 1206710Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on September 25, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
206674 1206674Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
206675 1206675MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, August 23, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
206677 1206677Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource to install 70 feet of conduit in Montgomery Ave from Pole 549/1 to a point of pickup at 7 Montgomery Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
206678 1206678Grant of LocationSubmitted by Comcast to install 13 feet of conduit in Highland Ave from a Verizon Manhole at 123 Highland Ave to a new manhole, then to continue with another 77 feet of conduit from that manhole to a point of pickup at 117 Highland Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
206679 1206679Grant of LocationSubmitted by Comcast to install 106 feet of conduit in Highland Ave from Pole 198/9 to a point of pickup at 346 Highland Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
206722 1206722Public EventPublic Event License, HONK! Festival, Davis Sq area, Oct 5 2-9:30PM, Oct 6 10AM-10PM, Oct 7 10AM-2PM.Approved  Action details Not available
206723 1206723Public EventPublic Event License, HONK! Festival Musicians Party, ArtFarm, Oct 6-7, 4PM-2AM.Approved  Action details Not available
206724 1206724Public EventPublic Event License, SomerStreets Monster Mashed Up, Somerville Ave from Park St to Warren Ave, Oct 14, Noon-8PM (raindate Oct 28).Approved  Action details Not available
206725 1206725Public EventPublic Event License, Boston-Prichard Block Party, Boston Ave from Kidder Ave to Prichard Ave, Oct 14, 3:30-6PM (raindate Oct 21).Approved  Action details Not available
206727 1206727Public EventPublic Event License, Taza Chocolate Day of the Dead Celebration, Windsor Pl from Windsor St to Columbia St, Oct 27, 10AM-6PM (raindate Oct 28).Approved  Action details Not available
206728 1206728Public EventPublic Event License, Lexington Ave Halloween Block Party, Lexington Ave from Willow Ave to Cedar St, Oct 31, 5-10PM.Approved  Action details Not available
206729 1206729Public EventPublic Event License, Somerville Honor Run, Davis Sq area, Nov 11, 5AM-3PM.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206730 1206730Public EventPublic Event License, Boston Turkey Trot 8K Run, Assembly Row-Mystic Reservation, Nov 22, 4AM-Noon.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206726 1206726Public EventPublic Event License, Haunted Hall, City Hall Concourse, Oct 18, 5-8PM (raindate Oct 25).Approved  Action details Not available
206731 1206731LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Nissenbaum Auto Parts, 480 Columbia St.Approved  Action details Not available
206732 1206732LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, Nine Bar Espresso, 11 Holland St.Approved  Action details Not available
206733 1206733LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, The Burren, 247 Elm St.Approved  Action details Not available
206734 1206734LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Thai Massage, 55 Union Sq.Approved  Action details Not available
206735 1206735Public CommunicationAttorney Robert McLaughlin, Sr., submitting a court decision relevant to #206003, an Order of Taking for 90 Washington St.Placed on file  Action details Not available
206736 1206736Public CommunicationEric Schwartz submitting comments re: #206285, a proposed Adult Use Marijuana Zoning Ordinance.Placed on file  Action details Not available
206737 1206737Public CommunicationSMEA President Ed Halloran submitting comments re: #205501, an Administrative Order for the appointment of school physicians and nurses by the School Committee.Placed on file  Action details Not available
206754 1206754LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Theta Delta Chi, 123 Packard Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206755 1206755Public CommunicationSomerville Climate Coalition updating this Board on their attempts to address climate change, pursuant to #206745.Placed on file  Action details Not available
206711 2206711ResolutionThat the Administration provide this Board with a running total of all grant funding, by department, for the last four fiscal years, including the dates and amounts of each grant.Approved  Action details Not available
206743 2206743ResolutionOpposing a Federal Communications Commission Declaratory Ruling and Third Report and Order regarding Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment.Approved  Action details Not available
206714 2206714OrderThat the City Solicitor draft a Home Rule Petition to increase the membership of the Somerville Redevelopment Authority from 5 to 7.Approved  Action details Not available
206744 2206744OrderThat the City Solicitor appear before this Board on September 27, 2018 and explain how a City asset, and physical building, like the Homans Building, can be demolished without the approval of this Board.Laid on the table  Action details Not available
206745 2206745OrderThat the Somerville Climate Coalition provide this Board with updates on their attempts to address climate change.Approved  Action details Not available
