City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/22/2015 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber-City Hall-93 Highland Avenue
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
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200157 1200157Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting on October 14, 2015.Approved  Action details Not available
200158 1200158Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Legislative Matters, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on October 15, 2015.Approved  Action details Not available
200163 1200163Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Public Utilities and Public Works, meeting on October 20, 2015.Approved as amended  Action details Not available
200159 1200159Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Licenses and Permits, meeting on October 21, 2015.Approved  Action details Not available
200127 1200127Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
200128 1200128MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, September 24, 2015.Approved  Action details Not available
200132 1200132Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource to install 103 feet of conduit in Assembly Sq Drive from Manhole #26212 to the Partners Healthcare Administrative Campus.Approved  Action details Not available
200129 1200129Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource, with Verizon, to install new joint-owned Pole #36/3 in Bonner Avenue, 40 feet south of Columbus Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
200130 1200130Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource, with Verizon, to install new joint-owned Pole #316/7 1/2 in South Street, then install 17 feet of conduit from that pole to 47 Hunting Street.Approved  Action details Not available
200131 1200131Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource to install 274 feet of conduit in Assembly Sq Drive, then Mystic Avenue, from Manhole #29178 to a point of pickup in Mystic Avenue at the Charlestown border.Approved  Action details Not available
200133 1200133Grant of LocationSubmitted by Partners Healthcare Corp to install 133 feet of conduit from an existing telephone manhole on Grand Union Blvd to a proposed manhole on the Partners Healthcare Administrative Campus.Approved  Action details Not available
200173 1200173Public EventPublic Event Permit, Sion Seven Day Adventist Church Acoustic Concert, Davis Sq Statue Park, Oct 25, 3:30-6PM.Approved  Action details Not available
200174 1200174LicenseSign/Awning Permit, Community Laundry, 211 Pearl St, 1 sign.Approved  Action details Not available
200175 1200175LicenseNew Garage License, Sullivan Tire, 263 Beacon St, mechanical repairs, 6 autos inside, 4 outside, M-F 7AM-7PM, Sa 7AM-5:30PM, Su Closed.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200176 1200176Public CommunicationMA DOT Highway Administrator responding to #199846 re: a pedestrian crossing at Chester Avenue and McGrath Highway.Placed on file  Action details Not available
200177 1200177Public Communication195 registered voters submitting a petition for a public hearing on economic inequality, pursuant to Section 8 of the City Charter.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200193 1200193LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Nelm Corp.Approved  Action details Not available
200194 1200194Public CommunicationHarvard University submitting its Fall 2015 University Accountability report.Placed on file  Action details Not available
200134 1200134Grant of LocationSubmitted by Federal Realty Investment Trust to 153 feet of conduit from an existing telephone manhole on Grand Union Blvd to a proposed manhole on the Partners Healthcare Administrative Campus.Approved  Action details Not available
200195 1200195Public CommunicationTufts University submitting its Fall 2015 University Accountability report.Placed on file  Action details Not available
200197 1200197Public CommunicationSpeedway LLC requesting that the Committee on Licenses and Permits reconvene to consider Speedway's Extended Operating Hours application.Placed on file  Action details Not available
200196 2200196OrderThat the Chief Assessor provide this Board with a breakdown of the residential exemption for 1, 2, 3 and 4 family homes, and the number owned by residents, and that this be provided annually going forward.Approved  Action details Not available
200134 2200134Grant of LocationSubmitted by Federal Realty Investment Trust to 153 feet of conduit from an existing telephone manhole on Grand Union Blvd to a proposed manhole on the Partners Healthcare Administrative Campus.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
200160 2200160OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and the Environment inquire of the EPA regarding the monitoring wells on private properties near the Speedway gas station at 709 McGrath Hwy.Approved  Action details Not available
200161 2200161OrderThat the Supervisor of Inspectional Services insure that Intellident, at 471 Somerville Avenue, is vacated within one week.Approved  Action details Not available
200162 2200162OrderThat the Supervisor of Inspectional Services routinely inspect Mr. B's, 142 Cross Street, to ensure that the business is not open for on-premises dining after midnight.Approved  Action details Not available
200191 2200191CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Anthony Crutchfield as a Special Police Officer for the Housing Authority Police.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200187 2200187OrderThat the Director of SPCD install a U-shaped bicycle parking post on the sidewalk at 278 Highland Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
200178 2200178OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works work with MA DOT to fix the stop light at Mt. Vernon Street and Broadway that is backing up traffic.Approved  Action details Not available
200179 2200179ResolutionThat the Administration consider placing signs on handicapped parking poles prohibiting bikes from being locked on those poles.Approved  Action details Not available
