City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/24/2010 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber-City Hall-93 Highland Avenue
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
189796 1189796MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, May 27, 2010.Approved  Action details Not available
189845 1189845LicenseTransferring Taxi Medallion, Med. #70 from Kings Transportation to Somerville Transportation.Approved  Action details Not available
189846 1189846Public CommunicationSomerville High School Gay Straight Alliance submitting comments re: #189788, the FY11 municipal budget.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189807 1189807Committee ReportReport of the Committee on Licenses and Permits, June 23.Approved  Action details Not available
189820 1189820CommunicationPolice Chief responding to various Board orders.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189808 1189808Committee ReportReport of the Public Health and Public Safety Committee - June 14.Approved  Action details Not available
189795 1189795Roll CallCall of the Roll.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189799 2189799CitationCommending Dorothy Dorant on the happy occasion of her 80th birthday.Approved  Action details Not available
189798 2189798CitationCommending Carmilla Toner on the happy occasion of her 80th birthday.Approved  Action details Not available
189797 2189797CitationCommending Albert Gee, whose quick thinking and heroic action saved the life of a choking two year-old child last month.Approved  Action details Not available
189801 2189801OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works Determine If Additional Trees Can be Planted on Melvin Street.Approved  Action details Not available
189800 2189800OrderThat the Commissioner of Public Works secure the lot at Pinckney and Florence Streets to prevent vehicles and pedestrians from trespassing.Approved  Action details Not available
189806 2189806CommunicationConveying the Summer schedule, by cancelling the Regular meetings of this Board previously scheduled for July 22, 2010, and August 12, 2010.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189832 2189832LicenseRenewing Garage License, Green Automotive Corp., , 600 Windsor Pl., 50 autos inside, 40 out.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189831 2189831LicenseRenewing Garage License, Grove St. Realty Trust, 48 Grove St., 20 autos inside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189830 2189830LicenseRenewing Garage License, 120 Beacon St. LP, 120 Beacon St., 60 autos inside, 20 out.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189829 2189829LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Burton Faulkner Tower, 25-27 Highland Ave., 10,000 gallons.Approved  Action details Not available
189828 2189828LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Grove St. Realty Trust, 48 Grove St., 500 gallons.Approved  Action details Not available
189827 2189827LicenseRenewing Flammables License, 120 Beacon St. LP, 120 Beacon St., 20,000 gallons.Approved  Action details Not available
189824 2189824Public EventPublic Event Permit, Summertime in Somerville July 4 Celebration Weekend, Jul 1, 5-10:30PM (rain Jul 8).Approved  Action details Not available
189805 2189805OrderThat the Committee on Public Utilities and Public Works requests that a representative from NStar appear before the Committee to address concerns over the numerous recent power outages in Ward One and the measures being implemented to ensure that such outages cease, and that this meeting be held at the Cross Street Senior Center, if possible.Approved  Action details Not available
189804 2189804ResolutionThat This Board urges Senator Scott Brown to vote in favor of the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act, which includes $685 Million in FMAP (Federal Medical Assistance Percentages) funding for Massachusetts, which is critically important for the FY11 State budget and local aid.Approved  Action details Not available
189819 2189819CommunicationCity Treasurer responding to #189600 re: processing partial payments.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189822 2189822Public EventPublic Event Permit, Neighborhood yard sale, Stone Place Park, Jun 26, 9-5PM (rain Jun 27).Approved  Action details Not available
189823 2189823Public EventPublic Event Permit, MVM Productions Video Shoot, Davis Sq., Jun 30, 9-5PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189825 2189825Public EventPublic Event Permit, USC Film Production, Davis Sq. Rosebud Diner, Jul 29, 4AM-10AM.Approved  Action details Not available
189826 2189826Public EventPublic Event Permit, Metro Mayors Shannon Grant Basketball Tournament, Trum Field, Jul 31, 8-4PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189839 2189839LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Elegant Furniture, 31 Union Sq., 1 Table.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189840 2189840LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Massage Therapy Works, 255 Elm St., 1 A-Frame Sign.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189837 2189837LicenseNew Used Car Dealer's License, Pat's Towing Inc., 160 McGrath Hwy., 75 autos outside.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189847 2189847OrderThat the Director of SPCD Inspect the Vacant Property at 199 Summer Street and Enforce Any and All Applicable Regulations and Report Back to the Ward Three Alderman.Approved  Action details Not available
