City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/9/2021 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber and Remote Participation
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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212728 1212728Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety, meeting on November 29, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212724 1212724Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Land Use, meeting on November 30, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212722 1212722Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting on December 1, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212726 1212726Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Legislative Matters, meeting on December 2, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212725 1212725Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Land Use, meeting on December 6, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212723 1212723Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance, meeting on December 7, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212727 1212727Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Licenses and Permits, meeting on December 8, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212749 1212749LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, James Kiley Co, 15 Linwood St.Approved  Action details Not available
212750 1212750LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, 28 Motorsports, 486R Columbia St.Approved  Action details Not available
212751 1212751LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Union Gulf Service, 231 Washington St.Approved  Action details Not available
212761 1212761LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealer Class 1, Herb Chambers Mercedes Benz of Boston Commercial Vans, 161 Linwood St.Approved  Action details Not available
212752 1212752LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Tech Auto Body, 9 Union Sq.Approved  Action details Not available
212753 1212753LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, DM Auto Body, 48 Joy St.Approved  Action details Not available
212754 1212754LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Broadway Brake, 45 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
212755 1212755LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Hillside Service Center, 45 Mystic Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
212756 1212756LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 3, Joseph Talewsky and Son, 512 Columbia St.Approved  Action details Not available
212757 1212757LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 1, Smart Center Boston, 257 McGrath Hwy.Approved  Action details Not available
212719 1212719Grant of LocationSubmitted by Comcast to install a total of 295 feet of conduit in Poplar and Joy Streets.Approved  Action details Not available
212720 1212720Grant of LocationSubmitted by Verizon to install 192 feet of conduit in Somerville Avenue from manhole 42 to a handhole near 343 Somerville Avenue.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212721 1212721Grant of LocationSubmitted by Level 3 to install a total of 510 feet of conduit starting from manhole 0515-3800 located at the intersection of Poplar and Chestnut Streets, continuing to a proposed vault at 28 Chestnut Street.Approved with conditions  Action details Not available
212744 1212744Officer's CommunicationBroadway Somerville Apartments, LLC requesting the adoption of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Map to change the zoning district of 383 Broadway from UR to MR5.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212762 1212762LicenseRenewing Automatic Amusement Devices License, Lucky Strike, 325 Revolution Dr.Approved  Action details Not available
212758 1212758LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Broadway Auto Sales, 525 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
212759 1212759LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Teele Sq Auto, 1284 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
212760 1212760LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Broadway Sunoco, 258 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
212748 1212748LicenseNew Drainlayer's License, Mendez Masonry & Construction Inc.Approved  Action details Not available
212745 1212745Public EventPublic Event License, Dancing in the Dark, Munroe St from Prospect Hill Ave to Greenville St, December 21, 3:30PM-6:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
212746 1212746Public EventPublic Event License, Mid Winter Chili Cookoff, Bond St from Broadway to Heath St, Jan 22, 10AM-4PM (raindate Jan 29).Approved  Action details Not available
212747 1212747Public EventPublic Event License, Recognizing COVID-19 deaths, Symphony Park, Dec 11, 11AM-3PM (raindate Dec 18).Approved  Action details Not available
212707 1212707Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212708 1212708RemembrancesRemembrances.Approved  Action details Not available
212709 1212709MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, November 9, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212773 1212773LicenseSign and Awning Permit, Pilatesrx LLC, 315 Broadway, for 2 blades signs and 1 flat sign.Approved  Action details Not available
212774 1212774Public CommunicationKate Wheeler and David Guss submitting comments re: trees around the Public Safety Building.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212772 1212772LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, William Doucette Auto Sales, 325 Alewife Brook Pkwy.Approved  Action details Not available
212775 1212775Public CommunicationTrustees and petitioners of 80 Webster Condominium Association submitting comments re: Item # 212309, amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for MPD + Boynton Sub Area.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212771 1212771LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealer Class 2 License, Valente Enterprise, 154 Glen St.Approved  Action details Not available
