City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/8/2010 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber-City Hall-93 Highland Avenue
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
189178 1189178Public EventPublic Event Permit, Allied Veterans Council Flag Canning, Citywide, 5/15-16 and 22-23.Approved  Action details Not available
189179 1189179Public EventPublic Event Permit, Mass Motorcycle Assn. “Storm the State House” Motorcycle Ride, 9 New Washington St., 5/20, 8-12Noon.Approved  Action details Not available
189180 1189180Public EventPublic Event Permit, Day of Portugal Parade, Concord Sq. Area, 6/20, 12-3PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189182 1189182LicenseRenewing Drain Layer License, Borges Sewer & Drain Co.Approved  Action details Not available
189183 1189183LicenseRenewing Drain Layer License, P. T. Kelley Inc.Approved  Action details Not available
189185 1189185LicenseRenewing Flammable License, Union Gulf, 231 Washington St., 18,600 Gallons.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189186 1189186LicenseRenewing Flammable License, Faulkner Brothers, 9-13 Alpine St., 18,900 Gallons.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189190 1189190LicenseRenewing Outdoor Parking License, Faulkner Brothers, 2 Alpine St., 4 Spaces.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189191 1189191LicenseRenewing Outdoor Parking License, Pat’s Auto Body, 24-30 Joy St., 100 Spaces.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189192 1189192LicenseRenewing Outdoor Parking License, Pat’s Auto Body, 161 Linwood St., 63 Spaces.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189193 1189193LicenseRenewing Outdoor Parking License, Urban Equity Development Co., 55-59 Day St. and 108-112 Dover St., 70 Spaces.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189194 1189194LicenseRenewing Outdoor Parking License, Urban Equity Development Co., 7-9 and 11-13 Herbert St., 20 Spaces.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189196 1189196LicenseRenewing Junk Dealer License, Artifaktori LLC, 22A College Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189197 1189197LicenseRenewing Junk Dealer License, Atlas Metals, 475 Columbia St.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189198 1189198LicenseRenewing Junk Dealer License, CASPAR Inc., 160 Highland Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189199 1189199LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Cataldo Ambulance Service Inc., 137 Washington St., 24/7 Operation.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189200 1189200LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Hess Corp., 709 McGrath Hwy., 24/7 Operation.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189202 1189202LicenseRenewing Garage License, Faulkner Brothers, 13 Alpine St., 10 Autos Inside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189203 1189203LicenseRenewing Garage License, PMD Group LLC, 379-385 Broadway, 150 Autos Inside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189204 1189204LicenseRenewing Garage License, Paul Paone, 11 Rossmore St., 2 Autos Inside, 8 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189205 1189205LicenseRenewing Garage License, Don’s Automotive, 13-27 Cutter St., 3 Autos Inside, 2 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189206 1189206LicenseRenewing Garage License, Tech Auto Body Repair, 9 Union Sq., 3 Autos Inside, 5 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189207 1189207LicenseRenewing Garage License, M. Korson and Co., 91 Washington St., 1 Auto Inside, 3 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189208 1189208LicenseRenewing Garage License, Auto Express, 712 Mystic Ave., 3 Autos Inside, 7 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189209 1189209LicenseRenewing Garage License, Domenic Fabrizio, 290R Somerville Ave., 2 Autos Inside, 2 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189210 1189210LicenseRenewing Garage License, Reilly’s Garage, 61-63 Washington St., 2 Autos Inside, 6 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189222 1189222LicenseSign/Awning Permit, Black & Blues, 89 Holland St., 2 Signs.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189223 1189223LicenseNew Billiard/Pool Table/Bowling Alley License, Flatbread Company at Sacco’s Bowl Haven, 45 Day St., 10 Bowling Alleys.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189224 1189224LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Eat at Jumbos, 688 Broadway, 2 Tables, 6 Chairs.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189225 1189225LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, El Potro Mexican Gill, 61 Union Sq., 4 Tables, 8 Chairs.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189226 1189226LicenseRenewing Taxicab Medallion License, Somerville Taxi Inc., #66.Approved  Action details Not available
189227 1189227LicenseRenewing Taxicab Medallion License, Kings Transportation Co., #70.Approved  Action details Not available
189177 1189177Public EventPublic Event Permit, Save Our Homes Walk, High School Atrium and Area Streets, 5/16, 12-5PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189176 1189176Public EventPublic Event Permit, Community Cultural Day, High School Atrium Parking Area, 5/15, 12:3:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189175 1189175Public EventPublic Event Permit, Somerville Spring Cleanup BBQ, Nunziato Field, 5/8 (Raindate 5/9).Approved  Action details Not available
