City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/8/2021 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Meeting by Remote Participation
Online Meeting - See Below
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
212163 1212163Grant of LocationSubmitted by RCN Telecom to install 100 feet of conduit at the intersection of Prospect, Everett, and Newton Sts from a proposed manhole in Prospect St to a point of pickup at 35 Prospect St, and from the same manhole, 90 feet to an existing Utility Pole 118/3 near the rear of 282 Somerville Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
212164 1212164Grant of LocationSubmitted by Extenet to install 63 feet of conduit in Somerville Ave from existing Eversource Manhole 20656 to a proposed handhole, then continuing 2 feet to a small wireless facility node near 343 Somerville Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
212165 1212165Grant of LocationSubmitted by Extenet to install 62 feet of conduit near the intersection of School St and Somerville Ave from existing Eversource Manhole 8643 to a proposed handhole, then continuing 3 feet to a small wireless facility node near 435 Somerville Ave.Approved  Action details Not available
212196 1212196Public EventPublic Event License, East Morrison Ave Block Party, Morrison Ave from Highland Rd to Prichard Ave, July 24, 1pm-8pm (raindate July 25).Approved  Action details Not available
212205 1212205Public EventPublic Event License, Wallace St Block Party, from Broadway to Holland Street, Aug 28, 2pm-9:30pm (raindate Aug 29).Approved  Action details Not available
212195 1212195Public EventPublic Event License, Gorham St Block Party, from Tannery Brook Row to Holland St, July 24, 8am-10pm (raindate July 25)Approved  Action details Not available
212199 1212199Public EventPublic Event License, 7ate9 Bakery National Cheesecake Day Celebration, parking spaces in front of 199C Highland Ave, July 31, 7am-6pm (raindate Aug 1).Approved  Action details Not available
212203 1212203Public EventPublic Event License, Electric Ave Block Party, from Packard Ave to Mason St, Aug 14, 11am-6pm (raindate Aug 15).Approved  Action details Not available
212192 1212192Public EventPublic Event License, Moore/Mead Sts Block Party, from Claremon St to Holland St, July 11, 1:30pm-5:30pm (raindate July 18).Approved  Action details Not available
212167 1212167CommunicationReporting on the meetings of the Traffic Commission from January through June 2021 and announcing the Commission's new email address, on file  Action details Not available
212159 1212159Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212160 1212160RemembrancesRemembrances.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212161 1212161MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting, June 3, 2021, and the Regular Meeting, June 10, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212171 1212171Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Land Use, meeting on June 29, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212169 1212169Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Confirmation of Appointments and Personnel Matters, meeting on July 6, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212172 1212172Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Legislative Matters, meeting on July 6, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212170 1212170Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Housing and Community Development, meeting on July 7, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212173 1212173Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Licenses and Permits, meeting on July 7, 2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212162 1212162CitationCongratulating City Clerk John Long on his retirement.Approved  Action details Not available
212214 1212214Public CommunicationGilman Sq Neighborhood Association, Union Square Neighborhood Council Board, and 526 citizens submitting comments re: rezoning 343 Medford St.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212191 1212191Officer's CommunicationCity Clerk submitting his resignation as of July 23, 2021.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212213 1212213Public EventPublic Event License, All Community Events Somerville Hot Cider Hustle 8K Road Race, Assembly Row area and Mystic Reservation, October 30, 4AM-Noon.Approved  Action details Not available
212212 1212212Public EventPublic Event License, Police Dept. Collier Kickball Extravaganza, Trum Field, September 25, 7AM-6PM.Approved  Action details Not available
212209 1212209Public EventPublic Event License, Kids Like You and Me Somerville Cambridge Underground Pop Arts Performance Showcase, Lincoln Park Basketball Court, September 18, 1-5PM (raindate October 2).Approved  Action details Not available
212208 1212208Public EventPublic Event License, Irving St Block Party, Sep 18, 11:30am-7pm (raindate Sep 25).Approved  Action details Not available
212193 1212193Public EventPublic Event License, Indiana Ave Block Party, July 18, 2-10pm (raindate July 25).Approved  Action details Not available
212207 1212207Public EventPublic Event License, FRIT Riverfest 2021, Assembly Row area, Sep 18, 10AM-11PM.Approved  Action details Not available