212771 2212771LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealer Class 2 License, Valente Enterprise, 154 Glen St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212772 2212772LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, William Doucette Auto Sales, 325 Alewife Brook Pkwy.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212776 2212776OrderThat the administration provide a complete accounting of all finances related to Veterans Rink and Founders Rink, a detailed explanation of the contract history and status of both rinks, and an explanation of why Council approval was not sought for the apparent new contract for management of Founders rink.Approved  Action details Not available
212763 2212763ResolutionIn support of workers of Diesel Cafe, Bloc Cafe, and Forge Baking Company (as DBF United) and their goal to unionize.Approved  Action details Not available
212773 2212773LicenseSign and Awning Permit, Pilatesrx LLC, 315 Broadway, for 2 blades signs and 1 flat sign.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212717 2212717CitationCommending Councilor Matthew McLaughlin for his distinguished service as President of this Council in 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212718 2212718CitationCommending Councilor Mary Jo Rossetti for her distinguished service as Vice President of this Board in 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212711 2212711CitationCommending outgoing Councilor Katjana Ballantyne for her outstanding service to the people of Somerville as Ward 7 City Councilor from 2014 to 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212712 2212712CitationCommending outgoing Councilor Wilfred N. Mbah for his outstanding service to the people of Somerville as City Councilor at Large from 2018 to 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212713 2212713CitationCommending outgoing Councilor Mark Niedergang for his outstanding service to the people of Somerville as Ward 5 City Councilor from 2014 to 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212714 2212714CitationCommending outgoing Councilor Mary Jo Rossetti for her outstanding service to the people of Somerville as City Councilor at Large from 2014 to 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212715 2212715CitationCommending outgoing Councilor William A. White, Jr. for his outstanding service to the people of Somerville as City Councilor at Large from 1998 to 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212716 2212716CitationCommending outgoing Mayor Joseph Curtatone for his outstanding service to the people of Somerville as Mayor from 2004 to 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212710 2212710CitationCommending Paul Nonni on the occasion of his retirement from the Inspectional Services Department after 36 years of distinguished service.Approved  Action details Not available
212747 2212747Public EventPublic Event License, Recognizing COVID-19 deaths, Symphony Park, Dec 11, 11AM-3PM (raindate Dec 18).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212746 2212746Public EventPublic Event License, Mid Winter Chili Cookoff, Bond St from Broadway to Heath St, Jan 22, 10AM-4PM (raindate Jan 29).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212745 2212745Public EventPublic Event License, Dancing in the Dark, Munroe St from Prospect Hill Ave to Greenville St, December 21, 3:30PM-6:30PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212748 2212748LicenseNew Drainlayer's License, Mendez Masonry & Construction Inc.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212760 2212760LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Broadway Sunoco, 258 Broadway.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212759 2212759LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Teele Sq Auto, 1284 Broadway.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212758 2212758LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Broadway Auto Sales, 525 Broadway.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212762 2212762LicenseRenewing Automatic Amusement Devices License, Lucky Strike, 325 Revolution Dr.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212744 2212744Officer's CommunicationBroadway Somerville Apartments, LLC requesting the adoption of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Map to change the zoning district of 383 Broadway from UR to MR5.Work completed  Action details Not available
212721 2212721Grant of LocationSubmitted by Level 3 to install a total of 510 feet of conduit starting from manhole 0515-3800 located at the intersection of Poplar and Chestnut Streets, continuing to a proposed vault at 28 Chestnut Street.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212741 2212741Mayor's CommunicationConveying a memo from the Democracy Collaborative regarding the Accelerating Reinvestment in our Community (ARC) Project.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212720 2212720Grant of LocationSubmitted by Verizon to install 192 feet of conduit in Somerville Avenue from manhole 42 to a handhole near 343 Somerville Avenue.Work completed  Action details Not available
212719 2212719Grant of LocationSubmitted by Comcast to install a total of 295 feet of conduit in Poplar and Joy Streets.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212757 2212757LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 1, Smart Center Boston, 257 McGrath Hwy.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212756 2212756LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 3, Joseph Talewsky and Son, 512 Columbia St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212755 2212755LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Hillside Service Center, 45 Mystic Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212754 2212754LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Broadway Brake, 45 Broadway.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212753 2212753LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, DM Auto Body, 48 Joy St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212752 2212752LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Tech Auto Body, 9 Union Sq.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212761 2212761LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealer Class 1, Herb Chambers Mercedes Benz of Boston Commercial Vans, 161 Linwood St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212751 2212751LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, Union Gulf Service, 231 Washington St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212750 2212750LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, 28 Motorsports, 486R Columbia St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212749 2212749LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealers License Class 2, James Kiley Co, 15 Linwood St.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212742 2212742Mayor's CommunicationSubmitting the updated 2021 Surveillance Technology Annual Report.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212729 2212729Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of the City reprecincting based on the 2020 Federal Census results, after split precinct mitigation.Approved  Action details Not available