189173 1189173Public EventPublic Event Permit, Tufts Kids Day, Tufts Campus, 4/10, 9AM-3:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189161 1189161Committee ReportCommittee Report - Finance 4-6-10Approved  Action details Not available
189158 1189158Committee ReportCommittee Report - Housing 4-5-10Approved  Action details Not available
189162 1189162Committee ReportCommittee Report - Legislative Matters 4-6-10Approved  Action details Not available
189159 1189159Committee ReportCommittee Report - Parks - 4-5-10Approved  Action details Not available
189160 1189160Committee ReportCommittee Report - Pub Util 4-6-10Approved  Action details Not available
189104 1189104Roll CallCall of the RollPlaced on file  Action details Not available
189105 1189105MinutesApproval of the MinutesApproved  Action details Not available
189174 1189174Public EventPublic Event Permit, Pop Warner Canning, Citywide, 4/17, 11AM-5PM (Raindate 4/18).Approved  Action details Not available
189228 1189228LicenseRenewing Taxicab Medallion License, J&J Transportation Inc., #74.Approved  Action details Not available
189112 2189112OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repair the Pothole in Front of 33 Linden Avenue and Gussie Terrace.Approved  Action details Not available
189103 2189103Mayor's RequestRequesting Approval of a Letter to the MA DOT Supporting the Continuation of the Green Line Extension to Rt. 16.Approved  Action details Not available
189172 2189172Officer's CommunicationActing Police Chief Responding to Various Board Orders.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189106 2189106OrderThat the Director of SPCD meet with the Magoun Square businesses and the Ward 5 Alderman to develop a plan for Magoun Square to stimulate business, ahead of the 2015 Green Line arrival.Approved  Action details Not available
189107 2189107ResolutionThat This Board of Aldermen Hereby Requests that the Administration Forward the Parking Solutions Task Force Findings to the Ward 5 Alderman and Place All Data on the City’s Website Immediately Upon Completion.Approved  Action details Not available
189108 2189108ResolutionThat This Board of Aldermen Hereby Requests that the Administration Relax All Newly Instituted Traffic and Parking Initiatives in Magoun Square Until the Green Line Arrives in 2015 as the Initiatives Are Devastating Magoun Square’s Business Strength.Approved  Action details Not available
189109 2189109OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking and the City Auditor Provide the Ward 5 Alderman with the Figures for All Monthly Ticket Revenues from Magoun Square, for the Last Two Years, Before the Next Board of Alderman Meeting on April 22, 2010.Approved  Action details Not available
189110 2189110OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking Consider Implementing Measures to Alleviate the Negative Impact the New Traffic Regulations Have Had on the Businesses of Magoun Square.Approved  Action details Not available
189111 2189111ResolutionThat This Board of Aldermen Hereby Requests that the Administration and the Parking Solutions Task Force Remove from Its Mission the Combining of Davis and Magoun Squares in Its Considerations and Deliberations on Traffic and Parking Changes, as Magoun Square is Suffering Desperately from Their Belief that Magoun and Davis Square Share Any Similarities, Especially the Notion of 10:00 PM Parking Meters.Approved  Action details Not available
189113 2189113OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking Enforce the Business Permit Parking on Lower Vinal Avenue Between the Hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189116 2189116OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Ensure that Belmont Place is on the Street Repaving List for Spring 2010.Approved  Action details Not available
189117 2189117OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Address the Puddling of Water at the Intersection of Westwood Road and Central Street.Approved  Action details Not available
189115 2189115OrderThat the Chief of Police Address the Issue of Vehicles Exiting the SHS Parking Lot on School Street Between the Hours of 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM with an Illegal Right Turn in Order to Access Montrose Street.Approved  Action details Not available
189114 2189114ResolutionThat This Board of Aldermen Hereby Requests that the Administration Provide an Update on the Status of the Bicycle Safety/Enforcement Task Force.Approved  Action details Not available
189118 2189118OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Install Optical Preemption Detectors at Somerville Avenue and Bow Street and Washington Street and Webster Avenue to Enhance Response Times for the Fire Department.Approved  Action details Not available
189124 2189124OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Replace the Broken Street Pole and Missing Street Sign at Waldo Avenue and Beacon Street. ( 2nd Request)Approved  Action details Not available
