| 3 | 210220 | Order | That the Director of Finance and the Budget Director provide funding equity for girls in the FY21 budget with respect to Parks and Recreation Department sports and activities as well as High School varsity sports and activities. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 210221 | Order | That the Director of Finance discuss providing small businesses the option to pay the Licensing Commission's annual license renewal fees in installments instead of all at once. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | 210216 | Mayor's Request | Director of Water and Sewer submitting proposed water and sewer volumetric rates for FY21. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 7 | 210117 | Order | That the Director of Finance provide a written rolling cash flow analysis every 2 weeks during this COVID-19 emergency and include forecasts to ensure sufficient operating liquidity by estimating the available cash deposits, expected inflows, and required disbursements. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 8 | 209789 | Order | That this Council's Committee on Finance discuss the peoples' budget and priorities for FY21. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 8 | 210035 | Order | That the Director of Finance update this Council on all money received to date related to the COVID-19 situation. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 8 | 210036 | Order | That the Director of Finance update this Council on all expenditures, encumbrances and anticipated expenses to date related to the COVID-19 situation. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 16 | 201740 | Ordinance | Proposing an ordinance relative to a mid-fiscal year report of municipal finances, with next-fiscal year budget projections. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available