City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/23/2021 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Meeting by Remote Participation
Online Meeting - See Below
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
212678 1212678LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealer's Class 2 License, Barnes and Walsh, 224 Somerville Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
212679 1212679LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 3, Ed's Used Auto Parts, 516 Columbia St.Approved  Action details Not available
212680 1212680LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Executive Auto Leasing and Sales, 30 Medford St.Approved  Action details Not available
212681 1212681LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Green Automotive, 600 Windsor Pl.Approved  Action details Not available
212682 1212682LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Master Used Cars, 121 Prospect St.Approved  Action details Not available
212683 1212683LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 3, Nissenbaum Auto Parts, 0 Windsor St.Approved  Action details Not available
212684 1212684LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 3, Nissenbaum Auto Parts, 480 Columbia St.Approved  Action details Not available
212685 1212685LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Real Auto Shop, 463 McGrath Hwy.Approved  Action details Not available
212686 1212686LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Somerville Motors, 182 Washington St.Approved  Action details Not available
212687 1212687LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, United Motors, 188 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
212688 1212688LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Web Motor Sales, 5 Middlesex Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
212689 1212689LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Webster Auto Sales, 61 Prospect St.Approved  Action details Not available
212690 1212690LicenseRenewing Open Air Vendor License, Next Wave-Full Circle School, 8 Bonair St.Approved  Action details Not available
212691 1212691LicenseRenewing Outdoor Goods License, When Pigs Fly, 241 Elm St.Approved  Action details Not available
212692 1212692LicenseRenewing Outdoor Goods License, 130 Broadway LLC, for Fat Hen and Perfect Dental.Approved  Action details Not available
212655 1212655Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Confirmation of Appointments and Personnel Matters, meeting on November 16, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212656 1212656Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Land Use, meeting on November 16, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212657 1212657Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Land Use, meeting on November 22, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212658 1212658Committee ReportReport of the Special Committee on Rules, meeting on November 22, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212651 1212651Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212652 1212652RemembrancesRemembrances.Approved  Action details Not available
212653 1212653MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, October 28, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212654 1212654Mayor's RequestChief Assessor presenting proposed FY2022 Tax Classifications and requesting: 1) the adoption of a residential factor of 86.0377, the minimum allowable for the City for FY2022; and 2) the acceptance of MGL c59 s5C, approving a residential exemption of 35% of average assessed value for owner occupied properties for FY2022.Approved  Action details Not available
212702 1212702Officer's CommunicationCity Clerk conveying the non-binding votes of the 2022 City Council Caucus.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212695 1212695CommunicationReporting on discussions and decisions of the Traffic Commission from July through November 2021.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212700 1212700CommunicationCity Clerk requesting confirmation of the appointment of Bernabe Rodriguez to the position of Assistant City Clerk.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212703 1212703LicenseNew Drainlayer's License, NECM Corp.Approved  Action details Not available
212703 2212703LicenseNew Drainlayer's License, NECM Corp.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212704 2212704OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the granite monument at Veterans Memorial Cemetery on Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
212705 2212705OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works re-stripe the mid-block crosswalk on Perry Street connecting to Lincoln Park, and consider adding signage to call attention to the crosswalk for motorists.Approved  Action details Not available
212706 2212706OrderThat the Traffic Commission install a speed board on Willow Avenue, between Morrison Avenue and Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
212700 2212700CommunicationCity Clerk requesting confirmation of the appointment of Bernabe Rodriguez to the position of Assistant City Clerk.Work completed  Action details Not available
212659 2212659OrderThat the City Council approve four amendments to the Rules of the City Council, as written herein and as recommended by the Special Committee on Rules.Approved  Action details Not available
212696 2212696ResolutionThat the Traffic Commission install traffic calming on the streets surrounding the Brown School, in particular on Willow Avenue, between Morrison and Kidder Avenues, including consideration of a "Your Speed Is" radar sign.Approved  Action details Not available
212693 2212693CitationCommending Marjorie MacDonald for 43 years as the owner and operator of Margie's Salon.Approved  Action details Not available
212654 2212654Mayor's RequestChief Assessor presenting proposed FY2022 Tax Classifications and requesting: 1) the adoption of a residential factor of 86.0377, the minimum allowable for the City for FY2022; and 2) the acceptance of MGL c59 s5C, approving a residential exemption of 35% of average assessed value for owner occupied properties for FY2022.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212694 2212694OrderThat the Executive Director of OSPCD and the Director of Economic Development discuss the city's maintenance plan for tenants and occupants of the Arts at the Armory.Approved  Action details Not available
212692 2212692LicenseRenewing Outdoor Goods License, 130 Broadway LLC, for Fat Hen and Perfect Dental.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212691 2212691LicenseRenewing Outdoor Goods License, When Pigs Fly, 241 Elm St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212690 2212690LicenseRenewing Open Air Vendor License, Next Wave-Full Circle School, 8 Bonair St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212689 2212689LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Webster Auto Sales, 61 Prospect St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212688 2212688LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Web Motor Sales, 5 Middlesex Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212687 2212687LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, United Motors, 188 Broadway.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212686 2212686LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Somerville Motors, 182 Washington St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212685 2212685LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Real Auto Shop, 463 McGrath Hwy.