212729 3212729Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of the City reprecincting based on the 2020 Federal Census results, after split precinct mitigation.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212742 3212742Mayor's CommunicationSubmitting the updated 2021 Surveillance Technology Annual Report.Placed on file  Action details Not available
210432 3210432Public Communication19 residents requesting a Public Hearing on Tufts University's plans to re-open its campus in the fall.Work completed  Action details Not available
212597 3212597LicenseNew Garage License, Toucan Auto Repair Inc, 224 Somerville Avenue, 15 vehicles inside, 4 vehicles outside, for autobody work, spray painting, and charging money to store vehicles.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
212598 3212598LicenseNew Used Car Dealer Class 2 License, Auto Plus LLC, 229 Lowell St, 2 inside, 2 outside.Approved with conditions  Action details Not available
212730 3212730Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a Home Rule Petition to authorize the continued employment of Acting Somerville Police Chief Charles Femino.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212734 3212734Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $220,016 from the Salary Contingency Account to the Police Department Personal Services Accounts to fund a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Somerville and the Somerville Police Superior Officers Association.Approved  Action details Not available
212776 3212776OrderThat the administration provide a complete accounting of all finances related to Veterans Rink and Founders Rink, a detailed explanation of the contract history and status of both rinks, and an explanation of why Council approval was not sought for the apparent new contract for management of Founders rink.Approved  Action details Not available
212743 3212743CommunicationAssistant City Solicitor responding to Item #212567 regarding overhead wires.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212768 4212768Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $157.10 using available funds in the Constituent Services Printing and Stationary Account to Kyocera for one month of printing services for the department.Approved  Action details Not available
212766 4212766Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $28,448.53 using available funds in the DPW Department from various Admin, Fleet, Buildings, Sanitation, and Highway accounts.Approved  Action details Not available
212765 4212765Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $100,000 for Workforce Development Services and $70,000 for Small Business Technical Assistance Services from the Union Square Community Benefits Stabilization fund.Approved  Action details Not available
212770 4212770Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations for a proposed amendment to the Somerville Zoning Ordinance (item #212471).Placed on file  Action details Not available
212734 4212734Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $220,016 from the Salary Contingency Account to the Police Department Personal Services Accounts to fund a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Somerville and the Somerville Police Superior Officers Association.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212767 4212767Mayor's RequestRequesting approval for the Communications Department to pay prior year invoices for FY2021 including two invoices totaling $440.00 to Catholic Charities: Community Interpreters for language interpretation services, and one invoice for $82.50 to Interpersonal Frequency for website development & maintenance and technical support, out of the Communications Professional and Technical Services Account.Approved  Action details Not available
212733 4212733Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $150,000 from the Salary & Wage Stabilization Fund to the Police Department - Personal Services - Other Lump Sum Benefits Account in order to settle pending litigation.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212730 4212730Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a Home Rule Petition to authorize the continued employment of Acting Somerville Police Chief Charles Femino.Work completed  Action details Not available
212737 4212737Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $2,923.38 grant with no new match required, from Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) to the Fire Department for overtime reimbursement for Structural Collapse training.Approved  Action details Not available
212735 4212735Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $66,666.67 from the Unreserved Fund Balance Account ("Free Cash") to the Law Department's Judgments & Settlements Account in order to fund attorneys fees in pending litigation.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212769 4212769Mayor's RequestRequesting approval for SomerViva: Office of Immigrant Affairs to pay a prior year invoice for FY2021 totaling $134.58 to Catholic Charities: Community Interpreters for language interpretation services using available funds in the SOIA Professional and Technical Services Account.Approved  Action details Not available
212598 4212598LicenseNew Used Car Dealer Class 2 License, Auto Plus LLC, 229 Lowell St, 2 inside, 2 outside.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212544 4212544OrderThat the City Solicitor draft a Home Rule Petition to exempt Somerville from MGL 135 Sec 8, and thus allow the City of Somerville to donate unclaimed bicycles to local non-profit organizations, rather than selling them at auction.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212448 4212448Mayor's RequestRequesting an opportunity for the ARPA Director and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council to provide this Council with an overview of ARPA.Work completed  Action details Not available
