City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/26/2018 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber-City Hall-93 Highland Avenue
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
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205732 1205732Public EventPublic Event License, Community Events at the Community Growing Center, May 1-Oct 31, various times.Approved  Action details Not available
205734 1205734Public EventPublic Event License, Open Studios Information Booth, Statue Park, May 5-6, 11:30AM-6:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
205733 1205733Public EventPublic Event License, Taza Chocolate Spring Block Party, Windsor Place from Columbia St to Windsor St, May 5, 9AM-6PM (raindate May 6).Approved  Action details Not available
205735 1205735Public EventPublic Event License, Somerville International Family Equality Day, May 6, 11AM-6PM (raindate May 20).Approved  Action details Not available
205736 1205736Public EventPublic Event License, Davis Sq Farmers Market, Day St Parking Lot, Wednesdays May 16-Nov 21, 10:30AM-7PM.Approved  Action details Not available
205737 1205737Public EventPublic Event License, MSPCA Fast and Furriest 5K Run-Walk-Wag, Assembly Row-Mystic River Reservation, May 20, 5AM-4PM.Approved  Action details Not available
205738 1205738Public EventPublic Event License, Irmandade do Divinio Espirito Santo, Pentecost Sunday Procession, May 20, 9AM-12:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
205739 1205739Public EventPublic Event License, Holyoke Road Spring Block Party, Jun 2, 11AM-7PM (raindate Jun 3).Approved  Action details Not available
205740 1205740Public EventPublic Event License, Boston Meditation Training Seminar, Statue Park, Jun 3,10,17, 12:30-5PM.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
205741 1205741LicenseAmending Outdoor Seating License, Rincon Mexicano, 99 Broadway, increasing tables from 2 to 4, and seats from 4 to 16.Approved  Action details Not available
205742 1205742LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Caruso.Approved  Action details Not available
205743 1205743LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, McCourt Construction.Approved  Action details Not available
205744 1205744LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, NELM.Approved  Action details Not available
205745 1205745LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, EB Rotondi and Sons.Approved  Action details Not available
205746 1205746LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, PT Kelley.Approved  Action details Not available
205747 1205747LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Borges Sewer and Drain.Approved  Action details Not available
205748 1205748LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Home Depot, 75 Mystic Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
205749 1205749LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Mercedes Benz of Boston, 259 McGrath Hwy.Approved  Action details Not available
205750 1205750LicenseRenewing Garage License, Mercedes Benz of Boston, 161 Linwood St.Approved  Action details Not available
205751 1205751LicenseRenewing Garage License, Mercedes Benz of Boston Commercial Vans, 161 Linwood St.Approved  Action details Not available
205752 1205752LicenseRenewing Garage License, Mercedes Benz of Boston, 19 Joy St.Approved  Action details Not available
205753 1205753LicenseRenewing Garage License, Herb Chambers I-93, 259 McGrath Hwy.Approved  Action details Not available
205754 1205754LicenseRenewing Garage License, Herb Chambers I-93, 71 Linwood St.Approved  Action details Not available
205755 1205755LicenseRenewing Garage License, Federal Realty Investment Trust, 333 Great River Rd.Approved  Action details Not available
205756 1205756LicenseRenewing Garage License, Federal Realty Investment Trust, 479 Canal St.Approved  Action details Not available
205757 1205757LicenseRenewing Garage License, Federal Realty Investment Trust, 355 Artisan Way.Approved  Action details Not available
205758 1205758LicenseRenewing Garage License, Federal Realty Investment Trust, 445 Artisan Way.Approved  Action details Not available
205759 1205759LicenseRenewing Garage License, BBC Auto Repair, 42 Joy St.Approved  Action details Not available
205760 1205760LicenseRenewing Garage License, Partners Healthcare System, 21 Third Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
205761 1205761LicenseRenewing Garage License, Automotive Transport Service, 495 Columbia St.Approved  Action details Not available
205762 1205762LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Silva Cab, Med #83.Approved  Action details Not available
205763 1205763LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, 32 Summer St Corp, Med #29.Approved  Action details Not available
205764 1205764LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Elysse Corp, Med #48.Approved  Action details Not available
205765 1205765LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, TR Cab, Med #2.Approved  Action details Not available
205766 1205766LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, ODJ Taxi, Med #1.Approved  Action details Not available
205767 1205767LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Michael Cab, Med #88.Approved  Action details Not available
205768 1205768LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, LTK, Med #66.Approved  Action details Not available
205769 1205769LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, WWJKK Inc, Med #90.Approved  Action details Not available
205770 1205770LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Bibi's Cab, Med #20.Approved  Action details Not available
205771 1205771LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Raymy Inc, Med #59.Approved  Action details Not available
205772 1205772LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Jolina Taxi, Med #52.Approved  Action details Not available
205773 1205773LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Yolande Trans, Med #15.Approved  Action details Not available
