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Meeting Name: Open Space, Environment and Energy Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/4/2019 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
207373 3207373OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment develop an electric vehicle charging infrastructure program.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207374 3207374OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment and the Director of SPCD improve bus reliability and trip time and report to this Board, quarterly, on progress made.Work completed  Action details Not available
207376 3207376OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment and the Director of SPCD formalize and implement a modern urban forestry management plan, including best practices and a resilient species list.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207910 3207910OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment present the upcoming plan for Community Choice Electricity Aggregation.Work completed  Action details Not available
207911 3207911OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment discuss the FY18 and FY19 recycling and trash tonnage, impacts, proposed changes and other issues pertinent to this topic.Work completed  Action details Not available
207912 3207912OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment and the Director of Purchasing discuss the Procurement Sustainability Policy, to purchase products from environmentally responsible companies.Work completed  Action details Not available
208042 3208042OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment inform this Council about New York City's "Climate Mobilization Act," which includes dramatic emission reductions for tall buildings, and explain which aspects could be adapted here.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
208232 3208232OrderThat the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Commissioner of Public Works explore starting a monthly volunteer trash pickup day for the Dilboy DCR and Alewife Brook areas.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
208380 3208380OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and the Environment report to this Council on Newton’s electricity aggregation program that provides as the standard service 60% of its electricity from renewable sources, and whether it could be adopted here.Work completed  Action details Not available
208382 3208382OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and the Environment and the Director of Health and Human Services report to this Council the best approaches to banning or regulating plastic alcohol nip bottles, and report on any discussions that have taken place on this topic with liquor store managers and owners.Work completed  Action details Not available
208614 3208614ResolutionThat the Administration inform this City Council whether the new High School, and eventually other municipal buildings, will have dishwashing capacity, to reduce or eliminate reliance on single-use flatware and dishes.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
208808 3208808ResolutionThat the Administration update this Council on the Climate Preparedness Week Resolution (#208611) that was submitted in July.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
208805 3208805ResolutionAffirming the federal Green New Deal resolution by establishing goals, identifying actions necessary to meet these goals, and calling for the federal government to enact policies to advance a Green New Deal.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
208825 3208825OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and the Environment explore the feasibility and utility of mattress recycling, such as Cambridge’s UTEC program, as well as any plans for reusing or recycling other large household items.Work completed  Action details Not available
208920 3208920OrderThat the Director of SPCD develop a plan to plant a native species pollinator garden along the Community Path.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
209049 3209049ResolutionThat the Administration report whether any per- and poly-fluoroalkyl chemicals are present in any artificial turf in the City.Work completed  Action details Not available
209152 3209152OrderThat the Director of Parks and Recreation update this Council regarding quality control review, contractor warranty policy, and field use data of the Lincoln Park athletic field.Work completed  Action details Not available
209153 3209153OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment provide this Council with an update on Somerville Climate Forward’s goal #11, the plan for implementation in the short term.Work completed  Action details Not available
209154 3209154OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment and the Director of SPCD plan to incentivize property owners to use clean ways of cooking and heating, since buildings are the greatest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.Work completed  Action details Not available
209155 3209155OrderThat the Director of Sustainability and Environment update this Council on the Community Choice Aggregation bulk purchase of electricity.Work completed  Action details Not available
209156 3209156OrderThat the Director of Purchasing and all departments procure services from environmentally-responsible companies for city operations (e.g. electric vehicles for garbage pickup, zero emissions equipment for landscaping, etc.).Work completed  Action details Not available
209157 3209157ResolutionThat the Administration enforce vehicle idling laws for city vehicles, commercial vehicles and personal vehicles.Work completed  Action details Not available
205711 3205711ResolutionThat the Administration present a Heat Island Impact Analysis on the proposed replacement of Conway Park's grass fields with artificial turf.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207031 3207031OrderThat the Chief of Police and the Chief Fire Engineer discuss the routing process and geo-locating capacity for 911 calls, especially calls from cell phones.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
205935 4205935ResolutionThat the Administration inform this Board of any opportunities to incentivize waste reduction, such as opt-in composting, PAYT, or charges to phone book distributors for disposal costs.Work completed  Action details Not available
205709 4205709ResolutionThat the Administration immediately pursue creation of a public fields and recreation area in the Inner Belt District pursuant to the Fields Master Plan.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
205708 5205708ResolutionThat the Administration immediately pursue creation of a public athletic field and recreation complex atop the 36,000 square foot parking deck proposed for construction in the Union Square eminent domain parcel currently designated "D-2".Work completed  Action details Not available
206201 5206201OrderThat the Director of SomerStat share an update on implementing a work order system for asset management, CRM requests, preventive maintenance, and related functions, for departments like Public Works, Engineering, and Urban Forestry.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
207167 5207167OrderThat the Director of SPCD share biannual CIP progress reports for all new open space and parks projects.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
201432 6201432OrderThat the Director of the Office of Sustainability and Environment and the Commissioner of Public Works explore alternatives, such as a "pay as you throw" program, to limit the amount of curbside trash, and integrate curbside composting.Work completed  Action details Not available
200299 8200299OrderThat the Director of SPCD, the Commissioner of Public Works and the Director of Sustainability and Environment consider the pros and cons of artificial turf and identify alternative designs for publicly accessible open space.Work completed  Action details Not available