City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/26/2013 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber-City Hall-93 Highland Avenue
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
195609 1195609Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting on September 18, 2013.Approved  Action details Not available
195611 1195611Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Land Use, meeting on September 18, 2013.Approved  Action details Not available
195610 1195610Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Land Use, meeting in Joint Session with the Planning Board on September 18, 2013.Approved  Action details Not available
195614 1195614Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety, meeting on September 25, 2013.Approved  Action details Not available
195608 1195608Committee ReportReport of the Special Committee on Environment and Energy, meeting on September 25, 2013.Approved  Action details Not available
195612 1195612Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Legislative Matters, meeting on September 25, 2013.Approved as amended  Action details Not available
195575 1195575MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, August 22, 2013.Approved  Action details Not available
195574 1195574Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195607 1195607Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Confirmation of Appointments, meeting on September 26, 2013.Approved  Action details Not available
195642 1195642Public CommunicationHala Jadallah submitting comments re: #195247, a proposed zoning ordinance to change all CCD45 and CCD55 zoning districts in Ward 4 to RC zoning districts.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195625 2195625OrderThe this Board's Committee on Public Health and Safety review the city's enforcement of the prohibition of riding bicycles on sidewalks.Approved  Action details Not available
195626 2195626ResolutionThat this Board supports the "Community Access Preservation Act" pending before the US Congress and co-sponsored by Congressman Capuano, and urges the entire MA Delegation to support it.Approved  Action details Not available
195613 2195613ResolutionThat the Administration present its thoughts on #194062, dealing with absentee landlord ordinances.Approved  Action details Not available
195638 2195638LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, Sequoia Construction.Approved  Action details Not available
195639 2195639LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Delta Upsilon Fraternity, 114 Professors Row.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195640 2195640LicenseSign/Awning Permit, Mudflat Pottery School, 81 Broadway, 1 sign.Approved  Action details Not available
195641 2195641LicenseSign/Awning Permit, Community Laundry, 10 Bow Street, 1 sign.Approved  Action details Not available
195636 2195636Public EventPublic Event Permit, Honk! East Somerville, Chuckie Harris Park, Oct 11, 1-4PM.Approved  Action details Not available
195637 2195637Public EventPublic Event Permit, Run 4 A Cure 5K Road Race, Hodgkins Park and area streets, Nov 2, 11AM-1PM.Approved  Action details Not available
195635 2195635Public EventPublic Event Permit, Columbia Pictures "Basic Math" Film Shoot, Tufts area, Sep 29 7AM-7PM, Sep 30 5AM-9PM.Approved  Action details Not available
195643 2195643OrderThat the City Solicitor draft an ordinance that would permit qualified Auxiliary Police Officers to work, and be paid for, details.Approved  Action details Not available
195644 2195644OrderThat this Board's Committee on Public Health and Safety examine the feasibility of registering bicycles.Approved  Action details Not available
195645 2195645OrderThat the Chief Information Officer confer with the City Clerk regarding problems with the computers in the Aldermen's Chamber.Approved  Action details Not available
195619 2195619Public EventPublic Event Permit, Hall Ave. Block Party, Oct 6, 2:30-7:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
195617 2195617Public EventPublic Event Permit, Women's Commission Domestic Violence Candlelight Vigil, Union Sq., Oct 2, 6-7PM.Approved  Action details Not available
195618 2195618Public EventPublic Event Permit, Redbones Oktoberfest, Chester Street from Elm to Herbert Sts., Oct 6, 7AM-6PM (raindate Oct 13).Approved  Action details Not available
195620 2195620Public EventPublic Event Permit, Taza Chocolate Day of the Dead, 561 Windsor St., Nov 2, Noon-7PM (raindate Nov 3).Approved  Action details Not available
195623 2195623LicenseNew Fortuneteller License, Astrology Studio, 278 Elm St.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195624 2195624LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Astrology Studio, 278 Elm St., 1 A-Frame sign.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195621 2195621LicenseRenewing Garage License, Inman Motors Sales, 463 McGrath Hwy.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195622 2195622LicenseRenewing and Amending Used Car Dealer Class 2 License, Inman Motors Sales, 463 McGrth Hwy., increasing to 30 autos outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195578 2195578Grant of LocationGrant of Location submitted by Action Environmental Inc., for 2 monitoring wells near 13 Alpine St.Approved  Action details Not available
195579 2195579Grant of LocationGrant of Location submitted by NStar Electric, for 40 feet of conduit in Elmwood Street from a pole to 39 Elmwood Street.Approved  Action details Not available