205774 1205774LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, God's Blessing Cab, Med #60.Approved  Action details Not available
205775 1205775LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Big Belly Deli, 513 Medford St.Approved  Action details Not available
205776 1205776LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Domino's Pizza, 201 Elm St.Approved  Action details Not available
205777 1205777LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Mr. B's, 142 Cross St.Approved  Action details Not available
205778 1205778LicenseRenewing Junk Dealer's License, Talewsky Enterprises, 508 Columbia St.Approved  Action details Not available
205779 1205779LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, Blue Shirt Cafe, 424 Highland Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
205781 1205781LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, Manoa Poke Shop, 296 Beacon St.Approved  Action details Not available
205716 1205716Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Licenses and Permits, meeting on April 17, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205713 1205713Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Confirmation of Appointments and Personnel Matters, meeting on April 18, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205720 1205720Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Traffic and Parking, meeting on April 19, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205721 1205721Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Youth Services, meeting on April 23, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205718 1205718Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Public Utilities and Public Works, meeting on April 23, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205714 1205714Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting on April 24, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205715 1205715Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Legislative Matters, meeting as a Committee of the Whole on April 25, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205719 1205719Committee ReportReport of the Special Committee on Rodent Issues, meeting on April 25, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205686 1205686Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
205687 1205687MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, March 22, 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205731 1205731Officer's CommunicationDeputy Director of Communications updating this Board on the status of the Big Apple Circus' licenses and permits.Placed on file  Action details Not available
205783 1205783Public Communication6 residents submitting comments re: #204954, a Home Rule Petition for a Real Estate Transfer Fee.Placed on file  Action details Not available
205782 1205782Public Communication55 voters requesting a Public Hearing on Tufts University's Payments in Lieu of Taxes and other benefits provided to the community.Laid on the table  Action details Not available
205791 1205791Public CommunicationChamber of Commerce submitting comments re: #204278, the proposed demolition review ordinance.Placed on file  Action details Not available
205780 1205780LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, Rincon Mexicano, 99 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
205780 2205780LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, Rincon Mexicano, 99 Broadway.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205688 2205688OrderThat the Director of Personnel share with this Board, in writing, the Administration's outreach plan to get more diverse candidates to take the Fire and Police Department civil service exams.Approved  Action details Not available
205792 2205792ResolutionThat the new coalition Somerville Stands Together share with this Board their mission to support workers’ rights and other progressive issues in Somerville.Approved  Action details Not available
205795 2205795OrderThat the Director of SPCD improve the Teele Square traffic signal wait time by reducing the 2 to 3 cycle wait time to on demand or one cycle wait time during morning and evening rush hours.Approved  Action details Not available
205794 2205794ResolutionThat, as part of CTY calls going out about the upcoming ResiStat meetings, residents be informed that 1) the Mayor will lead a presentation on the proposed Real Estate Transfer Fee at each ResiStat meeting, and 2) the Board will convene a Public Hearing on the issue at City Hall on May 7.Approved  Action details Not available
205793 2205793CommunicationConveying information related to prior referenda in Somerville approving General or Special Laws.Placed on file  Action details Not available
205785 2205785OrderThat the City Solicitor update this Board on the current status of the draft ordinance regulating Airbnb.Approved  Action details Not available
205704 2205704ResolutionThat the Administration report in writing on the net change in total trees and tree inches from all projects in 2017.Approved  Action details Not available
205705 2205705ResolutionThat the Administration report in writing on the net change in tree inches based on all projects planned for 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205706 2205706ResolutionThat the Administration report in writing on the net change in green and open space based on all projects planned for 2018.Approved  Action details Not available
205707 2205707ResolutionThat the Administration report in writing on an Acquisition Fund to increase the City's ability to buy parcels for open space.Approved  Action details Not available
205708 2205708ResolutionThat the Administration immediately pursue creation of a public athletic field and recreation complex atop the 36,000 square foot parking deck proposed for construction in the Union Square eminent domain parcel currently designated "D-2".Approved  Action details Not available