212197 1212197Public EventPublic Event License, Tennyson St Block Party, From Pembroke St to Medford St, July 24, 1-8:30pm (raindate July 25).Approved  Action details Not available
212200 1212200Public EventPublic Event License, SmartBear Software Pan Mass Run, Assembly Row area, Aug 5, Noon-5:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
212206 1212206Public EventPublic Event License, bent/haus Water Misting Installation, Chuckie Harris Park, Aug 28, 6-10PM (raindate Aug 29).Approved  Action details Not available
212211 1212211Public EventPublic Event License, Lexington Ave Block Party, From Hancock St to Cedar St, Sep 19, 4-9pm (raindate Sep 26).Approved  Action details Not available
212210 1212210Public EventPublic Event License, Prospect Hill Block Party, Munroe St from Prospect Hill Ave to Bigelow St, Sep 18, 1-8pm (raindate Sep 19).Approved  Action details Not available
212194 1212194Public EventPublic Event License, SomerViva and MIRA Coalition Celebration of Immigrant Workers, East Somerville Community School Turf Field and Basketball Court, July 23, 3:30-6:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
212219 1212219Public EventPublic Event License, Hudson St Block Party, From Waldo St to Central St, Oct 2, 2-8pm (raindate Oct 3).Approved  Action details Not available
212204 1212204Public EventPublic Event License, Bromfield Rd Block Party, Aug 21, 11AM-7PM (raindate Aug 28).Approved  Action details Not available
212198 1212198Public EventPublic Event License, Arts Council and Zili Misik Project Misik Workshops and Performances, Blessing of the Bay Boathouse grassy area only, Jul 28, Aug 4,11,25, Sep 11, 5-9PM (raindates Jul 29, Aug 5,12,26, Sep 12).Approved  Action details Not available
212201 1212201Public EventPublic Event License, One Entertainment Somerville Kite and Arts Festival, Dilboy Auxiliary A Field, Aug 7, 8AM-4PM.Approved  Action details Not available
212202 1212202Public EventPublic Event License, Arts Council Yart Sale, citywide, Aug 14, 10AM-5PM (raindate Aug 15).Approved  Action details Not available
212221 1212221LicenseNew Garage License, Brazil Auto Repair Inc, 621 Somerville Avenue, 2 autos inside, 0 outside for mechanical repairs only, operating Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm, Sat: 8am-2pm, Sun: Closed.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212220 1212220LicenseNew Sign/Awning Permit, Waikiki Sushi and Poke, 27 Holland Street, for double sided blade sign and back lit channel sign over public sidewalk.Approved  Action details Not available
212217 1212217Public EventPublic Event License, Bay State Ave Block Party, from Kidder Ave to Foskett St, July 31, 4PM-12AM (raindate Aug 1).Approved  Action details Not available
212218 1212218Public EventPublic Event License, Art Council Rock and Roll Yard Sale, Union Sq parking lot, Sept 11, 9AM-6PM (raindate Sept 12).Approved  Action details Not available
212218 2212218Public EventPublic Event License, Art Council Rock and Roll Yard Sale, Union Sq parking lot, Sept 11, 9AM-6PM (raindate Sept 12).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212224 2212224OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works, the Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management and the Director of Sustainability and Environment pilot a project to reduce the heat island effect on asphalt using materials to cool it.Approved  Action details Not available
212225 2212225OrderThat Eversource representatives be requested to appear before the next meeting of this Council’s Committee on Public Utilities and Public Works to respond to the gas leak data along Somerville Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
212226 2212226OrderThat the City Solicitor advise the Ward 4 and Ward 7 Councilors whether Tufts' new parking enforcement technology is in compliance with the Surveillance Ordinance and whether it scans Somerville's public ways.Approved  Action details Not available
212222 2212222ResolutionStanding in solidarity with the Tufts Labor Coalition and Tufts dining workers.Approved  Action details Not available
212217 2212217Public EventPublic Event License, Bay State Ave Block Party, from Kidder Ave to Foskett St, July 31, 4PM-12AM (raindate Aug 1).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212223 2212223OrderThat the Director of Mobility work with the MBTA to add a bus shelter at the McGrath Highway bus stop across the highway from Twin City Plaza.Approved  Action details Not available
