City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Legislative Matters Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/1/2021 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
211232 4211232OrderThat Ordinance 10-1 regarding the organization of the Police department be amended by removing the specified levels of patrol and superior officers.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
211262 4211262OrderThat this Council pursue a Charter or Ordinance amendment to expand Police and Fire Interview Panels to include a City Councilor and a designee of the Director of Racial and Social Justice.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
211417 5211417OrdinanceCity Solicitor responding to #211232 with an amendment to Ordinances 10-1 and 10-1.1, to eliminate specified levels of patrol and superior officers in the Police Department.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
211260 5211260OrderThat the City Solicitor prepare legislation revoking the enabling legislation for the Police Reserve List.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
211261 5211261OrderThat the City Solicitor prepare legislation revoking the enabling legislation for the Fire Reserve List.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
211003 5211003OrderThat this Council consider an ordinance banning chemical crowd control agents and kinetic impact projectiles.Work completed  Action details Not available
211318 7211318Mayor's RequestRequesting rescission of the adoption of MGL Chapter 48 Sections 59B, 59C and 59D relative to a Reserve Fire Force.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
211319 7211319Mayor's RequestRequesting rescission of the adoption of MGL Chapter 147 Sections 11, 12 and 13 relative to a Reserve Police Force.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
210736 8210736OrderThat the City Solicitor draft an Ordinance banning the use of tear gas by the Police Department and other law enforcement agencies operating in Somerville.Work completed  Action details Not available