City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Licenses and Permits Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/16/2014 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
196484 2196484Public EventPublic Event Permit, Charles River AlleyCats Meow Mile 5K Road Race, Highland Avenue-Summer Street and area roads, Oct 12, 6AM-12:30PM.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196487 2196487LicenseNew Mobile Food Vendor, Fugu Foods.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196486 2196486LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Fortissimo Coffeehouse, 365 Somerville Ave.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196686 2196686LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Target Store T 1441, 180 Somerville Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
196687 2196687LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Kmart #3486, 77 Middlesex Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
196688 2196688LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Mr. B's, 142 Cross St.Approved  Action details Not available
196692 2196692LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Union Sq. Pizza, 63 Union Sq., 4 tables, 8 chairs.Approved  Action details Not available
196691 2196691LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, Diva Indian Bistro, 246 Elm St.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196693 2196693LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Broadway Eatery, 1157 Broadway, 3 tables, 6 chairs.Approved  Action details Not available
196401 2196401Public EventPublic Event Permit, Vecna Cares 5K Robot Run, Davis Square area, Jun 29, 6:30AM-Noon.Approved  Action details Not available
196408 2196408LicenseNew Used Car Dealer's License Class II, Top Gear Motor Group, 161 Linwood Street, for 20 autos stored outside.Approved  Action details Not available
196742 2196742Public EventPublic Event Permit, The Somerville Flea, Buena Vista Parking Lot, Sundays Jun 1-Oct 26, 7:30AM-5:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
196760 3196760ResolutionThat the Administration create a process to evaluate public events for financial impacts on city resources, and use it for all public event applications.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196453 3196453OrderThat the Clerk of Committees notify the owners of Alewife Automotive, 395 Alewife Brook Parkway, to appear at a License and Permits Committee meeting to discuss the terms of the license.Work completed  Action details Not available
196219 3196219OrderThat the City Solicitor report to this Board’s Committee on Licenses and Permits, what measures are in place or could be put into permitting language to prevent businesses with A-frame signs on sidewalks from blocking pedestrian passage in the winter.Work completed  Action details Not available
196238 3196238OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) investigate Top Cars and ATS Towing at 438 Columbia Street for proper licenses.Work completed  Action details Not available
196304 3196304OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) provide the Ward 2 Alderman with an update on the lack of proper licenses for all businesses at 495-497 Columbia Street.Work completed  Action details Not available
196657 4196657Officer's CommunicationAssistant City Solicitor responding to #196219 re: A-Frame Sign Permitting Language.Work completed  Action details Not available
196740 4196740CommunicationDeputy Director of Communications responding to #196239, conveying a calendar of FY14 public events and providing information about the public event review process.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
195222 7195222LicenseNew Mobile Food Vendor, Bon Me Foods.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
195198 8195198LicenseNew Mobile Food Vendor, Tenoch Mexican.Kept in committee  Action details Not available