205709 2205709ResolutionThat the Administration immediately pursue creation of a public fields and recreation area in the Inner Belt District pursuant to the Fields Master Plan.Approved  Action details Not available
205710 2205710ResolutionThat the Administration update this Board on the toxicity and availability of Conway Park's fields and playground, with a timeline for re-opening, in light of the significant impact on parents, children and child-care businesses in the city.Approved  Action details Not available
205711 2205711ResolutionThat the Administration present a Heat Island Impact Analysis on the proposed replacement of Conway Park's grass fields with artificial turf.Approved  Action details Not available
205784 2205784OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works schedule more frequent cleaning of the trash compactors in Davis Square Statue Park, consider adding more compactors, and inform the Ward 6 Alderman of the outcome.Approved  Action details Not available
205699 2205699ResolutionThat the Administration share information on efforts with WAZE and other routing systems to determine how their algorithms direct traffic through Somerville.Approved  Action details Not available
205700 2205700ResolutionThat the Administration report on the feasibility of giving parking permits to cars that are part of car-share programs and housed in Somerville for an extended period of time.Approved  Action details Not available
205701 2205701ResolutionThat the Administration share enforcement mechanisms for Ordinance 11-33, Driveway Construction, as it relates to pervious surface area.Approved  Action details Not available
205702 2205702ResolutionThat the Administration consider hiring licensed site professionals for oversight of acquired land and providing them with the authority to impose their recommendations on developers, to protect human health and the environment.Approved  Action details Not available
205703 2205703OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works post signs at Dilboy Field warning dog owners to clean up after their dogs or they will be cited and fined.Approved  Action details Not available
205781 2205781LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, Manoa Poke Shop, 296 Beacon St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205689 2205689OrderThat the Chief of Police enforce the state law requiring a white light on the front of a bicycle and a red reflector or light on the back when operated from a-half hour after sunset to a half-hour before sunrise.Approved  Action details Not available
205690 2205690OrderThat the Director of SPCD report to this Board on using trees in planters on streets instead of bump outs as a low-cost way to calm traffic and to place trees on streets where the sidewalks are too narrow to accommodate street trees.Approved  Action details Not available
205691 2205691OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking report to this Board on the possibility of re-striping faded crosswalks whenever necessary, instead of once a year.Approved  Action details Not available
205692 2205692OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works report to this Board on the process for leveling sidewalks to improve accessibility other than replacing an entire panel, such as grinding down lifted panels, replacing bricks with concrete or asphalt, or other techniques.Approved  Action details Not available
205695 2205695ResolutionSupporting the Environmental Justice Act (MA Bills H.2913 and S.426).Approved  Action details Not available
205696 2205696OrderThat the Commission of Public Works, the Director of Traffic and Parking and the Director of Engineering provide this Board with a written policy requiring written notice to abutters of a prolonged street closure related to construction.Approved  Action details Not available
205697 2205697ResolutionThat the Administration update this Board on a municipal ID program for all residents, including any input from local immigrant advocacy groups, residents and non-profit organizations.Approved  Action details Not available
205698 2205698OrderThat the Director of SPCD determine whether congestion at the intersection of Benton Road and Highland Avenue would be improved by removing a few parking spots at the mouth of Benton Road, and report in writing to the Ward 3 Alderman.Approved  Action details Not available
205779 2205779LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, Blue Shirt Cafe, 424 Highland Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205778 2205778LicenseRenewing Junk Dealer's License, Talewsky Enterprises, 508 Columbia St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205694 2205694OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works fill the potholes again on the south side of Highland Avenue in front of the Somerville Hospital parking lot.Approved  Action details Not available
205777 2205777LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Mr. B's, 142 Cross St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205776 2205776LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Domino's Pizza, 201 Elm St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205693 2205693OrderThat the Director of SPCD and the Director of Traffic and Parking report to this Board on traffic calming options for Richardson Street.Approved  Action details Not available