212220 2212220LicenseNew Sign/Awning Permit, Waikiki Sushi and Poke, 27 Holland Street, for double sided blade sign and back lit channel sign over public sidewalk.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212202 2212202Public EventPublic Event License, Arts Council Yart Sale, citywide, Aug 14, 10AM-5PM (raindate Aug 15).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212201 2212201Public EventPublic Event License, One Entertainment Somerville Kite and Arts Festival, Dilboy Auxiliary A Field, Aug 7, 8AM-4PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212198 2212198Public EventPublic Event License, Arts Council and Zili Misik Project Misik Workshops and Performances, Blessing of the Bay Boathouse grassy area only, Jul 28, Aug 4,11,25, Sep 11, 5-9PM (raindates Jul 29, Aug 5,12,26, Sep 12).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212204 2212204Public EventPublic Event License, Bromfield Rd Block Party, Aug 21, 11AM-7PM (raindate Aug 28).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212219 2212219Public EventPublic Event License, Hudson St Block Party, From Waldo St to Central St, Oct 2, 2-8pm (raindate Oct 3).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212194 2212194Public EventPublic Event License, SomerViva and MIRA Coalition Celebration of Immigrant Workers, East Somerville Community School Turf Field and Basketball Court, July 23, 3:30-6:30PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212210 2212210Public EventPublic Event License, Prospect Hill Block Party, Munroe St from Prospect Hill Ave to Bigelow St, Sep 18, 1-8pm (raindate Sep 19).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212211 2212211Public EventPublic Event License, Lexington Ave Block Party, From Hancock St to Cedar St, Sep 19, 4-9pm (raindate Sep 26).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212206 2212206Public EventPublic Event License, bent/haus Water Misting Installation, Chuckie Harris Park, Aug 28, 6-10PM (raindate Aug 29).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212200 2212200Public EventPublic Event License, SmartBear Software Pan Mass Run, Assembly Row area, Aug 5, Noon-5:30PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212197 2212197Public EventPublic Event License, Tennyson St Block Party, From Pembroke St to Medford St, July 24, 1-8:30pm (raindate July 25).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212207 2212207Public EventPublic Event License, FRIT Riverfest 2021, Assembly Row area, Sep 18, 10AM-11PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212193 2212193Public EventPublic Event License, Indiana Ave Block Party, July 18, 2-10pm (raindate July 25).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212208 2212208Public EventPublic Event License, Irving St Block Party, Sep 18, 11:30am-7pm (raindate Sep 25).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212209 2212209Public EventPublic Event License, Kids Like You and Me Somerville Cambridge Underground Pop Arts Performance Showcase, Lincoln Park Basketball Court, September 18, 1-5PM (raindate October 2).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212212 2212212Public EventPublic Event License, Police Dept. Collier Kickball Extravaganza, Trum Field, September 25, 7AM-6PM.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212213 2212213Public EventPublic Event License, All Community Events Somerville Hot Cider Hustle 8K Road Race, Assembly Row area and Mystic Reservation, October 30, 4AM-Noon.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212192 2212192Public EventPublic Event License, Moore/Mead Sts Block Party, from Claremon St to Holland St, July 11, 1:30pm-5:30pm (raindate July 18).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212168 2212168OrderThat the Director of Traffic replace the missing ONE WAY signs on Dana Street.Approved  Action details Not available
212166 2212166ResolutionIn support of Senate bill #1545, An Act Relative to Automated Enforcement.Approved  Action details Not available
212203 2212203Public EventPublic Event License, Electric Ave Block Party, from Packard Ave to Mason St, Aug 14, 11am-6pm (raindate Aug 15).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212199 2212199Public EventPublic Event License, 7ate9 Bakery National Cheesecake Day Celebration, parking spaces in front of 199C Highland Ave, July 31, 7am-6pm (raindate Aug 1).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212195 2212195Public EventPublic Event License, Gorham St Block Party, from Tannery Brook Row to Holland St, July 24, 8am-10pm (raindate July 25)Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212205 2212205Public EventPublic Event License, Wallace St Block Party, from Broadway to Holland Street, Aug 28, 2pm-9:30pm (raindate Aug 29).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212196 2212196Public EventPublic Event License, East Morrison Ave Block Party, Morrison Ave from Highland Rd to Prichard Ave, July 24, 1pm-8pm (raindate July 25).Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212165 2212165Grant of LocationSubmitted by Extenet to install 62 feet of conduit near the intersection of School St and Somerville Ave from existing Eversource Manhole 8643 to a proposed handhole, then continuing 3 feet to a small wireless facility node near 435 Somerville Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212164 2212164Grant of LocationSubmitted by Extenet to install 63 feet of conduit in Somerville Ave from existing Eversource Manhole 20656 to a proposed handhole, then continuing 2 feet to a small wireless facility node near 343 Somerville Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212163 2212163Grant of LocationSubmitted by RCN Telecom to install 100 feet of conduit at the intersection of Prospect, Everett, and Newton Sts from a proposed manhole in Prospect St to a point of pickup at 35 Prospect St, and from the same manhole, 90 feet to an existing Utility Pole 118/3 near the rear of 282 Somerville Ave.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212145 3212145LicenseNew Flammables License, 101 South Street Owner LLC, 101 South St, storing 6,984 gallons.Approved  Action details Not available
