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Meeting Name: Public Utilities and Public Works Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/30/2021 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
211134 3211134OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works present this Council with a detailed financial analysis of the cost for a municipal program to clear snow from sidewalks in business districts and major thoroughfares.Work completed  Action details Not available
211259 3211259OrderThat this Council discuss the costs of placing overhead power and utility lines underground as part of any street reconstruction or resurfacing project, and consider requiring such placement by ordinance, in light of the risks and costs of proliferating utility connections and leaning or doubled poles.Work completed  Action details Not available
211338 3211338OrderThat the Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management discuss with this Council a maintenance plan for the city's school buildings, in light of the attached communication.Work completed  Action details Not available
211383 3211383OrderThat the Director of Capital Projects appear before this Council to discuss whether the OSHA record of violations is used as a factor in determining the successful bidder for City contracts.Work completed  Action details Not available
211384 3211384OrderThat the Director of Inspectional Services appear before this Council to discuss whether his Department does or may use the OHSA record of applicants for permits as a factor in determining whether to issue the permits.Work completed  Action details Not available
211394 3211394OrderThat the Mayor, Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management, Commissioner of Public Works, and Director of Health and Human Services respond to the attached questions regarding ventilation and school-building readiness from public school parents.Work completed  Action details Not available
210829 4210829OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works address the streetlight outage on the entire length of Fellsway West, resulting from the work being done by DCR at Foss Park.Work completed  Action details Not available
210996 4210996OrderThat the Director of SPCD, the Director of Parks and Recreation, or the Commissioner of Public Works discuss with this Council the installation of electrical outlets in parks, playgrounds and other public places to charge cell phones, computers, and other such equipment.Kept in committee  Action details Not available