City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/26/2010 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber-City Hall-93 Highland Avenue
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
189962 1189962CommunicationAsst. City Solicitor requesting approval of an Exemption Under Section 20(D) of G. L. C. 268A for Denis J. Chagnon, a Special Municipal Employee.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189963 1189963Officer's CommunicationFire Chief Responding to #189914 re: a fire at 111 Glenwood Rd.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189919 1189919MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 15, 2010, and the Regular Meeting of June 24, 2010.Approved  Action details Not available
189918 1189918Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189942 1189942Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Public Utilities - July 20, 2010Approved  Action details Not available
189944 1189944Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Public Utilities - August 25, 2010Approved  Action details Not available
189938 1189938Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Finance - August 25, 2010Approved  Action details Not available
189939 1189939Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Licenses and Permits - August 25, 2010Approved  Action details Not available
190047 1190047Public CommunicationSenator Kerry responding to #189878 re: HR5297, the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010.Placed on file  Action details Not available
190046 2190046LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Delta Tau Delta Foundation at Tufts University, 98 Professors Row.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190044 2190044LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Hodgdon Hall, 100 Talbot Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190045 2190045LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Zeta Psi Fraternity Kappa Chapter, 80 Professors Row.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190043 2190043LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Lewis Hall, 75-85 Packard Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190042 2190042LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Tilton Hall, 39R Latin Way.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190041 2190041LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Bush Hall, 29 Latin Way.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190040 2190040LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Haskell Hall, 43 Latin Way.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190039 2190039LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Latin Way Dormitory, 40 A-F Latin Way.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190038 2190038LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees South Hall, 73 Powderhouse Blvd.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190037 2190037LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Sophia Gordon Hall, 13-15 Talbot Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190036 2190036LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Stratton Hall, 45 Talbot Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190035 2190035LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Start House, 17 Latin Way.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190034 2190034LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees, 101 Talbot Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190033 2190033LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Chandler House, 125 Powderhouse Blvd.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190032 2190032LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Hall House, 98 Packard Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190031 2190031LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Wyeth House, 21 Whitfield Rd.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190030 2190030LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Schmalz House, 15 Whitfield Rd.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190029 2190029LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Milne House, 8 Whitfield Rd.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190028 2190028LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Davies House, 13 Sawyer Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189932 2189932ResolutionThat this Board requests that the Mass Highway Department remove the debris from the Route 28 corridor, from Assembly Square to the Cambridge line.Approved  Action details Not available
189921 2189921Grant of LocationGrant of Location Submitted By NStar Electric to install 2,518 feet of conduit and 4 manholes in Assembly Sq. Drive and Mystic Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189922 2189922Grant of LocationGrant of Location submitted by National Grid for a New District Regulator Station, connecting piping, and a Control Box, all at Pinckney St. at Pearl St.Approved  Action details Not available
189964 2189964Public EventPublic Event Permit, 29 Miller Street Pig Roast, 29 Miller St., Jul 31, 1-8PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189965 2189965Public EventPublic Event Permit, Mayor's Annual Picnic, Powderhouse Park, Aug 11 (raindate Aug 13).Approved  Action details Not available
189966 2189966Public EventPublic Event Permit, Prospect Hill Academy Senior Class Canning Drive, Citywide, Aug 18 4:30-6:30PM (raindate Aug 19).Approved  Action details Not available
189967 2189967Public EventPublic Event Permit,, MA Organization for Addiction Recovery "Ride for Recovery," High School Concourse, Aug 21 9-Noon (raindate Aug 22).Approved  Action details Not available
189968 2189968Public EventPublic Event Permit, USC Thesis Filming, Davis Sq., Aug 22-23, 6:30PM-6:30AM.Approved  Action details Not available
189985 2189985LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion, Med #1, ODJ Taxi Inc.Approved  Action details Not available
189986 2189986LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion, Med #19, Gardy Inc.Approved  Action details Not available
189987 2189987LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion, Med #48, Elysse Corp.Approved  Action details Not available