212190 3212190CommunicationActing Chief of Police responding to #211929 re: Housing Authority Police reforms.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212147 3212147CommunicationIn his capacity as President, recommending the appointment of Kimberly Wells to the position of City Clerk.Approved  Action details Not available
211812 3211812OrdinanceProposing an amendment to Ordinance 2-123 that would require notification to this Council of claims against the City filed at the MA Commission Against Discrimination.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212176 3212176Mayor's RequestRequesting to appear in executive session to discuss the recent arbitrator’s decision involving the Somerville Police Employee's Association.Approved  Action details Not available
212177 3212177Mayor's RequestRequesting to appear in executive session to discuss the proposed settlement of opioid litigation involving the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy case.Approved  Action details Not available
212174 3212174Mayor's RequestRequesting to appear in executive session as to the proposed settlement of a pending claim.Approved  Action details Not available
212175 3212175Mayor's RequestRequesting to appear in executive session regarding an HVAC contract claim.Approved  Action details Not available
212188 3212188Mayor's RequestCity Solicitor requesting approval to retain Petrini & Associates, P.C. as outside legal counsel in the HVAC contract matter.Approved  Action details Not available
212185 3212185Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to change three polling places, attached, due to the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions which allow a return to the previous polling locations.Approved  Action details Not available
212223 3212223OrderThat the Director of Mobility work with the MBTA to add a bus shelter at the McGrath Highway bus stop across the highway from Twin City Plaza.Approved  Action details Not available
212226 3212226OrderThat the City Solicitor advise the Ward 4 and Ward 7 Councilors whether Tufts' new parking enforcement technology is in compliance with the Surveillance Ordinance and whether it scans Somerville's public ways.Approved  Action details Not available
212224 3212224OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works, the Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management and the Director of Sustainability and Environment pilot a project to reduce the heat island effect on asphalt using materials to cool it.Approved  Action details Not available
212215 4212215Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $25,254.23 from various DPW accounts using available FY22 funds.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212216 4212216Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $2,500 using available funds in the Human Resources Department Arbitration Services Account for June 2021 arbitration services.Approved  Action details Not available
212185 4212185Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to change three polling places, attached, due to the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions which allow a return to the previous polling locations.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212184 4212184Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay two prior year invoices totaling $816 using available FY21 funds in the Treasury Department Professional & Technical Services Account for FY20 online ACH fees.Approved  Action details Not available
212189 4212189Officer's CommunicationPlanning Board conveying its recommendations on #'s 211170, 211433, 211611, 211612, and 211693, all requests to amend the Zoning Ordinances.Placed on file  Action details Not available
212186 4212186CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Ann Fullerton to the Zoning Board of Appeals.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212187 4212187CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Stephanos Axios to the Zoning Board of Appeals as an Alternate Member.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
212188 4212188Mayor's RequestCity Solicitor requesting approval to retain Petrini & Associates, P.C. as outside legal counsel in the HVAC contract matter.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212047 4212047Officer's CommunicationSenthil Kumar proposing a zoning amendment to rezone his property at 8-8A Melvin Street from Mid Rise 5 to Neighborhood Residential.Approved  Action details Not available
211988 4211988Officer's CommunicationMoshe Safdie proposing a zoning amendment to extend the Small Business Overlay to his property at 92 Properzi Way.Approved  Action details Not available
212180 4212180Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $298,280 grant with no new match required, from the MA Department of Mental Health to the Police Department for Crisis Intervention Team training.Approved  Action details Not available
