| 4 | 189950 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval of a lease for the Lower Broadway Police Substation at 79-83 Broadway, from 9/1/10 through 8/31/11, for $1,375 per month. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | 189951 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval for an extension of Contract #08-011, Design Consultants Inc., for the Broadway Streetscape Improvement Project, to October 1, 2013. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 189946 | Mayor's Request | Requesting approval of a transfer of a total of $100,000 of available funds in various Salaries Accounts and the Interest on Notes-BAN Account, for the Flood Costs-Insurance Deductible Account, to fund the deductible for the building insurance policy following the July 10 flood. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 189953 | Mayor's Request | Requesting acceptance of a grant of $9,900 by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security’s Highway Safety Division to the Police for the Underage Alcohol Enforcement Grant Program. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 189952 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the acceptance of a citywide Hazardous Substance Assessment Grant of $200,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency for the redevelopment of brownfield sites. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 189947 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the appropriation of a mitigation payment of $100,000 from IKEA to the Wellington Undercarriage Stabilization Fund, to assist with the Mystic River Reservation Shared Use Path. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 189945 | Mayor's Request | Requesting the appropriation of $529,954 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to replace the Police vehicles and radios that were damaged as a result of the severe rain storm that occurred on July 10, 2010. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available