189978 2189978LicenseRenewing Outdoor Parking License, Martha Lee Trust, 170 Highland Ave., 15 spaces.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189983 2189983LicenseNew Junk Dealer's License, Delta Jewelry & Refining, 90 Highland Ave., gold, silver and jewelry.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189979 2189979LicenseRenewing Livery License, Diamond J Livery & Limousine Transportation, 132 Summer St., 1 auto.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189981 2189981LicenseRenewing Garage License, TC Auto Exchange, 176-178 Tremont St., 2 autos in, 12 out.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189982 2189982LicenseRenewing Garage License, Mike's Automotive Services, 298 Somerville Ave., 10 autos in, 10 out.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189974 2189974LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Alpha Omicron Pi, 25 Whitfield Rd.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189975 2189975LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Alpha Phi, 14 Sawyer Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189976 2189976LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Theta Chi, 100 Packard Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189977 2189977LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Sigma Phi Epsilon, 114 Curtis St.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189984 2189984LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, New Asia, 328 Somerville Ave., 8 tables, 32 chairs.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189980 2189980LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealer's Class 2 License, A+ Auto Body, 297 Medford St., 0 autos.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189943 2189943OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works and the Superintendent of Lines and Lights confer with the City Solicitor to prepare a complaint with the Department of Public Utilities regarding NStar’s service.Approved  Action details Not available
189923 2189923OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking Inventory All City Designated Handicapped Parking Spaces in the City and Provide a Map of Same on the City’s Website So that Drivers May Easily Locate Them When Traveling in the City.Approved  Action details Not available
189933 2189933OrderThat the Chief of Police Provide This Board with an Update on Any Crime Complaints in Statue Park in Davis Square and Provide a Comparison of Last Year’s Crime Activity at the Same Time of Year.Approved  Action details Not available
189934 2189934OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) provide this Board with the rationale for the $18 fee for each $1000 in construction cost for installing a green roof on a home, which may serve as a disincentive for residents to install green roofs.Approved  Action details Not available
189935 2189935OrderThat the Superintendent of the Recreation Department Provide This Board with a Full and Complete List of All the Fields in the City Where Residents Can Play Pick Up Games of Soccer or Other Ad-Hoc Sports.Approved  Action details Not available
189936 2189936OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking and the Commissioner of Public Works, When Blocking Off Parking Spaces, Place Signs with Dates Indicating When Spaces Are Unavailable for Parking Instead of Using NO PARKING Signs Without Indicating the Dates.Approved  Action details Not available
189937 2189937OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Provide This Board with the City Policy on Insect Infested Private Trees with Respect to Protecting Public Trees and Trees on the Private Property of Others.Approved  Action details Not available
189920 2189920CitationCommending Anna Lynch on the happy occasion of her 97th Birthday.Approved  Action details Not available
189924 2189924ResolutionThat This Board Requests that the Historic Commission Add 137 Summer Street to the Designated Historic District List.Approved  Action details Not available
189925 2189925ResolutionThat This Board Requests that the Dedication Commission Dedicate a Bench in Prospect Hill Park in Memory of Nicolena Fedele.Approved  Action details Not available
189926 2189926OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Add the Stairway at the Rear of Prospect Hill Park to the Regular Clean Up Schedule.Approved  Action details Not available
189927 2189927OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repair the Sidewalk at 32 Munroe Street.Approved  Action details Not available
189928 2189928OrderThat the Chief of Police Enforce the 8:00 AM Opening Time for the Nunziato Dog Park.Approved  Action details Not available
189929 2189929OrderThat the Director of Traffic and Parking Review the Intersection of Beech Street and Somerville Avenue for Possible Inappropriate NO PARKING Space Allocations.Approved  Action details Not available
189930 2189930OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Evaluate the Trees at the Bottom of Warren Avenue and Make an Effort to Restore or Replace the Damaged Trees.Approved as amended  Action details Not available
189931 2189931OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) Direct the Owner of the Republic Market to Ensure that Delivery Trucks Do Not Idle While Making Deliveries to the Store.Approved  Action details Not available
189969 2189969Public EventPublic Event Permit, Irving St. Block Party, Sep 11, 12-6PM (raindate Sep 12).Approved  Action details Not available
189970 2189970Public EventPublic Event Permit, Henderson St. Block Party, Henderson St. from Richardson St. to Wilton St., Sep 11, 12-7:30PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189971 2189971Public EventPublic Event Permit, Oak St. Block Party, Oak St. from Houghton St. to Bolton St., Sep 11, 2-5PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189972 2189972Public EventPublic Event Permit, First Church Somerville Block Party, Francesca Ave. from College Ave. to Liberty Ave., Sep 12, 3-6PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189973 2189973Public EventPublic Event Permit, Oxford St. Block Party, Oxford St. from School St. to Hersey St., Sep 12, 3-8PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189996 2189996Public EventPublic Event Permit, Prospect Hill Academy Senior Class Canning Drive, Citywide, Aug 30, 4:30-6:30PM (raindate Sep 1).Approved  Action details Not available
