City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/8/2022 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
213016 3213016Mayor's CommunicationConveying a request for City Council input on priorities for the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212883 5212883Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $808,639 from the Salary and Wage Stabilization Fund to the Police Department Personal Services, Other Lump Sum Benefits Account to fund retroactive payments for a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Somerville and the Somerville Police Superior Officers Association.Approved  Action details Not available
212896 5212896Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $25,600 grant with no new match required, from MEMA/FEMA's Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) for the purchase of 911 Center planning consultant services.Approved  Action details Not available
212888 5212888Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $591,442 from the Medical Marijuana Stabilization Fund for implementing related priorities.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212884 5212884Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $174,882 from the Salary Contingency Account to the Police Department Personal Services Accounts to fund a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Somerville and the Somerville Police Superior Officers Association.Approved  Action details Not available
212846 5212846OrdinanceProposing an ordinance relative to a mid-fiscal year report of municipal finances, with next-fiscal year budget projections.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212998 5212998Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $74,400 grant with no new match required, from the MA Office of Public Safety for Police Department staffing.Approved  Action details Not available
212999 5212999Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $34,896.32 grant with no new match required, from the MA Executive Office of Public Safety & Security to the Fire Department for the purchase of portable radios.Approved  Action details Not available
212889 5212889Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Assembly Square Off-Site Infrastructure Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to said Fund of $687,260 from the Alta Xmbly Development project, for off site infrastructure to support and enhance the surrounding neighborhoods.Approved  Action details Not available
212890 5212890Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Assembly Square Public Realm and Area Improvements Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to said Fund of $549,808 from the Alta Xmbly Development project, to support and enhance the public realm in the surrounding neighborhoods.Approved  Action details Not available
212891 5212891Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Assembly Square Transit Area Improvements Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to said Fund of $103,089 from the Alta Xmbly Development project, for transit area improvements to support and enhance the surrounding neighborhoods.Approved  Action details Not available
212897 6212897Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $15,000 grant with no new match required, from MA Department of Energy Resources to the Office of Sustainability and Environment for conducting a feasibility study regarding adding battery backup systems to municipal owned buildings.Approved  Action details Not available
212895 6212895Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance, and approval to expend, a $49,980 grant with no new match required, from MA Office of Public Safety and Security to the Police Department for traffic enforcement programs.Not approved  Action details Not available
212935 6212935Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to amend a contract with Design Consultants for an additional 2 years and $53,146.25, for final work related to the Beacon St. Roadway construction project.Approved  Action details Not available