205775 2205775LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Big Belly Deli, 513 Medford St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205774 2205774LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, God's Blessing Cab, Med #60.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205773 2205773LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Yolande Trans, Med #15.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205772 2205772LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Jolina Taxi, Med #52.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205771 2205771LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Raymy Inc, Med #59.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205770 2205770LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Bibi's Cab, Med #20.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205769 2205769LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, WWJKK Inc, Med #90.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205768 2205768LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, LTK, Med #66.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205767 2205767LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Michael Cab, Med #88.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205766 2205766LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, ODJ Taxi, Med #1.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205765 2205765LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, TR Cab, Med #2.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205764 2205764LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Elysse Corp, Med #48.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205763 2205763LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, 32 Summer St Corp, Med #29.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205762 2205762LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion License, Silva Cab, Med #83.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205712 2205712CommunicationReporting on the High School Building Committee meeting of April 23, 2018.Placed on file  Action details Not available
205761 2205761LicenseRenewing Garage License, Automotive Transport Service, 495 Columbia St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205760 2205760LicenseRenewing Garage License, Partners Healthcare System, 21 Third Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205759 2205759LicenseRenewing Garage License, BBC Auto Repair, 42 Joy St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205758 2205758LicenseRenewing Garage License, Federal Realty Investment Trust, 445 Artisan Way.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205757 2205757LicenseRenewing Garage License, Federal Realty Investment Trust, 355 Artisan Way.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205756 2205756LicenseRenewing Garage License, Federal Realty Investment Trust, 479 Canal St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205755 2205755LicenseRenewing Garage License, Federal Realty Investment Trust, 333 Great River Rd.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205754 2205754LicenseRenewing Garage License, Herb Chambers I-93, 71 Linwood St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205753 2205753LicenseRenewing Garage License, Herb Chambers I-93, 259 McGrath Hwy.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205752 2205752LicenseRenewing Garage License, Mercedes Benz of Boston, 19 Joy St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205751 2205751LicenseRenewing Garage License, Mercedes Benz of Boston Commercial Vans, 161 Linwood St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205750 2205750LicenseRenewing Garage License, Mercedes Benz of Boston, 161 Linwood St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205749 2205749LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Mercedes Benz of Boston, 259 McGrath Hwy.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205748 2205748LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Home Depot, 75 Mystic Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205747 2205747LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Borges Sewer and Drain.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205746 2205746LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, PT Kelley.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205745 2205745LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, EB Rotondi and Sons.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205744 2205744LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, NELM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205743 2205743LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, McCourt Construction.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205742 2205742LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Caruso.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205741 2205741LicenseAmending Outdoor Seating License, Rincon Mexicano, 99 Broadway, increasing tables from 2 to 4, and seats from 4 to 16.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205739 2205739Public EventPublic Event License, Holyoke Road Spring Block Party, Jun 2, 11AM-7PM (raindate Jun 3).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205738 2205738Public EventPublic Event License, Irmandade do Divinio Espirito Santo, Pentecost Sunday Procession, May 20, 9AM-12:30PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205737 2205737Public EventPublic Event License, MSPCA Fast and Furriest 5K Run-Walk-Wag, Assembly Row-Mystic River Reservation, May 20, 5AM-4PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205736 2205736Public EventPublic Event License, Davis Sq Farmers Market, Day St Parking Lot, Wednesdays May 16-Nov 21, 10:30AM-7PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205735 2205735Public EventPublic Event License, Somerville International Family Equality Day, May 6, 11AM-6PM (raindate May 20).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205733 2205733Public EventPublic Event License, Taza Chocolate Spring Block Party, Windsor Place from Columbia St to Windsor St, May 5, 9AM-6PM (raindate May 6).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205734 2205734Public EventPublic Event License, Open Studios Information Booth, Statue Park, May 5-6, 11:30AM-6:30PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205732 2205732Public EventPublic Event License, Community Events at the Community Growing Center, May 1-Oct 31, various times.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205717 2205717OrderThat the Chief Fire Engineer inform the Committee on Licenses and Permits how the Fire Prevention Bureau reviews applications and issues licenses for the storage of flammables.Approved  Action details Not available