189997 2189997Public EventPublic Event Permit, East Somerville Main Streets International Movie Nights, Sep 10-11, 7-10:30PM (raindates Sep 17-18).Approved  Action details Not available
189998 2189998Public EventPublic Event Permit, Open Air Circus Yard Sale, Davis Sq. Seven Hills Park, Sep 11 9-4PM (raindate Sep 25).Approved  Action details Not available
189999 2189999Public EventPublic Event Permit, Starlab End of Summer Yard Sale and Musical Performance, 32 Prospect St., Sep 11, 12-9PM.Approved  Action details Not available
190000 2190000Public EventPublic Event Permit, Dean's Birthday Party, 58-60 Atherton St., Sep 11, 3-9PM.Approved  Action details Not available
190001 2190001Public EventPublic Event Permit, Boston and Prichard Avenue Block Party, Boston Ave. from Kidder to Prichard Aves., Sep 12, 3-7PM (raindate Sep 19).Approved  Action details Not available
190002 2190002Public EventPublic Event Permit, Prospect Hill Block Party, Munroe St. from Greenville St. to Prospect Hill Pkwy., Sep 12, 3-7PM (raindate Oct 3).Approved  Action details Not available
190003 2190003Public EventPublic Event Permit, ECE All Star Cheerleader Canning Drive, Broadway at McGrath Hwy., Sep 18 and 25, 9-1PM (raindates Sep 19 and 26, 4-7PM).Approved  Action details Not available
190004 2190004Public EventPublic Event Permit, Brian Higgins Road Race, Ball Sq. and area streets, Sep. 19, 9-3PM.Approved  Action details Not available
190005 2190005Public EventPublic Event Permit, High School Senior Class Car Wash, High School Concourse, Sep 25, 9-1PM (raindate Sep 26).Approved  Action details Not available
190006 2190006Public EventPublic Event Permit, Nissenbaum's Auto Parts 100th Anniversary Celebration, Columbia St., Oct. 3, 9-5PM.Approved  Action details Not available
190007 2190007Public EventPublic Event Permit, Redbones Octoberfest Block Party, Chester St. from Elm to Herbert Sts., Oct. 3, 7-6PM (raindate Oct. 17).Approved  Action details Not available
190008 2190008Public EventPublic Event Permit, Foundry on Elm Octoberfest Block Party, Elm St. from Day to Chester Sts., Oct. 3, 12-6PM (raindate Oct. 17).Approved  Action details Not available
190009 2190009Public EventPublic Event Permit, Mike's Restaurant Octoberfest Block Party, Elm St. from Day to Chester Sts., Oct. 3, 12-6PM (raindate Oct. 17).Approved  Action details Not available
190010 2190010Public EventPublic Event Permit, Diva Octoberfest Block Party, Elm St. from Day to Chester Sts., Oct. 3, 12-6PM (raindate Oct. 17).Approved  Action details Not available
190011 2190011Public EventPublic Event Permit, Joshua Tree Octoberfest Block Party, Elm St. from Day to Chester Sts., Oct. 3, 12-6PM (raindate Oct. 17).Approved  Action details Not available
190012 2190012Public EventPublic Event Permit, Burren Octoberfest Block Party, Elm St. from Day to Chester Sts., Oct. 3, 12-6PM (raindate Oct. 17).Approved  Action details Not available
190013 2190013Public EventPublic Event Permit, Women's Commission Candlelight Vigil for Domestic Violence, Davis Sq. Statue Park, Oct. 6, 6PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189988 2189988OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Appear Before the Subcommittee on Public Utilities and Public Works to Report on the Progress of the Magoun Sqaure Reconstruction Project and to Discuss Its Completion.Approved  Action details Not available
189989 2189989ResolutionThat This Board Requests that the Administration Place a Moratorium on All Parking Meters in Magoun Square, Thereby Leaving Meters at 6:00 PM Going Forward After Construction.Approved  Action details Not available
189990 2189990OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Clear the Overgrowth at the Bottom of Henderson and Nashua Streets, Adjacent to the Railroad Tracks.Approved  Action details Not available
189991 2189991OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repair the Cracks in the Street in Front of 26 Rogers Avenue.Approved  Action details Not available
189992 2189992OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Repave Albion Place as Soon as Possible.Approved  Action details Not available
189993 2189993OrderThat the Director of SPCD Appear Before This Board to Report on the Delay of the Development of the Undeveloped Portion of the Community Path from Cedar Street to the Lowell Street Bridge.Approved  Action details Not available
189994 2189994OrderThat This Board Begin Financial/Budget Discussions with the Administration and the School Committee to Prepare for Governor Patrick’s 9-C, Cuts (Coming This Fall), Any and All Union Contract Negotiations And/Or Arbitration Issues and Potential Shortfalls Anticipated for the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Process.Approved  Action details Not available
189995 2189995OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Trim and Inspect the Tree at 115 Hudson Street and Remove it for Safety Reasons, If Necessary.Approved  Action details Not available
190014 2190014LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees, 12 Dearborn Rd.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190015 2190015LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Hillside House, 32 Dearborn Rd.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190016 2190016LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Anthony House, 14 Professors Row.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190017 2190017LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Capen House, 8 Professors Row.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190018 2190018LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Richardson House, 28 Professors Row.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189940 2189940OrderThat the City Solicitor Review the Ordinance Regarding Automatic Amusement Devices and Make Recommendations for Amending Same.Approved  Action details Not available
190019 2190019LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Metcalf Hall, 56-64 Professors Row.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190020 2190020LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees, 92 Professors Row.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190021 2190021LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees, 106 Professors Row.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190022 2190022LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Wilson House, 136 Curtis St.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190023 2190023LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees, 9-11 Sunset Rd.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190024 2190024LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees, 176 Curtis St.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190025 2190025LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees, 90-94 Curtis St.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190026 2190026LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees, 45 Sawyer Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
