City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Public Utilities and Public Works Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/2/2013 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
194331 2194331Public CommunicationMA DOT responding to #194058 re: Pedestrian lighting under Rt 93 at Sullivan Square.Work completed  Action details Not available
194679 3194679OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works resurface the dog park at Nunziato Field with a more durable material.Work completed  Action details Not available
194792 3194792OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works address the raised sidewalk panel at 31 Adrian Street.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
194972 3194972OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works update the Ward 6 Alderman on the new street cleaning and trash barrel maintenance for Davis Square, and evaluate whether more barrels would improve conditions.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
195078 3195078OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works (arborist) check all trees on Auburn Avenue for infestation, and appear before this Board's Committee on Public Utilities and Works to describe the city's policies with regard to the placement of trees and the handling of diseased trees.Work completed  Action details Not available
194057 3194057ResolutionThat this Board requests that the Administration, the Director of Traffic and Parking and the Commissioner of Public Works work with the ESCS contractor to coordinate the installation of raised crosswalks around the school.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
194058 3194058OrderThat the City Clerk request our state delegation to contact the MA Highway Dept. to increase pedestrian lighting under I-93, outside the Sullivan Sq. T Station.Work completed  Action details Not available
194308 3194308OrderThat the Director of SPCD (Transportation and Infrastructure) contact the MBTA and the State Delegation to remedy the problems with the fence at the end of Nashua Street, and report any suggested remedies from the MBTA to this Board's Committee on Public Utilities and Works within 30 days.Work completed  Action details Not available
194307 3194307OrderThat the Director of SPCD (Transportation and Infrastructure) contact the MBTA and the State Delegation to eradicate all graffiti on the retaining wall between the railroad tracks and the Lowell Street bridge, and report any corrective actions to this Board's Committee on Public Utilities and Works.Work completed  Action details Not available
194216 4194216CommunicationDirector of Traffic and Parking responding to various Board Orders.Work completed  Action details Not available
193966 4193966OrderThat the City Clerk request that the State Delegation contact the MBTA to remove all graffiti from the retaining wall between the railroad tracks and the Lowell Street bridge.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
194046 4194046OrderThat the Director of SPCD report back to the Ward 5 Alderman regarding noise created by the retaining wall along the railroad tracks at the former MaxPak site.Work completed  Action details Not available
194051 4194051OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Work and the Director of SPCD report to this Board regarding re-surfacing and drainage measures on the developed community path.Work completed  Action details Not available
195036 4195036Officer's CommunicationCommissioner of Public Works responding to various Board Orders submitted this evening.Work completed  Action details Not available
194813 4194813ResolutionThat the Administration appear before this Board to explain the current leadership and organizational chart of the Inspectional Services Dept.Work completed  Action details Not available
194827 4194827OrderThat the Director of SPCD, the Superintendent of Inspectional Services and the Director of Planning appear before this Board regarding the Inspectional Services/Building Dept.'s granting of permits in a consistent, professional and timely manner.Work completed  Action details Not available
194796 4194796Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders.Work completed  Action details Not available
190456 7190456Mayor's CommunicationConveying the Final Inspectional Services Division Organizational Review.Work completed  Action details Not available
191056 11191056OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works contact the appropriate utilities to address the overloaded and low hanging wires at Somerville Avenue at Kent Street, Somerville Avenue at Linden Street, and along Tyler Street.Work completed  Action details Not available