200180 2200180OrderThat the Supervisor of Inspectional Services work with the residents in Kensington Street to alleviate their rodent problems.Approved  Action details Not available
200181 2200181OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking communicate to MA DOT the need for painted lanes and signs to slow traffic along I-93 and Mystic Avenue along the underpass by Stop and Shop.Approved  Action details Not available
200182 2200182ResolutionThat the Administration consider implementing the Racism Assessment Tools offered by Race Forward, that were implemented in Seattle to gauge municipal bias.Approved  Action details Not available
200183 2200183OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works paint the inside of bike lanes on Broadway green.Approved  Action details Not available
200133 2200133Grant of LocationSubmitted by Partners Healthcare Corp to install 133 feet of conduit from an existing telephone manhole on Grand Union Blvd to a proposed manhole on the Partners Healthcare Administrative Campus.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
200131 2200131Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource to install 274 feet of conduit in Assembly Sq Drive, then Mystic Avenue, from Manhole #29178 to a point of pickup in Mystic Avenue at the Charlestown border.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
200130 2200130Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource, with Verizon, to install new joint-owned Pole #316/7 1/2 in South Street, then install 17 feet of conduit from that pole to 47 Hunting Street.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
200129 2200129Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource, with Verizon, to install new joint-owned Pole #36/3 in Bonner Avenue, 40 feet south of Columbus Avenue.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
200132 2200132Grant of LocationSubmitted by Eversource to install 103 feet of conduit in Assembly Sq Drive from Manhole #26212 to the Partners Healthcare Administrative Campus.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
200184 2200184ResolutionThat the Administration provide this Board with a written update on the first report of the University Accountability Ordinance.Approved  Action details Not available
200185 2200185OrderThat the Arborist inspect the health of the trees at the locations described within.Approved  Action details Not available
200186 2200186OrderThat the Director of SPCD update the Ward 7 Alderman on the start date of the bike path project behind the Tannery Brook Condominiums.Approved  Action details Not available
200135 2200135ResolutionThat the Administration report to this Board about communicating with Federal Realty Investment Trust regarding #199601, a request that FRIT provide the wages, hours and residency of everyone employed at the parcel 6 site, pursuant to the attached letter from Rand Wilson.Approved  Action details Not available
200136 2200136OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works fix the broken pedestrian warning signal for the exit from the Magoun Square CVS onto Medford Street.Approved  Action details Not available
200137 2200137OrderThat the Director of SPCD provide the Ward 5 Alderman with the locations in Ward 5 on the tree planting list.Approved  Action details Not available
200138 2200138OrderThat the Director of SPCD plant a tree at 20 Albion Street to replace the one slated to be cut down.Approved  Action details Not available
200139 2200139ResolutionThat the Administration appear before this Board on October 22, 2015, to explain the rationale for scheduling meetings from 1 to 8 PM for the public benefits process in Union Square in November and January.Approved  Action details Not available
200140 2200140OrderThat the Chief of Police, the Chief Fire Engineer and the Director of Traffic and Parking consider a "Don't Block the Box" program at key intersections that impede the flow of traffic and present a public safety hazard, and report back to this Board in writing within 30 days.Approved  Action details Not available
200141 2200141OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works install additional trash receptacles on Elm Street from the Goodwill store to Au Bon Pain and on Highland Avenue from Cutter Avenue to College Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
200142 2200142OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk panels at 56 Boston Street and 36 Greenville Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
200143 2200143OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works and the Director of SPCD commission the arborist and tree warden to inspect the trees on Greenville Avenue, from Munroe Street to Boston Street, to determine their vitality and report back to the Ward 3 Alderman.Approved  Action details Not available
200144 2200144OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works trim the tree at 36 Greenville Avenue, as it is entangled with the utility wires.Approved  Action details Not available
200145 2200145OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works trim the grass at Prospect Hill and Dickerman Park.Approved  Action details Not available
200146 2200146OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking, the Chief of Police and the Director of SPCD review the traffic problems in East Somerville and develop a traffic improvement plan.Approved  Action details Not available
200147 2200147OrderThat the city's arborist inspect the recently planted trees on East Broadway to determine their viability.Approved  Action details Not available
200148 2200148OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works install trash receptacles on Broadway, between Austin Street and Mt. Pleasant Street.Approved  Action details Not available
200149 2200149OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works plant grass in front of the East Branch Library.Approved  Action details Not available
200150 2200150OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the broken street lights on Broadway, from Fellsway West to Grant Street.Approved  Action details Not available