190027 2190027LicenseRenewing Lodging House License, Tufts Trustees Bartol House, 37 Sawyer Ave.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189941 2189941OrderThat the City Clerk Review and Re-Word the Garage License for A+ Auto Body on Medford Street, Eliminating Any Mention of Just a Start Program and the Sharing of Any Lot Not Specifically Licensed by this Board.Approved  Action details Not available
190048 2190048ResolutionThat This Board Requests that the Administration Schedule with the Ward 2 Alderman a Community Forum to Discuss Recent Flooding, Including the Lincoln Park Area, Dane Street, Dane Avenue, Park Street (At Beacon and Sacramento Streets), the Ivaloo and Harrison Street Areas, and the Public Safety Building, to Include Such Factors as the State, Neighboring Cities, Recent Building Projects, Topography, and the Lack of Policies for Impervious Surfaces on Private Property.Approved  Action details Not available
189950 3189950Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a lease for the Lower Broadway Police Substation at 79-83 Broadway, from 9/1/10 through 8/31/11, for $1,375 per month.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189951 3189951Mayor's RequestRequesting approval for an extension of Contract #08-011, Design Consultants Inc., for the Broadway Streetscape Improvement Project, to October 1, 2013.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189959 3189959Mayor's RequestRequesting the reappointment of Jill Rodenhiser as a Sworn Weighter.Approved  Action details Not available
189958 3189958Mayor's RequestRequesting the appointment of Ann Kardos to the Board of Trustees of the Somerville Public Library.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189960 3189960Mayor's RequestRequesting the reappointment of Edson Andrade as a Sworn Weigher.Approved  Action details Not available
189954 3189954Mayor's RequestRequesting the appointment of Thomas Pasquarello to the position of Chief of Police.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189955 3189955Mayor's RequestRequest the appointment of Jay McKenzie to the position of Permanent Firefighter.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189956 3189956Mayor's RequestRequesting the appointment of Thomas Medeiros to the position of Permanent Firefighter.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189957 3189957Mayor's RequestRequesting the appointment of David Pantanella to the position of Permanent Firefighter.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189946 4189946Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a transfer of a total of $100,000 of available funds in various Salaries Accounts and the Interest on Notes-BAN Account, for the Flood Costs-Insurance Deductible Account, to fund the deductible for the building insurance policy following the July 10 flood.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189833 4189833LicenseRenewing Garage License, International Auto Repair Inc., 508 Somerville Ave., 2 autos inside, 8 out.Approved  Action details Not available
189651 4189651LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Sally O’Brien’s, 335 Somerville Ave., 8 Tables, 32 Chairs.Approved  Action details Not available
189952 4189952Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a citywide Hazardous Substance Assessment Grant of $200,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency for the redevelopment of brownfield sites.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189947 4189947Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of a mitigation payment of $100,000 from IKEA to the Wellington Undercarriage Stabilization Fund, to assist with the Mystic River Reservation Shared Use Path.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189948 4189948Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to pay a prior year invoice of $143.97 in the City Clerk's Office to New England Office Supplies for office supplies.Approved  Action details Not available
189961 4189961OrdinanceLicensing Commission proposing an amendment to Ordinance 2-219, to reduce the required weeks of legal advertisement to two from three, for certain liquor and entertainment licenses.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189949 4189949Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to pay an outstanding past due balance of $27.90 with Comcast using FY11 funds.Approved  Action details Not available
189953 4189953Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a grant of $9,900 by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security’s Highway Safety Division to the Police for the Underage Alcohol Enforcement Grant Program.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189896 4189896Mayor's RequestRequesting the Appointment of Carlene Campbell to the Commission for Persons with Disabilities.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189945 4189945Mayor's RequestRequesting the appropriation of $529,954 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to replace the Police vehicles and radios that were damaged as a result of the severe rain storm that occurred on July 10, 2010.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189858 5189858Mayor's CommunicationRequesting Approval for the Director of Capital Projects to Present Schematic Design Plans for the East Somerville Community School RenovationPlaced on file  Action details Not available
189170 5189170Mayor's RequestRrequest to the Board of Alderman for a Presentation and Input Meeting Relative to the East Somerville Community School (ESCS) Reconstruction Project.Work completed  Action details Not available
189620 7189620Mayor's RequestRequesting an Appropriation of $57,600 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for the Purchase of Recycling Carts.Approved  Action details Not available