| 1 | 1. | Committee Minutes | Approval of the Minutes of the Land Use Committee Joint Meeting with the Planning Board of February 20, 2025. | | |
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| 1 | 2.1. | Public Communication | John Fragione and Agostino Feola, Trustees of Frala Realty Trust, requesting a Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning district of 295-297 Medford Street and 93 Walnut Street from Mid-Rise 3 (MR3) to Mid-Rise 4 (MR4). | | |
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| 1 | 2.2. | Mayor's Request | Requesting ordainment of an amendment to Articles 8 and 12 of the Zoning Ordinance to establish a new Arts & Innovation sub-area of the Master Planned Development Overlay District. | | |
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| 1 | 2.3. | Mayor's Request | Requesting ordainment of an amendment to Articles 2, 3-6, and 9 of the Zoning Ordinance to revise the regulations for arts and creative enterprise, office, and residential uses. | | |
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| 1 | 2.4. | Mayor's Request | Requesting ordainment of an amendment to Articles 6, 9, and 10 of the Zoning Ordinance to establish a new Research & Development zoning district. | | |
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| 1 | 2.5. | Mayor's Request | Requesting ordainment of an amendment to Articles 2, 4-6, 8, and 9 of the Zoning Ordinance to revise the regulations for laboratory uses and buildings. | | |
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Not available