208362 4208362OrderThat the Director of Water and Sewer and the Director of Sustainability and the Environment create a water preservation program to encourage water preservation among residents and limit water bills.Work completed  Action details Not available
212241 4212241ResolutionRequesting the establishment of a restitution program for current and former residents who have been harmed by the war on drugs.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212235 4212235OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services identify a location for a harm reduction site to provide alternative methods of addressing substance abuse while plans for a safe consumption site are prepared.Work completed  Action details Not available
212303 4212303OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services provide metric-based transparent information for small businesses and schools as we learn to live with COVID and follow emerging science.Work completed  Action details Not available
212304 4212304OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services discuss with this Council, what COVID/Delta variant safety measures and mandates are being proposed, including mandating vaccinations.Work completed  Action details Not available
210170 4210170OrderThat the Director of Communications and the Director of Economic Development publicize that one of the best ways to support small businesses offering take-out service is to call them directly to place an order, and pick it up instead of using third party delivery services, to help save them unwanted costs during the COVID-19 pandemic.Work completed  Action details Not available
210241 4210241OrderThat the Chief of Police expand the Community Outreach, Help and Recovery program.Work completed  Action details Not available
208910 4208910ResolutionThat the Administration report to this Council on implementation of the Vulnerable Road Users Ordinance including, without limitation, application to FW Russell Disposal.Work completed  Action details Not available
211353 4211353OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services create a vaccination site, once more vaccines become available, given the number of vulnerable populations.Work completed  Action details Not available
211715 4211715OrderThat the Directors of SPCD and Health and Human Services discuss options for the Somerville Homeless Coalition and other community based organizations who need public spaces for engagement centers to meet unsheltered people in a safe and private environment.Work completed  Action details Not available
211716 4211716OrderThat the Directors of Health and Human Services and Infrastructure and Asset Management advise this Council whether gender neutral bathrooms are available in all public K-8 schools, as requested by middle schoolers.Work completed  Action details Not available
211929 4211929OrderThat the Chief of Police request an update from the Housing Authority on the 2020-discussed reforms such as marked vehicles, uniformed officers, body cameras, and updated policies and procedures for officer accountability and discipline.Work completed  Action details Not available
212736 4212736Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $7,700 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Information Technology, Internet Maintenance Account for Internet Pipe Denial of Service Mitigation Services.Approved  Action details Not available
212731 4212731Mayor's RequestRequesting the reduction of the FY22 Veterans Enterprise Budget by $277,972 to balance the budget.Approved  Action details Not available
212732 4212732Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $591,442 from the Medical Marijuana Stabilization Fund for implementing related priorities.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212618 4212618OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services update this Council on the staffing of the Environmental Health Coordinator position to help combat rat infestations throughout the city.Work completed  Action details Not available
212572 5212572OrderThat the City Solicitor work with this Council to amend the anti-nepotism ordinance to allow for more flexibility when the circumstances warrant.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212623 5212623Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $74,326.85 from the Energy Stabilization Fund for projects to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs of City operations.Approved  Action details Not available
212635 5212635Officer's CommunicationChief Assessor requesting to appear before the City Council for the tax classification hearing on November 23, 2021.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212664 5212664Mayor's RequestRequesting an amendment to the Somerville High School Construction appropriation to a new amount of $283,859,233 and increasing the amount of bonds, fund transfers, and other available funds of the city authorized to meet said appropriation.Approved  Action details Not available
212732 5212732Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $591,442 from the Medical Marijuana Stabilization Fund for implementing related priorities.Work completed  Action details Not available
212667 5212667Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $22,988 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to Communications-Office of Immigrant Affairs Salaries for salary adjustments.Approved  Action details Not available
212666 5212666Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $52,050 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to various Ordinary Maintenance Accounts in the Communications-Office of Immigrant Affairs Department.Approved  Action details Not available
212665 5212665Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $148,950 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Communications-Office of Immigrant Affairs Salaries Account to establish several new positions.Approved  Action details Not available