200151 2200151OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the broken street lights at 10 Wheatland Street.Approved  Action details Not available
200152 2200152OrderThat the appropriate city department work with business owners to encourage residents not to litter.Approved  Action details Not available
200153 2200153OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works NOT paint the double yellow line on Kidder Avenue when the road is repaved and instead, add a clearly marked bike lane.Approved  Action details Not available
200154 2200154OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk at 44 Kidder Avenue so that there isn't a steep drop from the residential walk.Approved  Action details Not available
200155 2200155OrderThat the Supervisor of Inspectional Services determine the source of fumes at Morrison Avenue and Clifton Street that are bothering local residents.Approved  Action details Not available
200156 2200156OrderThat the Director of SPCD make a timeline available to the public for breaking ground on the new infrastructure project in Davis Square.Approved  Action details Not available
200101 3200101LicenseAmending Extended Operating Hours License, Mr. B's, 142 Cross St, seeking to remain open to 4AM, 7 days/week.Not approved  Action details Not available
200192 3200192Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 9/24/15.Placed on file  Action details Not available
200171 3200171Officer's CommunicationCity Solicitor responding to #200048 re: compensating property owners for damages incurred by city plows.Placed on file  Action details Not available
200172 3200172Officer's CommunicationCity Solicitor Responding to #200075 re: Ordinances and Traffic Regulations regarding bicycles.Placed on file  Action details Not available
200009 3200009LicenseNew Extended Operating Hours License, Speedway, 709 McGrath Hwy, Operating 24/7.Not approved  Action details Not available
200008 3200008LicenseTransferring Flammables License, Speedway, 709 McGrath Hwy.Approved with conditions  Action details Not available
200023 3200023LicenseNew Garage License, Intellident, 471 Somerville Ave, 5 autos inside, 6 outside, auto body work only, M-F 8AM-6PM, Sa-Su by appointment only.Not approved  Action details Not available
197737 3197737Public CommunicationNStar Electric responding to #197625 re: planning for the redevelopment of Union Square.Work completed  Action details Not available
197737 4197737Public CommunicationNStar Electric responding to #197625 re: planning for the redevelopment of Union Square.Work completed  Action details Not available
197723 4197723OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works inform this Board of any public process that must be followed to cut down a tree of significant size.Work completed  Action details Not available
197659 4197659OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works contact Mass Highway to request that they cut back the overgrowth on the right-hand side of the Broadway - Somerville exit ramp off of Route 93.Work completed  Action details Not available
197651 4197651OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the bulb in the street light on Woodbine Street that is second closest to Junction Park. (3rd Request)Work completed  Action details Not available
197722 4197722OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works notify immediate abutters in advance when a tree of a certain minimum size is cut down near their residence.Work completed  Action details Not available
197387 4197387OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) direct the utility maintaining the transfer station on Willow Avenue and Whipple Street to cut back the overgrown weeds.Work completed  Action details Not available
197395 4197395ResolutionThat the Administration add Hall Street, Cherry Street, and Josephine Avenue between Kidder and Morrison Avenues to the street repaving list and report to the Ward 5 Alderman when they are likely to be repaved.Work completed  Action details Not available
197495 4197495OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works provide the Ward 5 Alderman with the timeline for repaving Linden Avenue and Porter Street.Work completed  Action details Not available
197482 4197482OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works confer with SPCD on the proper maintenance of Quincy Park, and clear the Park of overgrowth.Work completed  Action details Not available
197643 4197643OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works request that the state clean the space under I-93 in the Ten Hills area and in Ward One, and remove all vehicles and stored items.Work completed  Action details Not available
197650 4197650OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the bulbs in the three street lights in Junction Park nearest to Woodbine Street and Centre Street that have been out for many months. (3rd Request)Work completed  Action details Not available
196946 4196946OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works ensure that there are enough trash receptacles along the Assembly Square waterway, adding additional barrels where needed.Work completed  Action details Not available
196888 4196888OrderThat the Director of SPCD publicize the Davis Square Streetscapes construction timeline.Work completed  Action details Not available
197266 4197266OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works add Meacham Road and Cottage Avenue to this year’s street paving list.Work completed  Action details Not available
197793 4197793OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works ensure that the street, sidewalk, handicapped ramp and catch basin work at Berwick and Hinckley Streets is completed before winter.Work completed  Action details Not available
197873 4197873OrderThat the Director of SPCD and the DPW Commissioner update this Board on the lower Broadway construction, including e a timeline for completion, updates on any problems and explanations of tree selections and trash barrel distributions.Work completed  Action details Not available
