City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Land Use Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/24/2011 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
189002 2189002Public CommunicationTeri Swartzel Submitting Comments Re: #188681-188685, Proposed Zoning Ordinances Submitted by Ten Registered Voters.Work completed  Action details Not available
188999 2188999Public CommunicationElaine Leary Submitting Comments Re: #188305, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Facilitate Senior Housing, and Comments Re: #188681-188685, Proposed Zoning Ordinances Submitted by Ten Registered Voters.Work completed  Action details Not available
189001 2189001Public CommunicationMolly and David Harris Submitting Comments Re: #188681-188685, Proposed Zoning Ordinances Submitted by Ten Registered Voters.Recommended to be discharged with no recommendation  Action details Not available
189000 2189000Public CommunicationKatherine Wheeler Submitting Comments Re: #188681-188685, Proposed Zoning Ordinances Submitted by Ten Registered Voters.Work completed  Action details Not available
188885 3188885Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board, Submitting a Recommendation Re: #188305, a Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to Include a Senior Housing Use.Work completed  Action details Not available
189231 3189231Public CommunicationCharles McKenzie and Devens Hamlen Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Work completed  Action details Not available
189230 3189230Public CommunicationSomerville Chamber of Commerce Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Work completed  Action details Not available
189308 3189308Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board Submitting Recommendations Re: #188847, a Proposal to Amend the Zoning Ordinances for Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Work completed  Action details Not available
189309 3189309Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board Submitting Recommendations Re: #’S 188681, 188682, 188683, 188684 and 188685, Proposals to Amend the Zoning Ordinances Submitted by Ten Registered Voters on Jan. 14.Work completed  Action details Not available
189234 3189234Public CommunicationInner Belt Realty Trust Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Work completed  Action details Not available
189233 3189233Public CommunicationWilliam McLaughlin Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Work completed  Action details Not available
189098 3189098Public CommunicationFred Berman, Submitting Comments Re: #’S188681-188685, Five Proposed Zoning Amendments Submitted by Somerville Residents for Sensible Development.Work completed  Action details Not available
189097 3189097Public CommunicationJessica Ziegler Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Work completed  Action details Not available
189096 3189096Public CommunicationLynn McWhood Submitting Comments Re: #188685, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Disclose Everyone Holding an Interest in a Special Permit or Variance Application.Work completed  Action details Not available
189095 3189095Officer's CommunicationTen Registered Voters/Somerville Residents for Sensible Development Requesting Approval of an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinances to Prohibit the Use of Tandem Parking for Any Off-Street Parking Plan.Work completed  Action details Not available
189094 4189094Officer's CommunicationTen Registered Voters/Somerville Residents for Sensible Development Requesting Approval of an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinances to Prohibit Certain Residential Uses Within 150 Feet of an Active Railroad Right-Of-Way Grade Crossing.Work completed  Action details Not available
189093 4189093Officer's CommunicationTen Registered Voters/Somerville Residents for Sensible Development Requesting Approval of an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinances to Require the Submission of a Pro Forma Financial Analysis to the Special Permit Granting Authority.Work completed  Action details Not available
189759 4189759CommunicationPlanning Board Conveying Its Recommendations with Respect to the Proposed Ordinance Amending the Floodplain Overlay District in the Somerville Zoning Ordinance to Comply with 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Seciton 60.3(D) of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Regulations.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189628 4189628Mayor's CommunicationReview of Proposed Amendments to the Somerville Zoning Ordinance Submitted by Somerville Residents for Sensible Development on March 7, 2010Work completed  Action details Not available
189232 4189232Public CommunicationTriumvirate Environmental Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Work completed  Action details Not available
189044 4189044Mayor's RequestRequesting Approval of an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to Modify the Parking Requirements in Article 9 for the Large Retail and Service Cluster in Certain Districts.Placed on file  Action details Not available
190641 5190641Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a Home Rule Petition authorizing the City to discontinue the existing Harris Park at 0 Cross Street and replace it with a new Harris Park at 15-25 Cross Street East.Approved  Action details Not available
190638 5190638Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to dedicate the Morse-Kelley Playground to open space and recreational use in perpetuity.Approved  Action details Not available
190635 5190635Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to dedicate Dickerman Playground to open space and recreational use in perpetuity.Approved  Action details Not available