212731 5212731Mayor's RequestRequesting the reduction of the FY22 Veterans Enterprise Budget by $277,972 to balance the budget.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212736 5212736Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $7,700 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Information Technology, Internet Maintenance Account for Internet Pipe Denial of Service Mitigation Services.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212764 5212764Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $1,491,908.58 from the CPA Fund Community Housing Reserve to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212035 5212035CommunicationDirector of Health and Humans Services responding to #208261 re: funding for drug treatment.Work completed  Action details Not available
212190 5212190CommunicationActing Chief of Police responding to #211929 re: Housing Authority Police reforms.Work completed  Action details Not available
211801 5211801ResolutionThat the Mayor and the Director of Health and Human Services update the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety on the Covid-19 public health emergency and the city’s response (following on #209798).Work completed  Action details Not available
211599 5211599OrderThat the Chief of Police update this Council on Somerville's Restorative Justice program, including a description of what sorts of cases are referred for restorative justice and how those decisions are made.Work completed  Action details Not available
211708 5211708OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services update the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety, in writing and in person, on what steps have been taken and are planned to provide services to our neighbors experiencing homelessness, mental illness, and addiction.Work completed  Action details Not available
211371 5211371OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services use the attached tool to help small businesses and schools adapt to the evolving science around Covid-19 by sharing current data, identifying risks, and defining contingencies.Work completed  Action details Not available
211428 5211428OrderThat the Chief of Police appear before this Council’s Committee on Public Health and Public Safety to discuss the policy on drug possession arrests for the past 5 years.Work completed  Action details Not available
211175 5211175OrderThat the Chiefs of Police and Fire discuss with this Council, by the end of February 2021, the staffing requirements for their respective departments, as there are suggestions that staff counts should be changed.Work completed  Action details Not available
211320 5211320ResolutionThat the Administration, with the Director of Health and Human Services, share a re-opening plan for schools and businesses which defines goals, risks and contingencies.Work completed  Action details Not available
208922 5208922OrderThat the City Solicitor and Chief of Police report to this Council on how civil asset forfeiture funds have been received and spent over the past 5 years, and how they can be directed to the General Fund.Work completed  Action details Not available
207042 5207042CommunicationExpressing the intent to work towards helping improve systems involving emergency response, care and education related to asthma.Work completed  Action details Not available
209539 5209539OrderThat the City Solicitor inform this Council of the minimum condition that would allow the Supervisor of Inspectional Services or the Commissioner of Public Works to clear a sidewalk that is in violation of the snow shoveling ordinance, and charge or lien the property owner for the cost.Work completed  Action details Not available
210741 5210741ResolutionThat the Administration appear before this Council to give a report on the Public School building reopening plans.Work completed  Action details Not available
210743 5210743ResolutionProposing a process to create the Somerville Community Safety Coalition.Work completed  Action details Not available
208360 5208360OrderThat the Chief of Police, the Director of Health and Human Services, the Director of Parks and Recreation and other relevant groups appear before the Public Health and Public Safety Committee to discuss strategies to prevent youth violence and gun possession.Work completed  Action details Not available
210246 5210246OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services work with City Council to create and fund an unarmed agency that responds to mental health emergencies, addiction and substance-abuse emergencies, and other non-violent crises.Work completed  Action details Not available
209144 5209144OrderThat the Director of SPCD consider installing ADA/bicycle accessible ramps at the opposite ends of Edward Leathers Park to enhance the Neighborways bike path.Work completed  Action details Not available
212541 5212541Officer's CommunicationComar Real Estate Trust proposing a zoning map amendment to re-zone their properties at 299 Broadway and 15 Temple Street from MR5, MR3 and NR Districts to MR6, MR4 and NR Districts.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
212612 5212612Mayor's RequestSomerville Retirement Board requesting approval to increase the Cost of Living Adjustment Base for retirees from $14,000 to $15,000Approved  Action details Not available
212769 5212769Mayor's RequestRequesting approval for SomerViva: Office of Immigrant Affairs to pay a prior year invoice for FY2021 totaling $134.58 to Catholic Charities: Community Interpreters for language interpretation services using available funds in the SOIA Professional and Technical Services Account.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212735 5212735Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $66,666.67 from the Unreserved Fund Balance Account ("Free Cash") to the Law Department's Judgments & Settlements Account in order to fund attorneys fees in pending litigation.Work completed  Action details Not available
212737 5212737Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of, and approval to expend, a $2,923.38 grant with no new match required, from Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) to the Fire Department for overtime reimbursement for Structural Collapse training.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212733 5212733Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $150,000 from the Salary & Wage Stabilization Fund to the Police Department - Personal Services - Other Lump Sum Benefits Account in order to settle pending litigation.Work completed  Action details Not available