189125 2189125OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Clean the Sacramento Street Underpass.Approved  Action details Not available
189123 2189123OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Request that Mass Highway Sweep Somerville Avenue on a Regular Schedule and Keep the Catch Basins Free of Debris Until Such Time as the Roadway Officially Comes Under City Jurisdiction.Approved  Action details Not available
189122 2189122OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Replace the Defective Lights in Conway Park in the Outdoor Roller Blade Rink and in the Basketball Courts.Approved  Action details Not available
189119 2189119ResolutionThat This Board of Aldermen Hereby Requests that the Administration Update This Board on the Single Stream Trash Program, Including Whether There Are Any Provisions for a Composting Component, Either Now or in Future Efforts, to Improve and Streamline Waste Management and Trash Hauling.Approved  Action details Not available
189121 2189121OrderThat the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development Make Recommendations to This Board Regarding Ways in Which the City Can Control and Reduce the Percentage of Paved Surfaces Since Somerville Leads the Region with 77% of Its Surfaces Being Paved.Approved  Action details Not available
189120 2189120OrderThat the Director of SomerStat and the Director of Health Provide This Board with Statistics, Broken Down by Ward and Area, from 311 Calls or Calls Directly to the Department for the Last 18 Month Period Related to Complaints of Rats.Approved  Action details Not available
189181 2189181LicenseNew Drain Layer License, Fleet Construction.Approved  Action details Not available
189184 2189184LicenseRenewing Drain Layer License, Caruso Corp.Approved  Action details Not available
189187 2189187LicenseRenewing Flammable License, A. L. Prime Energy, 73 Summer St., 20,000 Gallons.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189188 2189188LicenseRenewing Flammable License, Pete’s Boys Inc., 229R Lowell St., 9,800 Gallons.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189189 2189189LicenseRenewing Flammable License, Trum Field Sunoco, 541 Broadway, 24,550 Gallons.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189195 2189195LicenseRenewing Outdoor Parking License, Simon’s Auto Service, 166 Boston Ave., 2 Spaces.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189201 2189201LicenseRenewing Extended Operating Hours License, Dunkin Donuts, 282 Somerville Ave., 24/7 Operation.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189211 2189211LicenseRenewing Garage License, Inman Motor Sales, 121-123 Prospect St., 4 Autos Inside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189212 2189212LicenseRenewing Garage License, Auto Mechanic Sousa Inc., 308 McGrath Hwy., 9 Autos Inside, 3 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189213 2189213LicenseRenewing Garage License, Inner Belt Industrial Center Realty Trust, 21 Third Ave., 76 Autos Inside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189214 2189214LicenseRenewing Garage License, Gasper Ostuni, 195 Highland Ave., 12 Autos Inside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189215 2189215LicenseRenewing Garage License, Maaco Auto Painting, 444 Somerville Ave., 75 Autos Inside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189216 2189216LicenseRenewing Garage License, Pete’s Boys Inc., 229A Lowell St., 50 Autos Inside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189217 2189217LicenseRenewing Garage License, Pete’s Boys Inc., 229R Lowell St., 10 Autos Inside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189218 2189218LicenseRenewing Garage License, Modern Floors Inc., 22 Marshall St., 2 Autos Inside, 10 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189219 2189219LicenseRenewing Garage License, Arco Tire & Service, 16 Clarendon Ave., 2 Autos Inside, 2 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189220 2189220LicenseRenewing Garage License, Inman Auto Center, 45 Webster Ave., 13 Autos Inside, 4 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189221 2189221LicenseRenewing Garage License, Leins Auto Repair, 69-71 Bow St., 2 Autos Inside, 8 Outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189229 2189229Public CommunicationMaryanne Manfra Submitting Comments Re: #188655, Amending the Local Historic District Ordinance (Group B).Placed on file  Action details Not available
189230 2189230Public CommunicationSomerville Chamber of Commerce Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189231 2189231Public CommunicationCharles McKenzie and Devens Hamlen Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189232 2189232Public CommunicationTriumvirate Environmental Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189233 2189233Public CommunicationWilliam McLaughlin Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189234 2189234Public CommunicationInner Belt Realty Trust Submitting Comments Re: #188847, a Proposed Zoning Amendment to Amend Allowable Uses, Requirements for Special Permits, and Purpose Statements in IA and IP Zones.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189235 2189235OrderThat a Representative from the Law Dept. Appear Before the Committee on Housing and Community Development to Review the City’s Legal Options for Extending the Green Line to Route 16.Approved  Action details Not available
