City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/2/2015 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
198905 3198905Public CommunicationCPC-T Holdings LLC requesting that this Board discontinue Cross Street East from Pennsylvania Avenue to Mystic Avenue.Placed on file  Action details Not available
200339 4200339Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to extend a House Doctor contract with CDR Maguire to complete the closeout of two city construction projects.Approved  Action details Not available
200326 4200326Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to pay a prior year invoice of $1,098.45 in the City Clerk's Office from Invoice Cloud, for online payment processing.Approved  Action details Not available
200327 4200327Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $29,179 from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to support the Housing Division's Continuum of Care planning efforts.Approved  Action details Not available
200329 4200329Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $25,964 from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to support the Housing Division's Continuum of Care planning efforts.Approved  Action details Not available
200412 5200412Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $27,362 in Parking Meter Receipts to the School Department to establish a FIRST Robotics Team.Approved  Action details Not available
200413 5200413Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of the fee interest in Parcel 34B, including portions of Great River Road, Assembly Row, Canal Street, and Foley Street, and all of Artisan Way.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
200416 5200416Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to extend a contract with Joel Russell Associates to December 31, 2016 for on call consulting for the zoning overhaul.Approved  Action details Not available
200417 5200417Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to extend a contract with Clarion Associates to December 31, 2016 for on call consulting for the zoning Overhaul.Approved  Action details Not available
200324 5200324Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $142,036 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to purchase 4 police vehicles.Approved  Action details Not available
200320 5200320Mayor's RequestRequesting to rescind $24,970 of $168,191 in CPA funds appropriated for the Somerville Museum to purchase a wheelchair lift per the recommendation of the Community Preservation Committee.Approved  Action details Not available
200330 5200330Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a $12,000 grant from the MA Public Safety and Security Highway Safety Division for the Police's Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket Mobilization Program.Approved  Action details Not available
200337 5200337Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a grant of $2,000 from the MA Office of Public Safety and Security to the Police Department for child passenger safety equipment.Approved  Action details Not available
200335 5200335Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $5,102 From The MA Office of Public Safety and Security for the Police Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Enforcement initiative.Approved  Action details Not available
200170 5200170Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $ $4,048.60 from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council for the Shape Up Somerville Program.Approved  Action details Not available
200165 5200165Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay an FY15 Dell Marketing invoice of $81,312.50 from the Information Technology Department's FY16 budget, for Exchange online licensing.Approved  Action details Not available
200166 5200166Mayor's RequestRequesting approval pay an FY15 invoice totaling $4,995 from the Information Technology Department's FY16 budget, for the Recreation Department's online registration system.Approved  Action details Not available
200168 5200168Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a FY15 invoice of $225.79 in the Information Technology Department using FY16 funds, for a copy machine rental.Approved  Action details Not available
200189 5200189Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a FY15 invoice of $215.70 using FY16 Information Technology Department funds, to pay for a copier lease.Approved  Action details Not available
200188 5200188Mayor's RequestRequesting approval pay a FY15 invoice of $221.19 using FY16 Information Technology Department funds, for a leased copier.Approved  Action details Not available
200169 5200169Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a FY15 invoice of $183.52 in the Information Technology Department using FY16 funds, for a copy machine rental.Approved  Action details Not available
200167 5200167Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a FY15 invoice of $1,613.03 in the Information Technology Department using FY16 funds, for the leasing of eight printers.Approved  Action details Not available
200164 5200164Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to transfer $11,000 in the Health and Human Services Department, from its Personal Services Account to its Professional and Technical Services Account, to pay for summer school contracted nursing services.Approved  Action details Not available
200336 5200336Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $4,828 from Somerville Cambridge Elder Services for the Council on Aging for transportation services.Approved  Action details Not available
200334 5200334Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $6,082 from Somerville Cambridge Elder Services for the Council on Aging for health and wellness programs.Approved  Action details Not available
200328 5200328Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a $26,500 grant from the MA Department of Environmental Protection for the Public Works Department's Recycling Dividends Program.Approved  Action details Not available
200333 5200333Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $7,357 grant from the Metro North Regional Employment Board for the Health and Human Service Youth Works Program.Approved  Action details Not available
200332 5200332Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $9,990 grant from the MA Office of Public Safety and Security for Police Department underage alcohol enforcement.Approved  Action details Not available
200331 6200331Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $10,000 from the MA Historical Commission for historical planning and survey work in Union Square.Approved  Action details Not available
199606 6199606Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of an Easement and Easement Releases over a former portion of Cross Street East.Approved  Action details Not available
199922 6199922Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay an FY12 invoice of $45,000 in the DPW using FY16 appropriations.Approved  Action details Not available
200076 6200076Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay FY15 invoices from FY16 appropriations totaling $53,666.71 in the Department of Public Works.Approved  Action details Not available
200338 6200338Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to extend a contract with Zip Car through December 31, 2017.Approved  Action details Not available
200077 6200077Mayor's RequestRequesting the payment of an FY15 collection invoice totalling $10,602.40 with FY16 funds in the Traffic and Parking Department.Approved  Action details Not available
200323 6200323Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation and authorization to borrow $885,000 in a bond to pay final design costs for the West Branch Library Renovation Project.Approved  Action details Not available