212767 5212767Mayor's RequestRequesting approval for the Communications Department to pay prior year invoices for FY2021 including two invoices totaling $440.00 to Catholic Charities: Community Interpreters for language interpretation services, and one invoice for $82.50 to Interpersonal Frequency for website development & maintenance and technical support, out of the Communications Professional and Technical Services Account.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212765 5212765Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $100,000 for Workforce Development Services and $70,000 for Small Business Technical Assistance Services from the Union Square Community Benefits Stabilization fund.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212766 5212766Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $28,448.53 using available funds in the DPW Department from various Admin, Fleet, Buildings, Sanitation, and Highway accounts.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212768 5212768Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $157.10 using available funds in the Constituent Services Printing and Stationary Account to Kyocera for one month of printing services for the department.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212612 6212612Mayor's RequestSomerville Retirement Board requesting approval to increase the Cost of Living Adjustment Base for retirees from $14,000 to $15,000Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212541 6212541Officer's CommunicationComar Real Estate Trust proposing a zoning map amendment to re-zone their properties at 299 Broadway and 15 Temple Street from MR5, MR3 and NR Districts to MR6, MR4 and NR Districts.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212517 6212517Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate and transfer $8,796,290 from the Facility Construction and Renovation Stabilization Fund to the Somerville High School Construction Fund.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212548 6212548Mayor's RequestRequesting an amendment to the Somerville High School Construction appropriation to a new amount of $278,790,633 and increasing the amount of bonds, fund transfers, and other available funds of the city authorized to meet said appropriation.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212451 6212451Officer's CommunicationFire Chief responding to Item 211748, providing data on calls and responses to the Assembly Square neighborhood.Work completed  Action details Not available
212625 6212625Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $23,379.67 from various DPW Divisions as listed below and attached.Approved  Action details Not available
212624 6212624Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $1,096,778.31 using available funds in the Buildings Division for outstanding Electricity and Natural Gas charges.Approved  Action details Not available
210240 6210240ResolutionThat the Director of the Somerville Housing Authority (SHA) develop a formal process for SHA residents to report SHA Police misconduct, in lieu of an outright abolition.Work completed  Action details Not available
210239 6210239ResolutionThat the Mayor work with the Director of the Somerville Housing Authority to abolish the Housing Authority Police Department and reallocate the funds for social services for Housing Authority residents.Work completed  Action details Not available
207740 6207740OrdinanceProposing an amendment to Ordinance 2-124 to permit the City Solicitor to settle legal actions of up to $5,000 against the City.Placed on file  Action details Not available
210874 6210874CommunicationDirector of Health and Human Services responding to #210687 re: current and potential services available to neighbors experiencing homelessness, mental illness, and addiction.Work completed  Action details Not available
210687 6210687OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services advise this Council what services are available to our neighbors experiencing homelessness, mental illness, and addiction, and where additional funding could improve those services or enable new services.Work completed  Action details Not available
207040 6207040OrderThat the Chief of Police and the Chief Fire Engineer, and related staff, discuss how each department receives and handles a 911 call, including the dispatch of State Police, E911, Fire Alarm, and Cataldo Ambulance, and including the handling of asthmatic-related emergencies.Work completed  Action details Not available
207449 6207449OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking waive parking dumpster fees for property owners who are de-paving their driveways.Work completed  Action details Not available
208261 6208261OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services highlight any funding for drug treatment during the budget process.Work completed  Action details Not available
209097 6209097Officer's CommunicationAssistant City Solicitor responding to #208922 re: civil asset forfeiture funds.Work completed  Action details Not available
206427 6206427OrderThat the Superintendent of Inspectional Services report on whether or not an increased amount of construction can lead to more lead exposure, and what measures ISD uses to ensure contractors limit the release of lead into the soil or air.Work completed  Action details Not available
211325 6211325OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services prioritize homelessness outreach workers for upcoming COVID-19 grant funding to better address the increased demand for homeless services.Work completed  Action details Not available
211326 6211326OrderThat the Director of Health and Human Services develop a plan for a warming center or engagement center to address increased homelessness in the community due to COVID-19.Work completed  Action details Not available
212764 6212764Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $1,491,908.58 from the CPA Fund Community Housing Reserve to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee.Work completed  Action details Not available