197892 4197892OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the sidewalk panel in front of 7 Belmont Place. (Second request)Work completed  Action details Not available
197883 4197883OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works direct the developers of 143 and 181 Cedar Street to repair the sidewalks in front of their properties.Work completed  Action details Not available
197972 4197972OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works complete all work before the winter in the Magoun Square neighborhood on the street, sidewalk, handicapped ramp and catch basin at Berwick and Hinckley Streets and also at Fennell and Hinckley Streets.Work completed  Action details Not available
197984 4197984OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the broken and upraised sidewalk panels on Warren Avenue from Properzi Manner to Citizens Bank.Work completed  Action details Not available
198092 4198092OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works appear before this Board with a list of sidewalks that will be redone with new ADA accessibility under the $2,700,000 bonding recently approved.Work completed  Action details Not available
198156 4198156OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works attach an explanatory tag to bicycles that are suspected of being abandoned to provide due notice to owners of impending removal.Work completed  Action details Not available
198110 4198110OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works re-install the street light that was removed 4 years ago at 72 Curtis Street.Work completed  Action details Not available
198195 4198195OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works communicate with state snow removal agencies to ensure that state properties, such as Foss Park and Sullivan Square, are having snow removed in an expedient manner.Work completed  Action details Not available
198280 4198280OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works schedule another yard waste pickup this month, and report to this Board whether yard waste pickupsc can be extended through December in the future.Work completed  Action details Not available
198215 4198215OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works advise the Ward 7 Alderman on eliminating water pooling at 128 Powderhouse Blvd., caused by the new raised intersection at Powderhouse Blvd. and Packard Ave.Work completed  Action details Not available
198315 4198315OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street lamps at the locations described within.Work completed  Action details Not available
198316 4198316OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works arrange for the ash trees on Chapel Street, and citywide, if necessary, be treated to prevent the infestation of the Emerald Ash Borer.Work completed  Action details Not available
198352 4198352OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street lamp in front of 58 Dartmouth Street. (2nd Request)Work completed  Action details Not available
198381 4198381OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works note the lack of repairs to the city's streetlamps, as previously noted at this Board's last meeting, and attend the next meeting of the this Board’s Public Utilities and Works Committee with the streetlamp maintenance vendor.Work completed  Action details Not available
198442 4198442OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works look into the deployment of plow arm extensions, which can be lowered to clear driveways that have had snow plowed into them, and report to this Board about their potential use here.Work completed  Action details Not available
198575 4198575OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works contact the appropriate utility company regarding low hanging wires at the corner of Columbus and Bonner Avenues.Work completed  Action details Not available
198351 4198351OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the street light at Harvard and Monmouth Streets.Work completed  Action details Not available
198729 4198729OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk on Warren Avenue from Properzi Manor to Citizen’s Bank.Work completed  Action details Not available
198944 4198944OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works clean the stairs and surrounding area from Mystic Housing to the Healey School.Work completed  Action details Not available
199245 4199245OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works provide this Board with the street paving plan for the upcoming season.Work completed  Action details Not available
199913 4199913LicenseNew Garage License, ABJ Auto Repair, 91 Marshall St, 6 cars inside, 25 outside.Approved  Action details Not available
199950 4199950OrderThat the Director of SPCD (Transportation) update the Ward 5 Alderman on the planned reconstruction of Cedar Street between Broadway and Highland Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
199953 4199953OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works cut the curbs and install sidewalk ramps at the intersection of Clyde and Warwick Streets, by Maxwell’s Green.Work completed  Action details Not available
199960 4199960OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works install new benches in the park area of Bryant Manor.Work completed  Action details Not available
199961 4199961OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works dispose of the trash in barrels on Cross Street East, by the Stop and Shop.Work completed  Action details Not available
200034 4200034OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the three (of six) bollards that have come unglued on the Lowell Street bridge sidewalk at the end of the Community Path Extension ramp.Work completed  Action details Not available
200035 4200035OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works cut the curb at the Warwick Street elbow by the Community Path Extension ramp (as promised as part of the Maxwell’s Green development), and provide the public a chance to comment on the proposed design.Work completed  Action details Not available
