| 3 | 200751 | Order | That the Chief Assessor provide this Board with the final breakdown of residential exemptions for the current fiscal year, by property type, with comparisons to prior fiscal years. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 200752 | Resolution | That the Administration provide assistance, including financial where appropriate, to resident homeowners whose property is damaged from the roots of trees planted by the City. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | 200848 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval for a time-only extension for the Marchese contract for road construction, to November 30, 2016. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 200799 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval to transfer $20,000 in the DPW Engineering Division, from its Salary Account to its Professional and Technical Services Account, to fund its on-call contract. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 200801 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval to extend two MA DOT contracts for the East Broadway Streetscape project to February 29, 2018. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 200847 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the expenditure of FY16 funds totaling $140 to pay a prior year invoice in the Police Dept. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 200754 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $100,000 from Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Health and Human Services Professional and Technical Services Account to fund enhanced youth services/youth development programming. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 200685 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a $9,685 grant from the MA Urban Area Security Initiative for the Dept. of Public Works to install a security fence at the storage yard. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 200661 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a grant of $6,300 from the MA Assn. Health Board/MA Dept. of Public Health, for the Health and Human Services Dept.'s Mass in Motion program to activate the parks for our aging population. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 200800 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a grant of $10,000 from Mount Auburn Hospital for the Health & Human Services Department to help families impacted by the opioid epidemic and anti-stigma campaign. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 200796 | Mayor's Request | Requesting authorization to borrow $130,000 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, to fund an Owners Project Manager for City Hall renovation work. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available