City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/6/2011 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
191488 5191488Mayor's RequestRequesting the use of FY11 funds to pay Mt. Auburn Hospital Employee Assistant Program FY10 invoices totaling $2889.67.Approved  Action details Not available
191485 5191485Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of $100,000 in the Sewer Dept. from the Capital Improvements Acct. to the Professional and Technical Services Acct. to create a hydraulic model for existing flooding problems.Approved  Action details Not available
191484 5191484Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of $122,000 in the Sewer Dept. from the Capital Improvements Acct. to the Professional and Technical Services Acct., for engineering for the East Broadway Improvements Project.Approved  Action details Not available
191486 5191486Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of $7,350 from the Highway Wages Acct. to the Engineering Salaries Acct. in order to fund it for the remainder of FY11.Approved  Action details Not available
191482 5191482Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $120,420 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to pay in-the-line-of-duty medical bills in the Police Dept.Approved  Action details Not available
191543 5191543Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of the preliminary architectural design of a new public library in Union Square, authorization for the Library Board of Trustees to apply for a MA Public Library Construction Program grant, and approval to accept and expend the grant, contingent on the receipt of funding and the appropriation of matching funds.Approved  Action details Not available
191542 5191542Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $169,720 and authorization to borrow $169,720 in a bond for the renovation of Dickerman Park.Approved  Action details Not available
191541 5191541Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $298,220 and authorization to borrow $298,220 in a bond for the renovation of Morse-Kelley Park.Approved  Action details Not available
191380 6191380Mayor's RequestTransfer $32,000 from the DPW Sanitation/Recycling Acct. to the School Custodian Overtime Acct. to fund a projected deficit for the rest of the fiscal year.Approved  Action details Not available
191345 7191345Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of $43,838 from the Sanitation Recycling Acct. to the School Custodians Professional & Technical Services Acct. to fund the remaining portion of the AM/PM Cleaning Corp. contract.Approved  Action details Not available