206746 2206746OrderThat the Director of SPCD, with the Finance and SomerStat Departments, construct modeling that demonstrates the likely economic impacts of various commercial types on commercial development, jobs, housing, and other factors, and advise if there should there be caps on any business type when in conflict with SomerVision’s goals.Approved  Action details Not available
206740 2206740OrderThat the City Clerk and/or the appropriate city staff, discuss with this Board the current event permit application process for public event street closures.Approved  Action details Not available
206741 2206741OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works report to this Board how a utility pole on Belmont Street, behind St. Catherine's Church, came down on September 23, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
206742 2206742OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works report to this Board why a previous Order, #205803, regarding a dangerously curved utility pole on Belmont Street, has not been responded to.Approved  Action details Not available
206676 2206676CitationCommending George Wood on the auspicious occasion of his retirement after 36 years of dedicated service to the City.Approved  Action details Not available
206738 2206738CommunicationReporting on the High School Building Committee meeting of September 24, 2018.Placed on file  Action details Not available
206739 2206739OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking consider placing traffic safety signage at the intersection of Willow Avenue, Broadway and Bristol Road.Approved  Action details Not available
206719 2206719CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Eleanor Rances to the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206720 2206720CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Paula Vancini to the Ethics Commission.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206718 2206718CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Christopher Allen to the Licensing Commissioner.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206680 2206680ResolutionThat a representative of the Board of Health and the Administration work with the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety to revamp the City's current ordinances and regulations for the use of tobacco and cannabis products in public places, and recommend signage and posting locations to inform the public where the consumption of those products is prohibited, with the fines for violation.Approved  Action details Not available
206681 2206681ResolutionThat the Administration update this Board on the wage theft ordinance that was enacted several years ago.Approved  Action details Not available
206682 2206682WithdrawnWithdrawn.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
206683 2206683ResolutionThat the Administration provide this Board, in writing, the lessons learned from the gas explosion in Lawrence, Andover and North Andover.Approved  Action details Not available
206684 2206684OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment update this Board on the City's 2050 carbon neutral goals.Approved  Action details Not available
206688 2206688OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the broken sidewalk panels on Crown Street near Porter Street.Approved  Action details Not available
206685 2206685OrderThat the Director of SPCD report to this Board on when various necessary improvements to the Union Square traffic pattern, including an "All-Walk" cycle and left-turn arrows at certain intersections, will be implemented.Approved  Action details Not available
206687 2206687OrderThat the Director of Engineering build a crosswalk to allow pedestrians to safely cross Washington Street at the Public Safety Building.Approved  Action details Not available
206689 2206689OrderThat the Superintendent of Inspectional Services address the dramatic increase in rat sightings on Wesley Park, Bow Street and Montrose Street and discuss baiting and examining nearby garbage dumpsters and public waste bins.Approved  Action details Not available
206686 2206686OrderThat the Chief of Police consider deploying a traffic safety officer on Summer Street, near Belmont and Lowell Streets, weekdays from 2 to 3 PM to aid children crossing the street, and report back in writing to this Board.Approved  Action details Not available
206690 2206690ResolutionApproving “A Call to Prevent Nuclear War,” urging the US government to take steps to avoid nuclear war, such as renouncing the first use of nuclear weapons, taking nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert, and ending the unchecked authority of the President to launch a nuclear attack.Laid on the table  Action details Not available
206691 2206691OrderThat the Director of SPCD prioritize for this Board the traffic calming projects in the City, and the process to determine those priorities.Approved  Action details Not available
206692 2206692ResolutionThat the Administration update this Board on the contract negotiations regarding the school nurses.Approved  Action details Not available
206696 2206696OrderThat this Board discharge #206660 from the Legislative Matters Committee for consideration at this meeting: “Assistant City Solicitor responding to #203822 re: regulating the length of real property license agreements.”Approved  Action details Not available
