| 4 | 197181 | Mayor's Request | Requesting transfer of $220 in the Arts Council from its Professional & Technical Services Account to its Salaries Account to fund a projected year end deficit. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | 197083 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a gift of a piano valued at $500 to be used in the new Sound Studio for young musicians. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197241 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the transfer of $130,000 from the E911 Salaries Account to the Police Overtime Account to cover projected overtime costs. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197178 | Mayor's Request | Request to transfer $9,174 in the School Custodians Dept., from its Personal Services Account to its Ordinary Maintenance Account to pay outstanding invoices. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197180 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval to transfer $6,767.44 from the MWRA Assessments Account to Debt Service. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197175 | Mayor's Request | Requesting a transfer of $248,925 from Salary Contingency to the Salary and Wage Stabilization Fund. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197179 | Mayor's Request | Requesting a transfer of $7,000 from the Executive Capital Projects Management Salaries Account to the Workers Compensation Salaries Account to fund a projected year-end deficit. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197177 | Mayor's Request | Requesting a transfer of $9,536 from the Building Insurance Account to the Pension/Non-Contributory Ordinary Maintenance Account to fund a projected year end deficit. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197176 | Mayor's Request | Request approval of a transfer of $150,000 from the Sanitation Division to the Buildings & Grounds Division
to pay Electricity and Heating Oil costs. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197174 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $750,000 for the cost of replacing DPW equipment and authorization to borrow $750,000 in a bond to meet the appropriation. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197191 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a grant of $3,000 from the Somerville Housing Authority for the Arts Council's Mystic Mural Project. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197185 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the dedication of Marshall Street Playground in perpetuity for park and recreation purposes. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197188 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a grant of $35,000 from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council for the Police Department's Bicycle-Pedestrian Traffic Enforcement Program. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197189 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval of a $10,000 grant from the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation for the Arts Council's Mystic Mural and Art in the Garden programs. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197047 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $75,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to purchase forensic analysis equipment for the Police Department. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197048 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $36,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to purchase two message/speed monitor boards for the Police Department. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197049 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $16,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to purchase 4 mobile radios for police cruisers. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197051 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval to pay a prior year invoice of $1,478.10 from the Traffic and Parking Department using FY2014 funds. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197050 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a mitigation payment of 5 Electronic parking meters | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197080 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval to establish a new Water/Sewer Stabilization Fund. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197081 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $2,000,000 from the Sewer Enterprise Retained Earnings Fund to the new Water/Sewer Capital Stabilization Fund. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 197082 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $1,000,000 from the Water Enterprise Retained Earnings Fund to the new Water/Sewer Capital Stabilization Fund. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197045 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $319,333 from the Parks Stabilization Fund to the General Debt Service Fund for Debt Service for Parks Renovation. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197186 | Mayor's Request | Requesting acceptance of a mitigation payment of $94,744.75 to establish the Open Space Improvements Stabilization Fund. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 195964 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $31,500 from the Wage and Salary Stabilization Fund to the Library Salaries Account to establish the position of Associate Director of the Library System. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 196164 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $490,000, and authorization to borrow $490,000 in a bond, for a new HR and Payroll system. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 196469 | Mayor's Communication | Submitting the city's FY2014-FY2018 Capital Investment Plan. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 196952 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a grant of $22,125.85 from the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management, for the Police Department's target hardening project. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197117 | Mayor's Request | Requesting reauthorization of the Cable Telecommunications Revolving Fund for FY2015. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197118 | Mayor's Request | Requesting reauthorization of the SomerStreets Revolving Fund for FY2015. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197119 | Mayor's Request | Requesting reauthorization of the Conservation Revolving Fund for FY2015. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197121 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the reauthorization of the Council on Aging Revolving Fund for FY2015. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197122 | Mayor's Request | Requesting reauthorization of the Environmental-Compost Bins Revolving Fund for FY 2015. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197123 | Mayor's Request | Requesting reauthorization of the Parks Revolving Fund for FY2015. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197124 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the reauthorization of the Recycling Carts Revolving Fund for FY2015. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197126 | Mayor's Request | Requesting Reauthorization of the Dedication Sign Revolving Fund for FY2015. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197127 | Mayor's Request | Requesting Reauthorization of the Special Events Revolving Fund for FY2015. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197108 | Mayor's Request | Submitting an appropriation of $188,027,166 to fund the FY2015 Operating Budget. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197190 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of an additional $3,116 from the MA Department of Agriculture, for the Urban Agriculture Pilot Program. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197239 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation and authorization to borrow $171,000 in a bond to install lighting for the turf field at the Capuano School. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197240 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $64,300 and authorization to borrow that amount in a bond for additional final phase work pertaining to the design and engineering contract for the Davis Square streetscape improvements. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197109 | Mayor's Request | Submitting an appropriation of $19,388,508 to fund the FY2015 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197110 | Mayor's Request | Submitting an appropriation of $12,992,038 to fund the FY2015 Water Enterprise Fund Budget. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197182 | Mayor's Request | Requesting authorization to seek a PARC grant of $400,000 for Otis Playground Renovations. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197183 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a $200,000 grant for renovations to the Marshall Street Playground. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 197184 | Mayor's Request | Requesting authorization of funding necessary to complete renovation of Marshall Street Playground, as a requirement for grant acceptance of a reimbursable Our Common Backyards grant for $200,000. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 7 | 196288 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the transfer of a parcel of land at 163 Glen Street to the Redevelopment Authority for neighborhood development. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 7 | 195532 | Mayor's Request | Requesting authorization to borrow $500,000 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, for ADA Accessibility - Building Improvements. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 7 | 195373 | Mayor's Request | Requesting authorization to borrow $900,000 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, to implement a comprehensive wayfinding plan. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 7 | 195571 | Mayor's Request | Requesting an appropriation of $500,000 and authorization to borrow that amount in a bond to retain a qualified planning and land use concern to develop a major plan change to existing Assembly Square Urban Renewal Plan. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 8 | 197108 | Mayor's Request | Submitting an appropriation of $188,027,166 to fund the FY2015 Operating Budget. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 9 | 195769 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval to appropriate $106,812.60 from Free Cash to the Highway Professional & Technical Services Account to provide the first year of GPS monitoring services for city vehicles. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available