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212684 2212684LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 3, Nissenbaum Auto Parts, 480 Columbia St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212683 2212683LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 3, Nissenbaum Auto Parts, 0 Windsor St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212682 2212682LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Master Used Cars, 121 Prospect St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212681 2212681LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Green Automotive, 600 Windsor Pl.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212680 2212680LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Executive Auto Leasing and Sales, 30 Medford St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212679 2212679LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 3, Ed's Used Auto Parts, 516 Columbia St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212678 2212678LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealer's Class 2 License, Barnes and Walsh, 224 Somerville Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212676 3212676Officer's CommunicationMemorialization Committee conveying the naming of the Teen Center at Somerville High School after Mayor Dorothy Kelly Gay.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212677 3212677Officer's CommunicationMemorialization Committee conveying the naming of the Media/Broadcasting Vocational space at Somerville High School after Barbara Galpin.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212675 3212675Officer's CommunicationCommissioner of Public Works submitting a memo in response to items #212569 and #211134 regarding the Snow Shoveling Pilot for FY22.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212671 3212671CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Jennifer Civitella Hilario to the Commission for Persons with Disabilities.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212672 3212672CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Henry Edward Hardy to the Commission for Persons with Disabilities.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212664 3212664Mayor's RequestRequesting an amendment to the Somerville High School Construction appropriation to a new amount of $283,859,233 and increasing the amount of bonds, fund transfers, and other available funds of the city authorized to meet said appropriation.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212666 3212666Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $52,050 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to various Ordinary Maintenance Accounts in the Communications-Office of Immigrant Affairs Department.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212665 3212665Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $148,950 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Communications-Office of Immigrant Affairs Salaries Account to establish several new positions.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212667 3212667Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $22,988 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to Communications-Office of Immigrant Affairs Salaries for salary adjustments.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212694 3212694OrderThat the Executive Director of OSPCD and the Director of Economic Development discuss the city's maintenance plan for tenants and occupants of the Arts at the Armory.Approved  Action details Not available
212697 3212697OrdinanceSubmitting proposed amendments to modernize the City's Biotechnology Ordinance.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212701 4212701Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations for proposed amendments to the Somerville Zoning Ordinance (items #212540, #212606, and #212541).Placed on file  Action details Not available
212672 4212672CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Henry Edward Hardy to the Commission for Persons with Disabilities.Work completed  Action details Not available
212674 4212674Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations for the following proposed amendments to the Somerville Zoning Ordinance (items #212308 and #212337).Placed on file  Action details Not available
212699 4212699Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $63,474.53 using available funds in the DPW Department from various Admin, Fleet, Buildings, Sanitation, and Highway accounts.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212661 4212661Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of the Clarendon Hill District Improvement Financing (DIF) Development Program.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212662 4212662Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of Clarendon Hill District Improvement Financing (DIF) Development District.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212671 4212671CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Jennifer Civitella Hilario to the Commission for Persons with Disabilities.Work completed  Action details Not available
212663 4212663Mayor's RequestRequesting the renaming of Cedar Street Place as Carole Place.Approved  Action details Not available
212632 4212632CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Timothy Houde to the position of Alternate Member of the Urban Design Commission.Approved  Action details Not available
212301 4212301Officer's CommunicationAP Davis Square Plaza, LP requesting the adoption of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Map to re-zone four parcels in Davis Square Plaza from MR-4 to Civic and CC-4.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
212540 4212540Officer's Communication10 registered voters requesting the adoption of a Zoning Map amendment to change the zoning district of 3 Prescott Street from UR to NR.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
212673 4212673Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations for proposed amendments to the Somerville Zoning Ordinance (items #212048, #212301, #212305, #212306, #212307, and #212309).Placed on file  Action details Not available
212630 4212630CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the promotion of Joseph G. Papetti to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
212622 4212622Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $1,481,578 from the Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Parking Meter Receipts Account in order to reduce the FY22 Tax Rate.Approved  Action details Not available
212698 4212698Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Encore Artist and Cultural Support Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to the Fund of $100,000 from Encore mitigations payments to support the Arts and Cultural activities and communities.Approved  Action details Not available
212631 4212631CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Cheri Ruane to the position of Full Member of the Urban Design Commission.Approved  Action details Not available
212633 4212633CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Jacques Thomas, Jr. to the position of Licensing Commission member.Approved  Action details Not available