206693 2206693OrderThat the Director of SPCD or the Director of Traffic and Parking alter the cycle of the traffic signals at Lowell Street and Highland Avenue ASAP to allow more time for vehicles to turn onto Highland Avenue from Lowell Street, especially during the morning rush hour, to alleviate the traffic backup on Hudson Street when the Cedar Street/Highland Avenue intersection is closed for construction.Approved  Action details Not available
206694 2206694OrderThat the Director of Engineering assess the drainage and flooding problems on Alpine Street near Lowell Street and report to the Ward 5 Alderman on what the City can do now and should do in the future to relieve the problems.Approved  Action details Not available
206695 2206695OrderThat the Director of SPCD report to this Board on any discussions with our state delegation to increase the per-ride assessment that ride-share companies pay, and how this Board could advocate for an increase.Approved  Action details Not available
206697 2206697CommunicationUpdating this Board on recent meetings and actions of the Traffic Commission.Placed on file  Action details Not available
206698 2206698OrderThat the Director of SPCD establish an advisory service to help residents learn how to reduce storm water runoff, cool their yards and homes naturally, plant and preserve trees, reduce invasive species, and waive dumpster parking permit fees for households undertaking de-paving efforts.Approved  Action details Not available
206699 2206699ResolutionThat the Administration provide information regarding the transfer of some Kennedy Pool functions to the Parks and Recreation Department.Approved  Action details Not available
206700 2206700OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works explain the city’s options for reducing the number of unused utility lines connecting to properties.Approved  Action details Not available
206701 2206701OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works report on the materials and practices used for school cleaning in terms of their impact on childhood health conditions, such as asthma.Approved  Action details Not available
206702 2206702ResolutionConveying its appreciation to the Health and Human Services Department for arranging to deliver flu shots to school communities at school drop-off times.Approved  Action details Not available
206704 2206704OrderThat the Director of SomerStat collect data on drug related arrests and all police stops that don’t result in an arrest and present them to the public at ResiStat meetings.Approved  Action details Not available
206705 2206705OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works fill all potholes along Otis and Tufts streets.Approved  Action details Not available
206703 2206703OrderThat the Director of Housing Stability create a list of benevolent landlords who charge below market rate for housing, to identify possible homes for residents on housing wait lists.Approved  Action details Not available
206707 2206707ResolutionThat the Administration endeavor to add a properly signed and signaled crosswalk at 45 Beacon Street to enhance safety for residents accessing the Whole Foods Market.Approved  Action details Not available
206706 2206706ResolutionThat the Administration report, in writing, on the current status of an Acquisition Fund to increase the City's ability to buy parcels for open space. (2nd request)Approved  Action details Not available
206715 3206715Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a Confirmatory Reciprocal Easement over Block 11 in Assembly Square.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206666 3206666ResolutionThat the Administration adopt a holistic urban development approach, following the Cuidad Dulce (Sweet City) model, that attends to all members of the community, especially marginalized populations, both human and nature.Laid on the table  Action details Not available
206717 3206717CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Jorge Morel to the position of Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206716 3206716Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation and authorization to borrow $7,350,000 in a bond for the renovation/construction of the West Branch Library.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206721 3206721Mayor's RequestCity Solicitor requesting approval of Pierce Atwood as outside legal counsel.Approved  Action details Not available
206753 3206753CommunicationFinance Director responding to #206385 Re: Projected State Aid.Placed on file  Action details Not available
206752 3206752Mayor's RequestAssistant City Solicitor submitting a Home Rule Petition that would increase the membership of the Redevelopment Authority from 5 to 7 members.Approved as amended  Action details Not available
206748 3206748CommunicationRequesting the position of School Committee Members be classified as a Special Municipal Employees pursuant to MGL c268A.Approved  Action details Not available
206660 4206660OrdinanceAssistant City Solicitor responding to #203822 re: regulating the length of real property license agreements.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
206751 4206751Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $87 using available funds in the Personnel Office Supplies Account for printer toner.Approved  Action details Not available
