City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/26/2012 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
193423 4193423Mayor's RequestRequesting discontinuance of the abandoned segment of Assembly Square Drive as a public way.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
193422 4193422Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a deed conveying fee simple title to the new Assembly Square Drive.Approved  Action details Not available
193424 5193424Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a multi-year lease of the East Somerville Police Substation and office space at 79-83 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
193419 5193419Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $70,966 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to match the Federal Transportation Administration grant for a bike share system.Approved  Action details Not available
193425 5193425Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $30,000 from the Parks Stabilization Fund for the construction of Chuckie Harris Park.Approved  Action details Not available
193345 5193345Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a revised appropriation of $39,511,429 for the cost of rehabilitation and renovation of the East Somerville Community School.Approved with conditions  Action details Not available
193414 6193414Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of 8 temporary and 1 permanent Easements for the new section of the Community Path from Cedar St. To Lowell St.Approved as amended  Action details Not available