212633 5212633CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Jacques Thomas, Jr. to the position of Licensing Commission member.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212631 5212631CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Cheri Ruane to the position of Full Member of the Urban Design Commission.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212698 5212698Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Encore Artist and Cultural Support Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to the Fund of $100,000 from Encore mitigations payments to support the Arts and Cultural activities and communities.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212622 5212622Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $1,481,578 from the Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Parking Meter Receipts Account in order to reduce the FY22 Tax Rate.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212668 5212668Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Assembly Square Off-Site Infrastructure Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to said Fund of $687,260 from the Alta Xmbly Development project, for off site infrastructure to support and enhance the surrounding neighborhoods.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212670 5212670Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Assembly Square Transit Area Improvements Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to said Fund of $103,089 from the Alta Xmbly Development project, for transit area improvements to support and enhance the surrounding neighborhoods.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212669 5212669Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Assembly Square Public Realm and Area Improvements Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to said Fund of $549,808 from the Alta Xmbly Development project, to support and enhance the public realm in the surrounding neighborhoods.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212630 5212630CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the promotion of Joseph G. Papetti to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212629 5212629CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the promotion of Daniel Costa to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
212540 5212540Officer's Communication10 registered voters requesting the adoption of a Zoning Map amendment to change the zoning district of 3 Prescott Street from UR to NR.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212301 5212301Officer's CommunicationAP Davis Square Plaza, LP requesting the adoption of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Map to re-zone four parcels in Davis Square Plaza from MR-4 to Civic and CC-4.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212526 5212526CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the promotion of Eli D. Kim to the position of Police Sergeant.Approved  Action details Not available
212632 5212632CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Timothy Houde to the position of Alternate Member of the Urban Design Commission.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212663 5212663Mayor's RequestRequesting the renaming of Cedar Street Place as Carole Place.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212697 5212697OrdinanceSubmitting proposed amendments to modernize the City's Biotechnology Ordinance.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212660 5212660Officer's CommunicationRequesting approval of amendments to Sections 3.1.14.a and 3.2.13.a Contextual Front Setbacks of the Neighborhood Residence and Urban Residence zoning districts of the Somerville Zoning Ordinance.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212660 6212660Officer's CommunicationRequesting approval of amendments to Sections 3.1.14.a and 3.2.13.a Contextual Front Setbacks of the Neighborhood Residence and Urban Residence zoning districts of the Somerville Zoning Ordinance.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212660 6212660Officer's CommunicationRequesting approval of amendments to Sections 3.1.14.a and 3.2.13.a Contextual Front Setbacks of the Neighborhood Residence and Urban Residence zoning districts of the Somerville Zoning Ordinance.Work completed  Action details Not available
212526 6212526CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the promotion of Eli D. Kim to the position of Police Sergeant.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212232 6212232OrderThat this Council adopt a code of conduct and anti-harassment policy.Work completed  Action details Not available
212629 6212629CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the promotion of Daniel Costa to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212669 6212669Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Assembly Square Public Realm and Area Improvements Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to said Fund of $549,808 from the Alta Xmbly Development project, to support and enhance the public realm in the surrounding neighborhoods.Work completed  Action details Not available
212670 6212670Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Assembly Square Transit Area Improvements Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to said Fund of $103,089 from the Alta Xmbly Development project, for transit area improvements to support and enhance the surrounding neighborhoods.Work completed  Action details Not available
212668 6212668Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Assembly Square Off-Site Infrastructure Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to said Fund of $687,260 from the Alta Xmbly Development project, for off site infrastructure to support and enhance the surrounding neighborhoods.Work completed  Action details Not available
212637 6212637Officer's CommunicationDirector of Planning submitting information relative to the proposed Upper Central Street Local Historic District.Work completed  Action details Not available
212642 7212642OrdinanceRequesting approval of an Ordinance amending the Local Historic District Map to create a new Upper Central Street Historic District encompassing properties in the area of Central Street and Broadway.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
212642 8212642OrdinanceRequesting approval of an Ordinance amending the Local Historic District Map to create a new Upper Central Street Historic District encompassing properties in the area of Central Street and Broadway.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212606 8212606Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of amendments to Sections 2.1 and 2.4 of the Zoning Ordinance.Ordinance ordained as amended  Action details Not available
210782 8210782OrderThat the Director of SPCD present zoning recommendations addressing the size of ground floor commercial spaces produced by development, to ensure that street level development in certain areas maintains multiple smaller-sized commercial spaces to enhance the pedestrian experience.Work completed  Action details Not available
212306 9212306Officer's CommunicationRequesting approval of amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for Commercial Spaces.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
212606 9212606Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of amendments to Sections 2.1 and 2.4 of the Zoning Ordinance.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205107 9205107ResolutionThat the Administration work with this Board to implement a Code of Conduct policy and discuss training all staff and Aldermen.Work completed  Action details Not available
212306 10212306Officer's CommunicationRequesting approval of amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for Commercial Spaces.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211693 13211693Officer's CommunicationVeto - Requesting approval of proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinances at Article 8.2 - Small Business Overlay District, and to the Zoning Map.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available