200036 4200036OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works report to this Board on plans to repave the Community Path between Cedar Street and Willow Avenue, and fix the damaged section near Willow Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
200051 4200051OrderThat Commissioner of Public Works repair the broken utility light at 1036 Broadway.Work completed  Action details Not available
199129 4199129OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works or the City Solicitor report to this Board on making the Albion Street sidewalk contractor repair the sidewalks there or refund the city, and that the Commissioner repair those sidewalks.Work completed  Action details Not available
199289 4199289OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works provide the Ward 2 Alderman with an explanation regarding a patched section of roadway on Hammond Street, which was recently paved.Work completed  Action details Not available
199353 4199353OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works clean the Sacramento Street pedestrian underpass, set a regular cleaning schedule, and communicate that schedule to the Ward 2 Alderman.Work completed  Action details Not available
199499 4199499ResolutionThat the Administration begin charging rent, or additional charges, to the owner of 240 Elm Street for every day his scaffolding remains on the public way.Work completed  Action details Not available
199516 4199516OrderThat the Director of SPCD report to this Board monthly on the Beacon Street reconstruction project.Work completed  Action details Not available
199699 4199699OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works examine 88 Pearson Road for connection to the city sewer system, including replacement of any pipes, and provide appropriate assistance to the homeowner.Work completed  Action details Not available
199843 4199843OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works remove the cement curbs and the bench in Kelley Park that were put in the skate board area without authorization from the city. (Photos attached)Work completed  Action details Not available
199856 4199856OrderThat the Director of SPCD (Transportation and Infrastructure) update this Board on the Beacon Street reconstruction project and work with the Ward 2 Alderman on a Community meeting to update the public.Work completed  Action details Not available
199860 4199860OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works inform this Board of the plan for fall plantings and flowers for Union Square and Somerville Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
199862 4199862OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works maintain and make needed repairs to all of the tree wells and traffic islands along Somerville Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
199867 4199867OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works inform this Board how the city addresses the increase in trash during late August and early September due to the influx of students.Work completed  Action details Not available
199872 4199872OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works modify the sidewalk at 69 Pearl Street to make it ADA accessible.Work completed  Action details Not available
199877 4199877OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works ensure that the sidewalk at 43 Cross Street is ADA compliant.Work completed  Action details Not available
200164 4200164Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to transfer $11,000 in the Health and Human Services Department, from its Personal Services Account to its Professional and Technical Services Account, to pay for summer school contracted nursing services.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200170 4200170Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $ $4,048.60 from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council for the Shape Up Somerville Program.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200165 4200165Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay an FY15 Dell Marketing invoice of $81,312.50 from the Information Technology Department's FY16 budget, for Exchange online licensing.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200166 4200166Mayor's RequestRequesting approval pay an FY15 invoice totaling $4,995 from the Information Technology Department's FY16 budget, for the Recreation Department's online registration system.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200117 4200117Officer's CommunicationPolice Department responding to #199414 re: needed-assistance calls to tax-exempt properties.Work completed  Action details Not available
200049 4200049OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works report on the safety of the tilting telephone pole at Clarendon and Weston Avenues.Work completed  Action details Not available
200168 4200168Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a FY15 invoice of $225.79 in the Information Technology Department using FY16 funds, for a copy machine rental.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200189 4200189Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a FY15 invoice of $215.70 using FY16 Information Technology Department funds, to pay for a copier lease.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200188 4200188Mayor's RequestRequesting approval pay a FY15 invoice of $221.19 using FY16 Information Technology Department funds, for a leased copier.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200169 4200169Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a FY15 invoice of $183.52 in the Information Technology Department using FY16 funds, for a copy machine rental.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200167 4200167Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a FY15 invoice of $1,613.03 in the Information Technology Department using FY16 funds, for the leasing of eight printers.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200049 5200049OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works report on the safety of the tilting telephone pole at Clarendon and Weston Avenues.Work completed  Action details Not available