195580 2195580Grant of LocationGrant of Location submitted by NStar Electric, for 81 feet of conduit in Elmwood Street from a pole to 41 Elmwood Street.Approved  Action details Not available
195581 2195581Grant of LocationGrant of Location submitted by NStar Electric, for 30 feet of conduit in Clyde Street from a point of pickup to 25 Clyde Street.Approved  Action details Not available
195582 2195582Grant of LocationGrant of Location submitted by NStar Electric, for 53 feet of conduit in Cameron Avenue from a pole to 40 Cameron Avenue.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195583 2195583Grant of LocationGrant of Location submitted by NStar Electric, for 8 feet of conduit in Summer Street from a pole to 63 Summer Street.Approved  Action details Not available
195584 2195584Grant of LocationGrant of Location submitted by NStar Electric, for 63 feet of conduit in Porter Street from a pole to 146 Hudson Street.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195585 2195585Grant of LocationGrant of Location submitted by NStar Electric, for 36 feet of conduit in Dover Street from a pole to 82 Dover Street.Approved  Action details Not available
195576 2195576CitationCommending Deputy Chief Paul Upton, who is retiring after 30 years of dedicated service in the Police Dept.Approved  Action details Not available
195577 2195577CitationCommending Robert Lyons, James Hodnett, John Sordillo, James King, Robert Trahan, John Mitchell, Paul MacKinnon, and Joseph Crowley, who are all retiring from the Fire Department after a combined 239 years of dedicated service.Approved  Action details Not available
195606 2195606OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking install a STOP or GO SLOW - CHILDREN sign at Evergreen Avenue and School Street.Approved  Action details Not available
195587 2195587WithdrawnWithdrawn.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
195588 2195588OrderThat the Superintendent of Inspectional Services contact the owner of the Magoun Square Dunkin Donuts to address retaining wall and sidewalk issues.Approved  Action details Not available
195586 2195586ResolutionThat the Administration provide the Ward Aldermen with a timeline for all city-sponsored construction prior to the beginning of said projects.Approved  Action details Not available
195589 2195589OrderThat Commissioner of Public Works inspect and improve upon the lighting at the corner of Vernon and Lowell Streets, if necessary.Approved  Action details Not available
195590 2195590ResolutionThat the Dedication Committee consider placing a sign at the intersection of Electric Avenue and Lovell Street to honor John Quinlan, a lifelong resident, WW II veteran and fire fighter.Approved  Action details Not available
195591 2195591OrderThat the Director of Transportation and Infrastructure conduct a tree survey of Powderhouse Boulevard and produce a tree planting schedule that will maintain the current tree canopy.Approved  Action details Not available
195592 2195592OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking conduct all necessary studies required to place a legal truck ban on Powderhouse Boulevard.Approved  Action details Not available
195593 2195593OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD), the Director of Health and the Administration appear before this Board to report on their strategy to deal with the rodent epidemic being experienced in most parts of the city.Approved  Action details Not available
195594 2195594OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD ) appear before this Board to report on the mechanics of the city’s rodent baiting strategy.Approved  Action details Not available
195595 2195595OrderThat the Chief of Police maintain a regular police watch at the Winter Hill Market, at the corner of Wheatland Street and Broadway, for noise and illegal activity.Approved  Action details Not available
195596 2195596OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalks on both sides of Thurston Street, between Broadway and Evergreen Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
195597 2195597ResolutionThat the Administration provide an update on the Winter Hill Star Market site since the resolution of the court case, and the next steps for this site.Approved  Action details Not available
195598 2195598OrderThat the Chief Assessor develop a list of all absentee landlord property locations in Ward 4.Approved  Action details Not available
195599 2195599OrderThat the City Solicitor inform this Board of the fee structure of fines on absentee landlord property violations and how they can be increased.Approved  Action details Not available
195600 2195600OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works notify the appropriate utility companies to have all double polls removed from Kensington Avenue and re-hang all low hanging wires.Approved  Action details Not available
195601 2195601OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works notify the appropriate utility companies to place the wires at the intersection of Broadway and Wisconsin Street underground, as they originally were.Approved  Action details Not available
195602 2195602OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) bait all sewers on Everett Avenue for rodents.Approved  Action details Not available
195603 2195603OrderThat the Director of Traffic & Parking determine the feasibility of putting a STOP sign at the intersection of Pearl & Franklin Streets.Approved  Action details Not available