206750 4206750Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $114.85 using available funds in the Personnel Department's Office Supplies Account for printer toner.Approved  Action details Not available
204533 4204533ResolutionThat the Administration request that the developers of the long-vacant Cobble Hill Plaza update this Board on their plans.Work completed  Action details Not available
202258 4202258Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations re: #200102 (inclusionary housing), with respect to Tenancy Preservation.Placed on file  Action details Not available
202259 4202259Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations re: #200102 (inclusionary housing), with respect to Waiting Lists.Placed on file  Action details Not available
204967 4204967OrderThat the Director of SPCD provide this Board with the street repaving schedule for 2018.Work completed  Action details Not available
205099 4205099OrderThat the Director of Libraries share his vision for neighborhood access to branch libraries and/or library services.Work completed  Action details Not available
206749 4206749Mayor's RequestRequesting a transfer of $10,000 from the Housing Division Personal Services Account to the Housing Sustainability Division Ordinary Maintenance Account for department startup costs.Approved  Action details Not available
205245 4205245ResolutionCondemning the outsourcing of 100 medical coding jobs by Partners Healthcare to India, and requesting from Partners Healthcare how many of those jobs were based in Somerville and/or held by Somerville residents.Work completed  Action details Not available
205931 4205931OrderThat the Director of SPCD inform this Board of any plans to update the Housing Needs Assessment.Work completed  Action details Not available
206057 4206057OrderThat the Director of SPCD make the online decision/report database searchable by applicant name.Work completed  Action details Not available
206165 4206165OrderThat the Director of SPCD provide this Board with an update on apartment vacancies in the 100 Homes Program.Work completed  Action details Not available
205287 4205287OrderThat the Community Preservation Act Manager inform this Board whether or not small open spaces can be designated as publicly accessible open space in combination with an affordable housing or historic preservation funding allocation.Work completed  Action details Not available
205524 5205524CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Francis Otting to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
205523 5205523CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Timothy Donovan to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
205522 5205522CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Marc Ardolino to the position of Fire Captain.Approved  Action details Not available
206453 5206453CommunicationRequesting an Exemption Under Section 20(b) of Chapter 268A on behalf of employee David Capuano.Approved  Action details Not available
206444 5206444Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay two prior year invoices totaling $3,550 using available funds in the FY2019 Communications Department Professional Services and Employee Training Courses Accounts.Approved  Action details Not available
206324 5206324Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $250,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for the purchase of IT computer equipment.Approved  Action details Not available
206325 5206325Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $200,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for the purchase of Firefighter Protective Bunker Gear.Approved  Action details Not available
205317 5205317Officer's CommunicationDirector of Libraries responding to #205099 re: the Libraries' vision for neighborhood access to branch libraries and services.Work completed  Action details Not available
204851 5204851ResolutionThat the Administration update this Board on its efforts to form an Office of Housing Stability, as recommended by the Sustainable Neighborhoods Working Group and mentioned in the Mayor’s recent inaugural address.Work completed  Action details Not available
204863 5204863ResolutionThat the Administration update this Board on the former Winter Hill Star Market and the associated lawsuit, as requested in #201772.Work completed  Action details Not available
205098 5205098ResolutionThat the Administration update this Board on opportunities for expanded advertisement of the city’s tax deferral program, and other tools that may help seniors and homeowners on fixed incomes to achieve financial stability.Work completed  Action details Not available
206600 5206600CommunicationRequesting the appointment of David Stiltner to the position of Fire Captain.Approved  Action details Not available
206601 5206601CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Jay McKenzie to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
206602 5206602CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Andrew Patriquin to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
206603 5206603CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Michael Kilduff to the position of Fire Fighter.Approved  Action details Not available
206604 5206604CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Marika DuVal to the position of Police Officer.Approved  Action details Not available