199877 5199877OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works ensure that the sidewalk at 43 Cross Street is ADA compliant.Work completed  Action details Not available
199872 5199872OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works modify the sidewalk at 69 Pearl Street to make it ADA accessible.Work completed  Action details Not available
199867 5199867OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works inform this Board how the city addresses the increase in trash during late August and early September due to the influx of students.Work completed  Action details Not available
199862 5199862OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works maintain and make needed repairs to all of the tree wells and traffic islands along Somerville Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
199860 5199860OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works inform this Board of the plan for fall plantings and flowers for Union Square and Somerville Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
199856 5199856OrderThat the Director of SPCD (Transportation and Infrastructure) update this Board on the Beacon Street reconstruction project and work with the Ward 2 Alderman on a Community meeting to update the public.Work completed  Action details Not available
199843 5199843OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works remove the cement curbs and the bench in Kelley Park that were put in the skate board area without authorization from the city. (Photos attached)Work completed  Action details Not available
199699 5199699OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works examine 88 Pearson Road for connection to the city sewer system, including replacement of any pipes, and provide appropriate assistance to the homeowner.Work completed  Action details Not available
199516 5199516OrderThat the Director of SPCD report to this Board monthly on the Beacon Street reconstruction project.Work completed  Action details Not available
199750 5199750CommunicationChief Fire Engineer responding to #199414 re: needed-assistance calls to tax-exempt facilities.Work completed  Action details Not available
199499 5199499ResolutionThat the Administration begin charging rent, or additional charges, to the owner of 240 Elm Street for every day his scaffolding remains on the public way.Work completed  Action details Not available
199414 5199414ResolutionThat the Administration, with the Fire and Police Departments, compile a report, by July 31, 2015, of "needed assistance" calls made by each tax-exempt facility over the past 2 years. (2nd request)Work completed  Action details Not available
199564 5199564Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 5/28/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
199353 5199353OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works clean the Sacramento Street pedestrian underpass, set a regular cleaning schedule, and communicate that schedule to the Ward 2 Alderman.Work completed  Action details Not available
199361 5199361Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 5/14/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
199289 5199289OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works provide the Ward 2 Alderman with an explanation regarding a patched section of roadway on Hammond Street, which was recently paved.Work completed  Action details Not available
199129 5199129OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works or the City Solicitor report to this Board on making the Albion Street sidewalk contractor repair the sidewalks there or refund the city, and that the Commissioner repair those sidewalks.Work completed  Action details Not available
200051 5200051OrderThat Commissioner of Public Works repair the broken utility light at 1036 Broadway.Work completed  Action details Not available
200036 5200036OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works report to this Board on plans to repave the Community Path between Cedar Street and Willow Avenue, and fix the damaged section near Willow Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
200035 5200035OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works cut the curb at the Warwick Street elbow by the Community Path Extension ramp (as promised as part of the Maxwell’s Green development), and provide the public a chance to comment on the proposed design.Work completed  Action details Not available
200034 5200034OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the three (of six) bollards that have come unglued on the Lowell Street bridge sidewalk at the end of the Community Path Extension ramp.Work completed  Action details Not available
199961 5199961OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works dispose of the trash in barrels on Cross Street East, by the Stop and Shop.Work completed  Action details Not available
199960 5199960OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works install new benches in the park area of Bryant Manor.Work completed  Action details Not available
199953 5199953OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works cut the curbs and install sidewalk ramps at the intersection of Clyde and Warwick Streets, by Maxwell’s Green.Work completed  Action details Not available
199950 5199950OrderThat the Director of SPCD (Transportation) update the Ward 5 Alderman on the planned reconstruction of Cedar Street between Broadway and Highland Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
200087 5200087Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 9/10/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
199245 5199245OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works provide this Board with the street paving plan for the upcoming season.Work completed  Action details Not available
199360 5199360Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 4/23/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