195604 2195604OrderThat the Community Liaison for the East Broadway Streetscape Project notify all residents and businesses prior to sidewalk replacement, and have the contractor provide proper access to all driveways.Approved  Action details Not available
195605 2195605OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works replace the street lamps at the locations herein named.Approved  Action details Not available
192104 3192104Mayor's RequestRequesting an amendment to the Local Historic District Map to create 1 new District (College Ave. Corridor of Faith) and add 1 property to that District, and to add 6 properties to the Hinckley-Magoun LHD, and 3 properties to the Winter Hill LHD (Group E remainder from #191744).Placed on file  Action details Not available
194756 3194756Public CommunicationLynn Weissman submitting comments re: a gender-neutral name for this Board.Work completed  Action details Not available
195293 3195293Public CommunicationDavid Dahlbacka submitting comments re: #194060, a zoning amendment to permit a larger ground-floor supermarket at Assembly Square.Work completed  Action details Not available
195305 3195305Public CommunicationFred Berman submitting comments re: #194060, a zoning amendment to permit a larger ground-floor supermarket at Assembly Square.Work completed  Action details Not available
195616 3195616CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Police Sergeant Sean Sheehan to the position of Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
195634 3195634Mayor's CommunicationCommunicating the unanimous vote of the MBTA Board of Directors approving a $393,046,243.09 Inter-service Agreement regarding the Green Line Extension Project with White Skanska Kiewit.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195646 3195646Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted this evening.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195633 3195633Mayor's CommunicationCommunicating the recommendation of the Powder House School Disposition Technical Advisory Committee and the Mayor's selection for the Preferred Developer for the Powder House Community School.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195632 3195632Mayor's CommunicationSubmitting a Veto of #195490, a LIvery License issued to Luxor Car Services, 29 Bailey Road, because such use is not permitted by the Zoning Ordinances.Approved  Action details Not available
194668 4194668OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) and the Director of Health provide a detailed plan for addressing increased rodent activity in the neighborhood of Washington and Calvin Streets and report back to the Ward 2 Alderman.Work completed  Action details Not available
195503 4195503OrderThat the Environmental Programs Manager submit a written report to this Board, within 7 days, on Somerville's involvement in the Earth Hour City Challenge.Work completed  Action details Not available
195507 4195507OrderThat the Environmental Programs Manager and the Director of SPCD report to this Board whether there is currently a city tax in place when residents want to install solar panels on their homes, and if so, work with this Board to eliminate or reduce it significantly.Work completed  Action details Not available
195519 4195519OrderThat the City Solicitor draft an ordinance that all commercial gas tank replacements require permit approval by this Board.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195569 4195569ResolutionThat this Board requests that the Administration enroll the City in the World Wildlife Fund's City Earth Challenge.Work completed  Action details Not available
195631 4195631Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a grant of $21,785.57 from the Boston Office of Emergency Management, to expand the connectivity of the Emergency Operations Center within the Public Safety Building.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195629 4195629Mayor's RequestRequesting the use of FY14 funds to pay a FY13 Benefits Strategies invoice totaling $3,183.73.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195628 4195628Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of $3,184 from the Health Insurance Personal Services Account to the Life Insurance Personal Services Account to cover end of year reconciliation of flexible spending accounts.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195630 4195630Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a grant of $33,000 From the Cambridge Health Alliance for the Health Department to pursue programming to prevent opiod abuse.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195615 4195615Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $75,375 from the Capital Projects Stabilization Fund for the purchase of Garbage and Recycling Barrels.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195250 4195250OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) and the Director of Public Health utilize all means possible to combat the rodent infestation in the Florence Street neighborhood.Work completed  Action details Not available
195251 4195251OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) review the rodent control plan for the construction of the Shore Drive pedestrian bridge which will access Assembly Square.Work completed  Action details Not available
195232 4195232OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) and the Director of Health inspect 39 Pinckney Street and all abutting proprieties for rat infestation and the death of two pets due to rat poison.Work completed  Action details Not available
