| 4 | 193867 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval for the Law and/or Personnel Depts. to retain the services of the law firm Deutsch Williams Brooks DeRensis Holland PC. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193890 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $150,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for the reconstruction of private ways. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193889 | Mayor's Request | Requesting authorization to borrow $530,949 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, for the reconstruction of public streets. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193904 | Mayor's Request | Requesting acceptance of a grant of $186,976 from the MA Office of Public Safety and Security for the Police Dept., for State 911 Department Support. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193901 | Mayor's Request | Requesting authorization for the Department of Public Works to pay FY12 invoices totaling $2,475.27. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193902 | Mayor's Request | Requesting authorization for the Police Department to pay Fiscal Year 2012 invoices totaling $340.10. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193919 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $222,779 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to fund the Second Phase of the Davis Square Streetscape and Transportation Design Contract. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193951 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a donation of $200 from the Somerville Dog Owners Group (Som/Dog) to the Animal Control Dept.'s Revolving Fund. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193950 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a grant of $24,765 from the Department of Justice, for the Police to purchase tactical gear and enhance the use of force simulator. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193786 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval of a $10,000 grant from the MA Cultural Council to support the Arts Council's Books of Hope literacy program. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193956 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $17,963 from the Receipts Reserved for Appropriation-Insurance Losses Account to the Fire Other Lump Sum Settlements Account to reimburse firefighters for personal property losses. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193788 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a gift in the form of light pole banners from Flagraphics, Inc. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193846 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of an overtime reimbursement up to $6,600 from Federal Realty to cover Police expenses associated with the Riverfest Fireworks event on September 15, 2012. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 193903 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval to declare as Surplus 8 vehicles in the Police Department. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available