189236 2189236OrderThat the Chief of Police Order a Directed Patrol on the Dane St. Bridge, Especially for Illegal Drug Use on the Bridge and Train Tracks.Approved  Action details Not available
189237 2189237OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Contact the Appropriate Agency to Clean the Webster Ave. Bridge.Approved  Action details Not available
189238 2189238ResolutionThat This Board Requests that the Administration Consider Using Parking Control Officers to Verify, During Normal Patrols, the Work that Utilities Report Completing on Street Lights, Double Poles, Etc.Approved  Action details Not available
189239 2189239OrderThat the City Clerk Notify Lien’s Auto Sales on Bow St. to Appear Before the Next Meeting of the Licenses and Permits Committee to Address Concerns Regarding Safety.Approved  Action details Not available
189240 2189240OrderThat the City Clerk Notify Inman Motor Sales on Webster Ave. to Appear Before the Next Meeting of the Licenses and Permits Committee to Address Concerns Regarding Safety.Approved  Action details Not available
189126 2189126OrderThat the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development Provide This Board with a List of Expiring Use Affordable Housing and Their Expiration Dates for Review.Approved  Action details Not available
189127 2189127OrderThat the Chief of Police and the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (ISD) Provide This Board with a Detailed Report of Noise Ordinance Violations, Including the Number of Warnings and Citations Issued in Calendar Year 2009.Approved  Action details Not available
189128 2189128OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Empty the Dumpster at Franey Road More Often in Spring and Consider Creating a Policy that Would Allow for Same-Day Pick Up Upon Request to Prevent Inconvenience to Residents Attempting to Drop Off Their Yard Waste.Approved  Action details Not available
189129 2189129OrderThat the City Solicitor Inform This Board Whether it is Legally Permissible to Create a Trust Fund (Similar to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund) that Would Require Big Box Stores Entering Somerville to Contribute to a Fund that Supports Small and Independent Businesses in Somerville.Approved  Action details Not available
189130 2189130OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Provide an Update to the Ward 6 Alderman on the Request Made at the March 11Th Meeting to Replace the Marred STOP Sign on the North Side of Orchard Street, the Faded DO NOT ENTER Sign on the West Side of Dover Street, and Install a DO NOT ENTER Sign and a ONE WAY Blade on the East Side of Dover Street Per Recommendation of the City’s Traffic Engineer.Approved  Action details Not available
189132 2189132OrderThat the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (ISD) Prepare a Fact Sheet that is Given to Every Homeowner who Pulls a Construction Permit, Explaining to the Homeowner His Rights Under the Massachusetts Home Improvement Contractor Law.Approved  Action details Not available
189131 2189131OrderThat the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (ISD) and the City Solicitor Appear Before an Upcoming Meeting of the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety to Discuss the Regulation of Asbestos Removal Contractors.Approved  Action details Not available
189146 2189146OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repave Mt. Pleasant Street, Mt. Vernon Street, and Pearl Street.Approved  Action details Not available
189145 2189145OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Remove the Electrical Conduit Sticking Out of the Ground on the Traffic Island in Front of 202 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
189138 2189138OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Contact NSTAR and Request that They Secure the Loose Wires Protruding from Utility Poles 164/4 and 308/4 at the Corner of School and Landers Streets.Approved  Action details Not available
189151 2189151OrderThat the City Clerk Contact the U.S. Postal Service and Request that They Remove the Graffiti from the Green Mail Box at 53 Hudson Street and Relocate the Green Mail Box Abutting 2 School Street that is Also Blocking Pedestrian Access to the Sidewalk.Approved  Action details Not available
189147 2189147OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Remove the Duct Tape and Properly Secure the Electrical Panel of the Street Light in Front of 144 Highland Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
189148 2189148OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repair the Severely Raised Sidewalk Panels in Front of 2, 5, 6 and 8 Westwood Road.Approved  Action details Not available
189149 2189149OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Replace the Street Sign for Gould Street at the Corner of Porter Street.Approved  Action details Not available
189152 2189152OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repave Porter Street.Approved  Action details Not available
189142 2189142OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Remove the Duct Tape and Properly Secure the Electrical Panel of the Street Light at the Corner of Lowell Street and Highland Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