205729 2205729Officer's CommunicationLegislative Liaison updating this Board on the city's recycling costs.Placed on file  Action details Not available
205725 3205725CommunicationRequesting the appointment of retired Police Officer Michael Cabral as a Special Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
205726 3205726CommunicationRequesting the appointment of retired Police Officer Martha Costa as a Special Police Officer.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
205727 3205727Mayor's RequestDirector of Water and Sewer submitting proposed water and sewer rates for FY19.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
205728 3205728Mayor's RequestDirector of Water and Sewer submitting proposed fire suppression charges for FY19.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
205730 3205730Officer's CommunicationAssistant City Solicitor conveying the response to #205661, Michael Kiely's Open Meeting Law complaint of April 6, 2018.Placed on file  Action details Not available
204450 3204450Public CommunicationBen Morelli submitting comments re: #204336, prorating residential parking permits.Work completed  Action details Not available
205323 3205323LicenseNew Flammables License, Metropolitan Pipe and Supply, 30 Innerbelt Rd, storing 1,215 gallons.Approved  Action details Not available
205324 3205324LicenseNew Flammables License, Internap Corp, 50 Innerbelt Rd, storing 9,600 gallons.Approved  Action details Not available
205786 3205786Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $97,570 from the Salary Contingency Salaries Account to various E-911 Personal Services Accounts in order to fund an agreement with SEIU/Local 888 E911 Call Takers.eReferred for recommendation  Action details Not available
205787 3205787Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $48,215 from the Salary and Wage Stabilization Fund to the E-911 Other Lump Sum Benefits Account to fund an agreement with SEIU/Local 888 E-911 Call Takers.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
205324 4205324LicenseNew Flammables License, Internap Corp, 50 Innerbelt Rd, storing 9,600 gallons.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
205323 4205323LicenseNew Flammables License, Metropolitan Pipe and Supply, 30 Innerbelt Rd, storing 1,215 gallons.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
204733 4204733OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking post a NO U-TURN sign on Porter Street at Highland Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
205009 4205009OrderThat the City Engineer not issue any street opening permits for gas work by Eversource, excluding emergency work, until an adequate description of the work to be performed is prepared by Eversource in coordination with the Director of Engineering, prior to the issuance of any such permits.Work completed  Action details Not available
205211 4205211OrderThat the condition submitted by SPCD for used car dealer licenses issued in the Union Square Urban Revitalization Plan area be reviewed by SPCD, the City Solicitor and the City Clerk to confirm it will not infringe upon licensees’ ability to conduct business.Work completed  Action details Not available
205722 4205722Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation and authorization to borrow $500,000 in a bond for ADA building improvements.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
200524 4200524OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking install “Slow–Children Crossing” or “Caution–Children at Play” signage to slow traffic at the intersection of Central and Forster Streets.Work completed  Action details Not available
200525 4200525OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works direct MA DOT to repair the sidewalks on the Central Street bridge near Hoyt-Sullivan Park, and report to this Board on progress.Work completed  Action details Not available
200774 4200774OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking consider installing designated metered motorcyle/moped parking spots near Davis Square.Work completed  Action details Not available
200994 4200994ResolutionThat the Traffic Commission consider amending Article 14 to provide a separate and simplified means for requesting speed bumps where needed.Work completed  Action details Not available
201006 4201006OrderThat the Director of Engineering, the Director of Capital Projects and the Director of SPCD report to this Board by 5/12/16 on adding a crosswalk on Cedar Street at Albion Street and Lexington Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
201148 4201148OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking replace the unreadable PRIVATE WAY and TOW ZONE signs at Olive Avenue and Linden Avenue, and repair the NOT A THROUGH STREET sign at 10 Olive Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
201798 4201798OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking install a SLOW – CHILDREN CROSSING or CAUTION – CHILDREN AT PLAY sign on Central Street south of Forster Street, on the east side of the street. (2nd request)Work completed  Action details Not available
202099 4202099OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking install signage at all traffic light intersections for enforcement of bicycling regulations.Work completed  Action details Not available
202103 4202103ResolutionThat the Traffic Commission consider increasing the fine for blocking a driveway from $30 to $100.Work completed  Action details Not available
202110 4202110OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking repaint the NO SIDEWALK CYCLING decals on the sidewalks in the business districts and post larger signage in both English and Spanish.Work completed  Action details Not available
199958 4199958OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking place a DEAD END sign at the intersection of Roberts and Hinckley Streets.Work completed  Action details Not available