195237 4195237OrderThat the Director of Public Health and the Director of SPCD (ISD) inspect the Shaw's at 275 Beacon Street and report back to this Board on its findings and actions taken.Work completed  Action details Not available
195244 4195244OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) bait Walker Street for rodents and distribute literature about the proper way to store trash and compost bins.Work completed  Action details Not available
195134 4195134OrderThat the City Solicitor draft language to amend Article XV of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances to grandfather vendors who operated as food truck vendors and held hawker and peddler licenses prior to the effective date of that Article.Work completed  Action details Not available
195144 4195144ResolutionThat the Historic Preservation Commission consider establishing a historic designation for 197 Washington Street.Work completed  Action details Not available
195175 4195175OrdinanceThat this Board declares the property at 315 Broadway to be a Historic District and requests that the Historic Preservation Commission prepare a study on the establishment of the Historic District.Placed on file  Action details Not available
194815 4194815OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) bait the intersection of Wilton and Lowell Streets for rodents and ensure that all residents in the surrounding areas have covers on their trash barrels to prevent rat infestations.Work completed  Action details Not available
194835 4194835OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) provide the Ward 2 Alderman with a plan for addressing rodent infestation in the areas of Beacon Street, Washington Street, Calvin Street and Waldo Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
194843 4194843OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) bait all catch basins on Vinal Avenue in response to recent sightings of rodents.Work completed  Action details Not available
194981 4194981OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) inspect 35 Adrian Street for all structural and health code violations, issue appropriate fines, contact the owner regarding remediation, and report back to the Ward 2 Alderman in writing.Work completed  Action details Not available
195061 4195061OrderThat the Director of SPCD take steps to establish a historic designation for 197 Washington Street.Work completed  Action details Not available
192274 4192274Public CommunicationGreen Cab requesting consideration from this Board and its Committees on Legislative Matters and Traffic and Parking for ways to facilitate taxi medallion financing.Placed on file  Action details Not available
193939 4193939OrdinanceRequesting the amendment of Ordinance 2-323 pursuant to the Municipal Compensation Advisory Board recommendations, with respect to the Board of Aldermen.Placed on file  Action details Not available
190763 4190763OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works investigate the use of a brine solution to treat public/private ways during inclement weather in winter.Work completed  Action details Not available
190908 4190908OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works provide the cost to haul snow to snow farms, and the number of trucks and operating hours used so far this winter.Work completed  Action details Not available
195349 4195349OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) inform the Ward 1 Alderman of proactive rodent control measures being implemented. (2nd request.)Work completed  Action details Not available
194502 4194502OrderThat the Environmental Programs Manager provide this Board with information on whether the City has applied for the Solarize MA grant program.Work completed  Action details Not available
195480 5195480CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations re: #194338, a proposed zoning ordinance amending Sections 2.2 and to separate supermarkets from the general retail and department store use.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195562 5195562Officer's CommunicationDirector of Sustainability and Environment submitting a description of activities under the Green Communities Grant (#195296).Work completed  Action details Not available
195540 5195540Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations re: #194483, an ordinance amending the zoning map for Prospect Hill and Somerville Avenue.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195561 5195561Mayor's RequestRequesting the appointment of Edwin Torres as Constable.Approved  Action details Not available
195555 5195555CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Captain David Fallon to the position of Deputy Chief of Police.Approved  Action details Not available
195556 5195556CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Police Lieutenant James Donovan to the position of Captain.Approved  Action details Not available
195557 5195557CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Vivian Taylor to the Human Rights Commission.Approved  Action details Not available
195558 5195558CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Andre Greene to the Human Rights Commission.Approved  Action details Not available
195559 5195559CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Jenny Dworkin to the Commission on Women.Approved  Action details Not available
195560 5195560CommunicationRequesting the appointment of Rebecca Booth-Fox to the Multicultural Affairs Commission.Approved  Action details Not available
