City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/25/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
212849 3212849ResolutionThat the administration assign staff to support the Wage Theft Advisory Committee.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212847 3212847OrderThat the Administration comply with Order #206164, relative to the employment of other counsel.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212850 3212850OrderThat the Administration update this Council on the status of the Police Staffing Study which was included in the FY2022 budget and estimated to take 2-4 months.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212885 4212885Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $150,000 from the Salary & Wage Stabilization Fund to the Police Department - Personal Services - Other Lump Sum Benefits Account in order to settle pending litigation.Approved  Action details Not available
212846 4212846OrdinanceProposing an ordinance relative to a mid-fiscal year report of municipal finances, with next-fiscal year budget projections.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212887 4212887Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $4,331 from the Salary Contingency to Police Department, Personal Services, Crossing Guards Account to fund a Memorandum of Agreement Between the City and SEIU/Local 888, Crossing Guard UnitApproved  Action details Not available
212896 4212896Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $25,600 grant with no new match required, from MEMA/FEMA's Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) for the purchase of 911 Center planning consultant services.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212905 4212905Mayor's RequestCity Solicitor seeking approval to settle a claim regarding damages to 1112-1114 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
212884 4212884Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $174,882 from the Salary Contingency Account to the Police Department Personal Services Accounts to fund a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Somerville and the Somerville Police Superior Officers Association.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212883 4212883Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $808,639 from the Salary and Wage Stabilization Fund to the Police Department Personal Services, Other Lump Sum Benefits Account to fund retroactive payments for a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Somerville and the Somerville Police Superior Officers Association.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212886 4212886Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $66,666.67 from the Unreserved Fund Balance Account ("Free Cash") to the Law Department's Judgments & Settlements Account in order to fund attorneys fees in pending litigation.Approved  Action details Not available
212936 5212936Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $14,000 grant with no new match required, from the Mass Cultural Council to the Arts Council for general operational support.Approved  Action details Not available
212893 5212893Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a transfer of $24,000 in the OSPCD Mobility Division, from the OSPCD Mobility Personal Services Account to the OSPCD Mobility Ordinary Maintenance Account, to pay for unbudgeted outstanding police details for the Farmers Market and traffic details.Approved  Action details Not available
212892 5212892Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $100,000 from the Encore Artist and Cultural Support Stabilization Fund to support local cultural council grants.Approved  Action details Not available
212872 5212872Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a Preservation Restriction for 1 Westwood Road.Approved  Action details Not available
212895 5212895Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance, and approval to expend, a $49,980 grant with no new match required, from MA Office of Public Safety and Security to the Police Department for traffic enforcement programs.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212873 5212873Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a Preservation Restriction at 404 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
212894 5212894Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $83,616 grant with no new match required, from MA Office of Public Safety & Security to the Fire department for fire staffing costs.Approved  Action details Not available
212897 5212897Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $15,000 grant with no new match required, from MA Department of Energy Resources to the Office of Sustainability and Environment for conducting a feasibility study regarding adding battery backup systems to municipal owned buildings.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212879 6212879Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $210,200 from the CPA Fund Open Space/Recreation Reserve to the City of Somerville Public Space and Urban Forestry Division for expansion of Glen Park Community Garden.Approved  Action details Not available
212874 6212874Mayor's RequestRequesting rescission of $355,000 portion of appropriation authorized as part of MWRA Lead Replacement Program, and making an appropriation and authorization of $355,000 bond issuance for Lead Replacement Program.Approved  Action details Not available
212877 6212877Mayor's RequestRequesting to appropriate CPA funds totaling $416,694.15 from the CPA Undesignated Fund Balance to designated CPA Reserve Accounts.Approved  Action details Not available
212882 6212882Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $30,000 from the CPA Fund Historic Preservation reserve to the Elizabeth Peabody House for architectural and design services.Approved  Action details Not available
212876 6212876Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $494,110.50 from the CPA Fund to the Somerville Hispanic Association for Community Development for improvements to the Grace Baptist Church building.Approved  Action details Not available
212881 6212881Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $100,000 from the CPA Fund Open Space/Recreation Reserve to the City of Somerville Public Space and Urban Forestry Division for design of Junction Park.Approved  Action details Not available
212878 6212878Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $250,000 from the CPA Fund Open Space/Recreation Reserve to the CPA Open Space Land Acquisition Project Fund.Approved  Action details Not available
212880 6212880Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $157352 from the CPA Fund Historic Preservation Reserve to the Somerville Museum for collections preservation.Approved  Action details Not available
212875 6212875Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $1,491,908.58 from the CPA Fund Community Housing Reserve to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.Approved  Action details Not available