200250 4200250OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking install a crosswalk at Central and Forster Streets.Work completed  Action details Not available
200262 4200262OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking report to this Board on whether the use of mirrors to provide improved sight lines for exiting driveways or narrow streets has been considered here.Work completed  Action details Not available
202787 4202787ResolutionThat the Traffic Commission consider amending Article 14 of the City Traffic Regulations to provide a simplified means for residents and Aldermen to request, and for the Commission to approve, the placement of speed bumps on residential streets.Work completed  Action details Not available
202926 4202926OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking erect signs at the city borders encouraging motorists to drive safely and informing them of the 25 mph speed limit and 20 mph safety zones.Work completed  Action details Not available
203073 4203073OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking discuss with the Ward 5 Alderman, the request for four no parking spots at the intersection of Murdock and Cedar Streets.Work completed  Action details Not available
203509 4203509OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking replace the missing Pedestrian Impact Recovery System in the crosswalk at Morrison Avenue and Highland Road.Work completed  Action details Not available
203511 4203511OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking report to the Ward 5 Alderman on the Murdock Street neighbors’ request for four no parking spots on Murdock Street at Cedar Street.Work completed  Action details Not available
204252 4204252OrderThat the Chief of Police assign officers to conduct traffic enforcement of bicyclists during the morning rush hour at the Cedar Street Community Path crossing, and include the Bicycle Advisory Committee in any discussions.Work completed  Action details Not available
204253 4204253OrderThat the Director of SPCD consider adding some sort of signal or barrier to cause bicyclists to slow or stop at the Community Path intersections with Cedar Street and Willow Avenue, and include the Bicycle Advisory Committee in any discussions.Work completed  Action details Not available
204254 4204254OrderThat the Chief of Police increase traffic enforcement of bicyclists in the fall and mid- to late-spring, when bicycle traffic is at its peak.Work completed  Action details Not available
205790 4205790Officer's CommunicationCPA Manager submitting summary information on the Community Preservation Committee's FY18 recommendations for project funding (#205504-#205511).Placed on file  Action details Not available
205788 4205788Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of the 2018-2022 HUD Consolidated Plan and the 2018-2019 1-Year Action Plan for the CDBG, HOME Investment Partnership, and Emergency Solutions Entitlement Grant programs.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
205723 4205723Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to create the Boynton Yards Stabilization Fund and accept a payment to the Fund of $60,000 from RECP V Boynton Yards Owner LLC for engineering, planning, legal, and other related expenses.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
205789 4205789Officer's CommunicationHousing Programs Coordinator submitting a summary of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund FY18 activity.Placed on file  Action details Not available
204336 4204336ResolutionThat the Traffic Commission discuss, at its October meeting, revising the rules for the renewal of residential parking permits and consider fee proration for periods less than a full year.Work completed  Action details Not available
205503 5205503Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $369,847 from the Receipts Reserved for Appropriation-Cable TV License Receipts Account to the Cable Television PEG Access Fund, to fund the FY18 Budget.Approved  Action details Not available
204334 5204334CommunicationDirector of Traffic and Parking responding to Board Orders approved at the 8/24/17 meeting.Work completed  Action details Not available
204333 5204333CommunicationDirector of Traffic and Parking responding to Board Orders approved at the 7/13/17 meeting.Work completed  Action details Not available
203628 5203628CommunicationDirector of Traffic and Parking responding to items approved at the 04/27/17 meeting.Work completed  Action details Not available
203629 5203629CommunicationDirector of Traffic and Parking responding to items approved at the 05/11/17 meeting.Work completed  Action details Not available
203107 5203107CommunicationDirector of Traffic and Parking responding to Board Orders approved at the 3/9/17 meeting.Work completed  Action details Not available
200017 5200017CommunicationTraffic and Parking Director submitting responses to various Board Orders submitted 8/27/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
202961 5202961Officer's CommunicationTraffic and Parking Director responding to items approved 2/23/17.Work completed  Action details Not available
200263 5200263OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking consider the attached suggestions from Ward 5 residents to improve traffic flow during rush hours in Magoun Square and report back to this Board.Work completed  Action details Not available
200088 5200088CommunicationTraffic and Parking Director submitting responses to various Board Orders submitted 9/24/15.Work completed  Action details Not available
202825 5202825CommunicationDirector of Traffic and Parking responding to items approved at the 1/26/17 meeting.Work completed  Action details Not available
204734 5204734OrderThat the Chief of Police conduct traffic enforcement during the afternoon rush hour at the intersection of Hinckley Street and Broadway so motorists on Broadway don't prevent cars from exiting Hinckley Street.Work completed  Action details Not available