190907 5190907OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works make inquires on the purchase or lease of a snow melting machine and report back to the chair of Environment and Energy with cost projections.Work completed  Action details Not available
195481 5195481CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations re: #195219, an ordinance amending the zoning map to change the zoning district of 9 Medford Street from Business-A to TOD-100.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195482 5195482CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations re: #195095 an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance to Add Section 7.15 titled Medical Marijuana Treatment Facilities.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195627 5195627Officer's CommunicationRequesting an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance with respect to Article 15, Linkage.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
195538 6195538Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a $19,175 grant from the MA Cultural Council for the Arts Council's ArtsUnion programming.Approved  Action details Not available
195539 6195539Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a $5,500 grant from the MA Cultural Council for the Arts Council's operations.Approved  Action details Not available
195534 6195534Mayor's RequestRequesting the expenditure of $1,110.47 of FY14 appropriations to pay six outstanding FY13 invoices in the Police Department.Approved  Action details Not available
195374 6195374Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to borrow $500,000 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, for ADA Accessibility - Curb Ramps improvements.Approved  Action details Not available
195535 6195535Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to extend the Traffic and Parking Dept.'s Delinquent Collections Contract for one year.Approved  Action details Not available
195206 6195206CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations re: #194513, a proposed zoning ordinance modifying Article 15: Linkage.Placed on file  Action details Not available
193855 6193855OrderThat the Director of SPCD and the Director of Health inspect properties at the intersection of Webster Avenue, Concord Avenue and Prospect Street, for a severe rodent problem and implement the same response as was used in Ward One.Work completed  Action details Not available
193979 6193979OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) inspect 24-26 Ossipee Road for building, health and zoning code violations and take all necessary actions.Work completed  Action details Not available
194052 6194052OrderThat the Director of SCPD (ISD) inspect the rear of 495 Medford Street daily and cite the owner for violations, and that this Board’s Committee on Public Health and Safety follow up.Work completed  Action details Not available
195537 6195537Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $22,030 grant from the MA Emergency Management Agency, for the Fire Dept. to enhance its disaster response.Approved  Action details Not available
195536 6195536Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $23,562 grant from the Department of Justice, for the Police to purchase a Ford Transit Connect XLT Van.Approved  Action details Not available
195533 6195533Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to borrow $150,000 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, to purchase a compacting garbage truck and snow plowApproved  Action details Not available
194102 7194102Officer's CommunicationCity Solicitor responding to #193845 and #193968 re: medical marijuana.Work completed  Action details Not available
190343 7190343Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a Resolution that the Office of Sustainability and Environment work with the Mayor’s Office to convene a Public Somerville Climate Summit.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195095 7195095Officer's CommunicationRequesting approval of an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance to add section 7.15 titled Medical Marijuana Treatment Facilities.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
193968 7193968OrderThat the City Solicitor and the Director of Health update this Board on any requirements, conditions or issues pertaining to any person seeking to open a marijuana distribution site.Work completed  Action details Not available
195384 7195384Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $2,007,703.31 From the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Housing Division's Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant.Approved  Action details Not available
195219 8195219Officer's CommunicationRequesting an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance amending the Zoning Map to place 9 Medford Street into the TOD100 Zoning District.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
191563 9191563OrdinanceThat the City adopt the attached Local Hiring Ordinance.Placed on file  Action details Not available
194338 9194338Officer's CommunicationRequesting that this Board adopt a zoning ordinance amending Sections 2.2 and to separate supermarkets from the general retail and department store use and define these types of stores.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
194513 9194513Officer's CommunicationRequesting an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance with respect to Article 15, Linkage.Placed on file  Action details Not available