212183 4212183Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $37,315 grant with no new match required, from the MA Department of Mental Health to the Police Department for the Jail Diversion Program.Approved  Action details Not available
211298 4211298Mayor's RequestRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Jennifer Mancia as Executive Director of the Women's Commission.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
211299 4211299CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Nency Salamoun as Executive Director of the Human Rights Commission.Placed on file  Action details Not available
211675 4211675Officer's CommunicationScott Zink proposing a zoning amendment to re-zone his property at 471 Somerville Avenue from Urban Residential to MR4.Approved  Action details Not available
209518 4209518Mayor's RequestRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Jennifer Mancia as Executive Director of the Women's Commission.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
212178 4212178Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $323,737.91 from the Facility Construction and Renovation Stabilization Fund to provide capital project building renovation and improvement services.Approved  Action details Not available
212145 4212145LicenseNew Flammables License, 101 South Street Owner LLC, 101 South St, storing 6,984 gallons.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212181 4212181Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $239,544.18 grant that requires a $23,954.42 match, from FEMA to the Fire Department for Fire Officer training.Approved  Action details Not available
212181 5212181Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $239,544.18 grant that requires a $23,954.42 match, from FEMA to the Fire Department for Fire Officer training.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212182 5212182Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $117,108 grant with no new match required, from The MA Office of Elder Affairs to the Council on Aging for programming, transportation, salary, equipment and other needs of the elderly.Approved  Action details Not available
212132 5212132Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation and authorization to borrow $7,000,000 in a bond for citywide water meter replacement.Approved  Action details Not available
212131 5212131OrdinanceRequesting, with Councilor McLaughlin, approval of an amendment to Ordinance 2-309.5, the Veterans Commission Ordinance, to permit Hero Square dedications for both living and deceased service members who served during wartime.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
212152 5212152OrdinanceCity Solicitor submitting an amendment to the Municipal Ordinances to prohibit pawnbroking.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
212178 5212178Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $323,737.91 from the Facility Construction and Renovation Stabilization Fund to provide capital project building renovation and improvement services.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212179 5212179Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $230,515.51 from the Street Reconstruction and Resurfacing Stabilization Fund for pavement assessments, street resurfacing, and pavement marking services.Approved  Action details Not available
210490 5210490CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Hayley Bermel to the Commission for Women.Placed on file  Action details Not available
211747 5211747CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Holly Simione to the Commission for Person with Disabilities.Approved  Action details Not available
211412 5211412CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Kimberly Sheridan to the Commission for Women.Approved  Action details Not available
211413 5211413CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Arlen Weiner to the Commission for Women.Approved  Action details Not available
212183 5212183Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $37,315 grant with no new match required, from the MA Department of Mental Health to the Police Department for the Jail Diversion Program.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212180 5212180Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $298,280 grant with no new match required, from the MA Department of Mental Health to the Police Department for Crisis Intervention Team training.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211968 5211968CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Andrew Guralnick to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
211969 5211969CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Brendan Noonan to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
211818 5211818OrderThat this Council consider amending the Demolition Review Ordinance to extend the maximum demolition delay period that the Historic Preservation Commission can impose on buildings of historical value from 12 months to 18 months.Work completed  Action details Not available