189144 2189144OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repair the Sidewalk and Handicap Access at the Corner of Hudson and Central Streets.Approved  Action details Not available
189141 2189141OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Replace the Hudson Street Sign and Sign Pole at the Corner of Central Street.Approved  Action details Not available
189139 2189139OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Remove the Empty Sign Posts at 65 Hudson Street and 237 Highland Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
189140 2189140OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repair the Raised Sidewalk Panels in Front of 5, 52, 54 and 56 Albion Street as They Are a Severe Hazard to Pedestrians.Approved  Action details Not available
189143 2189143OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Correct the Leaning Pedestrian Warning Sign that is Blocking the Sidewalk Pathway on Cedar Street at the Bike Path.Approved  Action details Not available
189150 2189150OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Remove the Electrical Tape from the Fire Alarm Box on the Corner of Cedar and Summer Streets and Properly Secure the Electrical Panel Cover to the Box.Approved  Action details Not available
189137 2189137OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Remove the Empty Sign Post in Front of 96 Willow Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
189136 2189136OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repair the Raised Sidewalk Panel in Front of 68 Pearson Road.Approved  Action details Not available
189135 2189135OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Correct the Leaning 2 HOUR PARKING Sign and Post in Front of 112 Bristol Road that is Blocking the Sidewalk Pathway.Approved  Action details Not available
189134 2189134OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repair the Potholes in the Crosswalk at Kidder and Liberty Avenues.Approved  Action details Not available
189133 2189133OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Replace the Broken Electrical Panel on the Street Light at the Corner of Willow and Kidder Avenues.Approved  Action details Not available
189154 2189154OrderThat the Director of Constituent Services Meet with the Ward 7 Alderman to Discuss Weekend Call Procedures for Incidents Requiring Immediate Action.Approved  Action details Not available
189156 2189156OrderThat the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (ISD) Provide the Ward 7 and 6 Aldermen with Updates on the Construction Project at 20 Thorndike StreetApproved  Action details Not available
189155 2189155OrderThat the City Clerk Notify the Owners of 112 Professors Row to Appear Before the Committee on Licenses and Permits to Show Why There Rooming House License Should Not be Revoked.Approved  Action details Not available
189157 2189157OrderThat the Chief of Police and the Director of Traffic and Patrking Increase Enforcment for Cars Parked in Bus Stops in the Area of the Holland Street MBTA Station During the Commuting Hours as it is Causing a Pedestrian Safety Issue.Approved  Action details Not available
189153 2189153OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Conduct a Survey of All Double Utility Poles in Ward 7 for Comparison to the Current Data Base Complied by the Various Utilities Operating in the City.Approved  Action details Not available
189164 3189164Mayor's Request43D – REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT SITE DESIGNATION AT 10 POPLAR STREET (Map 94, Block C Parcel 6, and Map 94, Clock C, Parcel 7)Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189170 3189170Mayor's RequestRrequest to the Board of Alderman for a Presentation and Input Meeting Relative to the East Somerville Community School (ESCS) Reconstruction Project.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189163 3189163Mayor's RequestAn Order Adopting Appendix 120.AA of the MA Building Code, known as the Stretch Energy Code, as the Energy Code for the City.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189165 3189165Mayor's RequestMayor's Request to Transfer $50,000 from the Custodian Salary Line to the Buildings and Grounds Overtime Labor Line to Cover the Cost of Spring Plantings and Special Events.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189166 3189166Mayor's RequestRequesting Approval to Expend a $150,000 Grant from the MA Exec. Office of Public Safety and Security and the State 911 Regional Public Safety Communications Center to Conduct a Feasibility for a Regional Emergency Communications Center.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189169 3189169Mayor's RequestRequesting the Appointment of Joseph Figler as ConstableReferred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189171 3189171Officer's CommunicationTraffic & Parking Engineer Responding to Various Board Orders.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189167 4189167Mayor's RequestRequesting Approval to Accept a Grant in the Amount of $3,000 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to Help Preserve a Historice Spanish-American War Diariy in the Library.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available