212665 6212665Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $148,950 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to the Communications-Office of Immigrant Affairs Salaries Account to establish several new positions.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212666 6212666Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $52,050 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to various Ordinary Maintenance Accounts in the Communications-Office of Immigrant Affairs Department.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212667 6212667Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $22,988 from the Unreserved Fund Balance ("Free Cash") to Communications-Office of Immigrant Affairs Salaries for salary adjustments.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212664 6212664Mayor's RequestRequesting an amendment to the Somerville High School Construction appropriation to a new amount of $283,859,233 and increasing the amount of bonds, fund transfers, and other available funds of the city authorized to meet said appropriation.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212662 6212662Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of Clarendon Hill District Improvement Financing (DIF) Development District.Approved  Action details Not available
212740 6212740Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a time-only extension for Suffolk Construction Company Inc. for construction management services for the Somerville High School project through 12/31/2023.Approved  Action details Not available
212699 6212699Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $63,474.53 using available funds in the DPW Department from various Admin, Fleet, Buildings, Sanitation, and Highway accounts.Not approved  Action details Not available
212661 6212661Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of the Clarendon Hill District Improvement Financing (DIF) Development Program.Approved  Action details Not available
212738 6212738Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a time-only extension for PMA LLC for OPM services for the Somerville High School construction project through 12/31/2023.Approved  Action details Not available
212739 6212739Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a time-only extension for Symmes Maini and McKee Associates (SMMA) for designer services during construction for the Somerville High School project through 12/31/2023.Approved  Action details Not available
212623 6212623Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $74,326.85 from the Energy Stabilization Fund for projects to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs of City operations.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212739 7212739Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a time-only extension for Symmes Maini and McKee Associates (SMMA) for designer services during construction for the Somerville High School project through 12/31/2023.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212738 7212738Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a time-only extension for PMA LLC for OPM services for the Somerville High School construction project through 12/31/2023.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212661 7212661Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of the Clarendon Hill District Improvement Financing (DIF) Development Program.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212740 7212740Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a time-only extension for Suffolk Construction Company Inc. for construction management services for the Somerville High School project through 12/31/2023.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212662 7212662Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of Clarendon Hill District Improvement Financing (DIF) Development District.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211417 7211417OrdinanceCity Solicitor responding to #211232 with an amendment to Ordinances 10-1 and 10-1.1, to eliminate specified levels of patrol and superior officers in the Police Department.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212026 7212026Grant of LocationSubmitted by Verizon to install a Utility Pole 70S near the intersection of Houghton and Prospect Sts.Not approved  Action details Not available
208691 7208691OrderThat members of the recently established Safe Injection Site Task Force appear before this Council’s Committee on Public Health and Public Safety to discuss their findings in a public forum.Work completed  Action details Not available
212337 7212337Officer's Communication18 registered voters requesting the adoption of a Zoning Map amendment to change the zoning district of 51 McGrath Highway (MBL 115-B-1 and 115-B-4) from HR to MR5 and 35 McGrath Highway (MBL 115-B-5, 115-B-11, and 115-B-12) from MR5 to MR4.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
209826 7209826Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $486,805 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for heavy equipment/vehicles for the Parks and Recreation Department to manage the city's athletic fields and facilities.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212624 7212624Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $1,096,778.31 using available funds in the Buildings Division for outstanding Electricity and Natural Gas charges.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212625 7212625Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $23,379.67 from various DPW Divisions as listed below and attached.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212400 7212400OrderThat the Director of Finance and the Treasurer create a separate revenue account for deposit of all funds received from handicapped parking violations, and allocate said funds to the Commission for Persons with Disabilities, as authorized under MGL.Work completed  Action details Not available
212471 7212471Zoning OrdinanceThat the Zoning Ordinances be amended by striking all language from section to prevent parking maximums in Master Planned Development areas being exceeded by Special Permit.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
212628 7212628Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a 1 Year Extension for the Dagle Electrical ContractApproved  Action details Not available
212628 8212628Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a 1 Year Extension for the Dagle Electrical ContractMayoral Approval  Action details Not available