206605 5206605CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Aaron Smith to the position of Police Officer.Approved  Action details Not available
206606 5206606CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Courtney Coulombe to the position of Police Officer.Approved  Action details Not available
206607 5206607CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Erik Corricelli to the position of Police Officer.Approved  Action details Not available
206608 5206608CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Melissa Dooley to the position of Police Officer.Approved  Action details Not available
206747 5206747Officer's CommunicationRequesting the adoption of a New Zoning Ordinance (9/2018 update) to supersede the current Zoning Ordinance as originally adopted on March 23, 1990.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
206595 6206595Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $1,007,566 from the Parks Stabilization Fund for the renovation and restoration of Prospect Hill Park.Approved  Action details Not available
204884 6204884OrderThat this Board explore establishing a community-based independent Community Land Trust that can purchase property in conjunction with non-profit organizations and private citizens, and make housing permanently affordable.Work completed  Action details Not available
203275 6203275OrderThat the Director of SPCD update this Board on plans developed in 2013-2015 to redevelop the outdoor space at the Brown School, and work with the Superintendent of Schools, the Brown School Council and PTA, neighbors, and other stakeholders to improve the space.Work completed  Action details Not available
203698 6203698OrderThat the Director of SPCD discuss options property owners have to split lots in residential neighborhoods.Work completed  Action details Not available
203822 6203822OrderThat this Board's Committee on Legislative Matters draft appropriate language to require this Board's approval of certain licenses entered into by the City for a term of more than 3 years.Work completed  Action details Not available
203981 6203981OrderThat the Director of SPCD develop a Memorial Bench Program for public parks, the Community Path and other public property, and report back to this Board by October 12, 2017.Work completed  Action details Not available
204402 6204402CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Jane Carbone to the Community Preservation Committee.Approved  Action details Not available
205127 6205127CommunicationDirector of SPCD responding to #203981 re: a memorial bench donation program.Work completed  Action details Not available
206450 6206450Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $3,750 grant with no new match required, from the MA Office of Public Safety and Security to the Police Department for pedestrian and bicycle safety enforcement.Approved  Action details Not available
206449 6206449Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $12,000 grant with no new match required, from the MA Office of Public Safety and Security to the Police Department for the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket Mobilization Programs.Approved  Action details Not available
206448 6206448Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $37,315 grant with no new match required, from the MA Department of Mental Health to the Police Department, for the Jail Diversion Program.Approved  Action details Not available
206446 6206446Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $298,280 grant with no new match required, from the MA Department of Mental Health to the Police Department, for Crisis Intervention Team training.Approved  Action details Not available
206443 6206443Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a transfer of $15,000 in the Police Department, from the Detention Attendants Account to the Salary and Wages Temporary Account, to fund Matron Salaries.Approved  Action details Not available
206598 6206598Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of an $8,500 grant with no new match required, from the MA Cultural Council to the Arts Council for unrestricted operational support.Approved  Action details Not available
206596 6206596Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $17,805.91 from the Union Square Stabilization Fund for legal services.Approved  Action details Not available
206597 6206597Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $37,500 grant with no new match required, from the MA Cultural Council to the Arts Council for the Local Cultural Council regrant program.Approved  Action details Not available
205676 6205676Officer's CommunicationCommunity Preservation Manager responding to #205287 re: current practices on designating open space in CPA affordable housing and historic resources projects.Work completed  Action details Not available
202497 7202497ResolutionThat the Superintendent of Schools share plans with the Ward 7 Alderman to mitigate the negative student enrollment at the West Somerville Neighborhood School caused by the proposed Clarendon/North Street Public Housing project.Work completed  Action details Not available
200700 13200700OrderThat the Director of SPCD report to this Board on the plan and timeline for implementing the recommendations in the recent report of the Sustainable Neighborhoods Working Group.Work completed  Action details Not available