198944 5198944OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works clean the stairs and surrounding area from Mystic Housing to the Healey School.Work completed  Action details Not available
199359 5199359Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 4/9/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
198729 5198729OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk on Warren Avenue from Properzi Manor to Citizen’s Bank.Work completed  Action details Not available
198351 5198351OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the street light at Harvard and Monmouth Streets.Work completed  Action details Not available
198575 5198575OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works contact the appropriate utility company regarding low hanging wires at the corner of Columbus and Bonner Avenues.Work completed  Action details Not available
198778 5198778Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 3/12/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
198442 5198442OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works look into the deployment of plow arm extensions, which can be lowered to clear driveways that have had snow plowed into them, and report to this Board about their potential use here.Work completed  Action details Not available
198602 5198602Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 2/12/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
198381 5198381OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works note the lack of repairs to the city's streetlamps, as previously noted at this Board's last meeting, and attend the next meeting of the this Board’s Public Utilities and Works Committee with the streetlamp maintenance vendor.Work completed  Action details Not available
198399 5198399Mayor's CommunicationRequesting to appear before this Board to discuss the City's economic outlook and planning.Work completed  Action details Not available
198420 5198420Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 1/8/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
198352 5198352OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street lamp in front of 58 Dartmouth Street. (2nd Request)Work completed  Action details Not available
198316 5198316OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works arrange for the ash trees on Chapel Street, and citywide, if necessary, be treated to prevent the infestation of the Emerald Ash Borer.Work completed  Action details Not available
198315 5198315OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street lamps at the locations described within.Work completed  Action details Not available
198215 5198215OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works advise the Ward 7 Alderman on eliminating water pooling at 128 Powderhouse Blvd., caused by the new raised intersection at Powderhouse Blvd. and Packard Ave.Work completed  Action details Not available
198280 5198280OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works schedule another yard waste pickup this month, and report to this Board whether yard waste pickupsc can be extended through December in the future.Work completed  Action details Not available
198421 5198421Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 11/25/14.Work completed  Action details Not available
198195 5198195OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works communicate with state snow removal agencies to ensure that state properties, such as Foss Park and Sullivan Square, are having snow removed in an expedient manner.Work completed  Action details Not available
198110 5198110OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works re-install the street light that was removed 4 years ago at 72 Curtis Street.Work completed  Action details Not available
198156 5198156OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works attach an explanatory tag to bicycles that are suspected of being abandoned to provide due notice to owners of impending removal.Work completed  Action details Not available
198256 5198256Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 11/13/14.Work completed  Action details Not available
198092 5198092OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works appear before this Board with a list of sidewalks that will be redone with new ADA accessibility under the $2,700,000 bonding recently approved.Work completed  Action details Not available
197984 5197984OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the broken and upraised sidewalk panels on Warren Avenue from Properzi Manner to Citizens Bank.Work completed  Action details Not available
197972 5197972OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works complete all work before the winter in the Magoun Square neighborhood on the street, sidewalk, handicapped ramp and catch basin at Berwick and Hinckley Streets and also at Fennell and Hinckley Streets.Work completed  Action details Not available
197883 5197883OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works direct the developers of 143 and 181 Cedar Street to repair the sidewalks in front of their properties.Work completed  Action details Not available
197892 5197892OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the sidewalk panel in front of 7 Belmont Place. (Second request)Work completed  Action details Not available
198025 5198025Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 10/23/14.Work completed  Action details Not available
197873 5197873OrderThat the Director of SPCD and the DPW Commissioner update this Board on the lower Broadway construction, including e a timeline for completion, updates on any problems and explanations of tree selections and trash barrel distributions.Work completed  Action details Not available
197905 5197905Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 10/9/14.Work completed  Action details Not available
197793 5197793OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works ensure that the street, sidewalk, handicapped ramp and catch basin work at Berwick and Hinckley Streets is completed before winter.Work completed  Action details Not available