211954 5211954Mayor's RequestRequesting adoption of MGL c48, s59A, authorizing the Fire Department to Provide Mutual Aid.Approved  Action details Not available
211966 5211966CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Timothy Bakey to the position of Fire Captain.Approved  Action details Not available
211967 5211967CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Barry Hamilton to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Approved  Action details Not available
212184 5212184Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay two prior year invoices totaling $816 using available FY21 funds in the Treasury Department Professional & Technical Services Account for FY20 online ACH fees.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212216 5212216Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $2,500 using available funds in the Human Resources Department Arbitration Services Account for June 2021 arbitration services.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211967 6211967CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Barry Hamilton to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211966 6211966CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Timothy Bakey to the position of Fire Captain.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211954 6211954Mayor's RequestRequesting adoption of MGL c48, s59A, authorizing the Fire Department to Provide Mutual Aid.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211969 6211969CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Brendan Noonan to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211968 6211968CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Andrew Guralnick to the position of Fire Lieutenant.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211413 6211413CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Arlen Weiner to the Commission for Women.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211412 6211412CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Kimberly Sheridan to the Commission for Women.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211747 6211747CommunicationRequesting confirmation of the appointment of Holly Simione to the Commission for Person with Disabilities.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211848 6211848Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $387.30 using available funds in the Infrastructure and Asset Management Fee Account for delinquent EZ Pass toll invoices.Approved  Action details Not available
211850 6211850Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a time-only extension for The Robinson Green Beretta Corp. contract for construction administration at the Buena Vista Garage through 8/31/2021.Approved  Action details Not available
212179 6212179Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $230,515.51 from the Street Reconstruction and Resurfacing Stabilization Fund for pavement assessments, street resurfacing, and pavement marking services.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212152 6212152OrdinanceCity Solicitor submitting an amendment to the Municipal Ordinances to prohibit pawnbroking.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212131 6212131OrdinanceRequesting, with Councilor McLaughlin, approval of an amendment to Ordinance 2-309.5, the Veterans Commission Ordinance, to permit Hero Square dedications for both living and deceased service members who served during wartime.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212132 6212132Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation and authorization to borrow $7,000,000 in a bond for citywide water meter replacement.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212182 6212182Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $117,108 grant with no new match required, from The MA Office of Elder Affairs to the Council on Aging for programming, transportation, salary, equipment and other needs of the elderly.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211850 7211850Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a time-only extension for The Robinson Green Beretta Corp. contract for construction administration at the Buena Vista Garage through 8/31/2021.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
211848 7211848Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $387.30 using available funds in the Infrastructure and Asset Management Fee Account for delinquent EZ Pass toll invoices.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available
212051 8212051Officer's CommunicationRequesting an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to revise the façade build-out dimensional standard for any Apartment Building in the Urban Residence district when abutting the Neighborhood Residence district.Approved  Action details Not available
211611 12211611Officer's CommunicationRequesting approval of amendments to the Zoning Ordinance Body Art Services use standards and Table 9.1.1 Permitted Uses.Ordinance ordained  Action details Not available
211611 13211611Officer's CommunicationRequesting approval of amendments to the Zoning Ordinance Body Art Services use standards and Table 9.1.1 Permitted Uses.Mayoral Approval  Action details Not available