189848 2189848ResolutionThat All Members of the Board of Aldermen Take a One Week Unpaid Furlough and Request that the Administration Apply Those Funds Towards Its Efforts to Retain Jobs.Approved  Action details Not available
189849 2189849ResolutionThat this Board Goes on Record to Encourage the Administration and the School Custodians to Bargain in Good Faith to Agree Upon a Fair Contract.Approved  Action details Not available
189833 2189833LicenseRenewing Garage License, International Auto Repair Inc., 508 Somerville Ave., 2 autos inside, 8 out.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189836 2189836LicenseNew Used Car Dealer's License Class 2, All Rite Auto, 38-42 Medford St., 10 autos.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189834 2189834LicenseNew Garage License, All Rite Auto, 38-42 Medford St., 4 autos inside, 6 out.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189835 2189835LicenseNew Garage License, Streetwise, 59 Pitman St., 6 autos inside, 14 out, hours M-F open 7:30AM.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189838 2189838LicenseNew Outdoor Seating License, Riverdog LLC, 321 Somerville Ave., A-Frame sign.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189841 2189841LicenseRenewing Outdoor Parking License, Star Markets Company, 275 Beacon St., 3 autos.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189802 2189802OrderThat the Chief of Police Frequent the Areas of Central, Atherton, Cleveland and Monmouth Streets for Individuals and Groups Loitering on Private Property Between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM.Approved  Action details Not available
189803 2189803ResolutionThat This Board requests that the Dedication Committee consider naming the corner of Putnam and Summer Streets in memory of Gilbert Ribeiro.Approved  Action details Not available
189842 2189842LicenseRenewing Taxi Stand License, Green Cab and Yellow Cab Assn., 3 cabs at 236 Highland Ave., 2 cabs at 255 Elm St., 2 cabs at 503 Broadway, 6 cabs at 295 Broadway, 4 cabs at 1 Davis Sq., 5 cabs at 0 Foley St., 4 cabs at 30 Washington St., 3 cabs at 22-26 Union Sq.Approved  Action details Not available
189843 2189843LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion, Victory Cab Corp., Med. #56.Approved  Action details Not available
189844 2189844LicenseRenewing Taxi Medallion, Love Cab Inc., Med. #92.Approved  Action details Not available
189810 3189810Mayor's RequestRequesting the Re-Appointment of Elizabeth Moroney to the Planning Board for a Term to Expire on June 14, 2014.Approved  Action details Not available
189811 3189811Mayor's RequestRequesting the Reappointment of James Kirylo to the Planning Board for a Term to Expire on June 14, 2015.Approved  Action details Not available
189812 3189812Mayor's RequestRequesting the Reappointment of Danielle Fillis Evans to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a Term to Expire January 31, 2014.Approved  Action details Not available
189813 3189813Mayor's RequestRequesting the Reappointment of Richard Rossetti to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a Term to Expire January 31, 2012.Approved  Action details Not available
189814 3189814Mayor's RequestRequesting the Reappointment of Elaine Severino as an Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a Term to Expire on January 31, 2011.Approved  Action details Not available
189815 3189815Mayor's RequestRequesting the Reappointment of Julie Brady to the Design Review Committee for a Term to Expire on June 30, 2011.Approved  Action details Not available
189816 3189816Mayor's RequestRequesting the Reappointment of Matthew Rice to the Design Review Committee for a Term to Expire on June 30, 2011.Approved  Action details Not available
189821 3189821CommunicationSPCD Director responding to various Board Orders.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189817 3189817Mayor's CommunicationConveying an update on the city-wide comprehensive plan known as SomerVison.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189809 3189809Mayor's RequestRequesting an Appropriation of $1,000,000 of Sewer Retained Earnings to Fund the FY2011 Sewer Enterprise Budget.Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189818 3189818CommunicationCity Clerk responding to #189733 and #189734 re: automatic amusement device licenses.Placed on file  Action details Not available
189653 4189653LicenseSign/Awning License, Skyline Dry Cleaners, 703 Broadway, 1 Sign.Approved  Action details Not available
189581 4189581Grant of LocationGrant of Location, Lightower Fiber to Install 250 Feet of Conduit at Alewife Brook Pkwy. and Broadway, from an Existing Manhole to the Arlington Town Line.Approved  Action details Not available
189773 4189773LicenseRenewing Drainlayer's License, LM Holdings.Approved  Action details Not available
189774 4189774LicenseRenewing Outdoor Seating License, Kickass Cupcakes, 378 Highland Ave., 2 Tables, 8 Chairs.Approved  Action details Not available
189775 4189775LicenseNew Pool Table/Bowling Alley License, Samba Bar and Grill, 596-608 Somerville Ave., 1 Pool Table.Approved  Action details Not available
189776 4189776LicenseNew Garage License, GE Auto Repair Inc., 627-631 Somerville Ave., 14 Autos Inside.Approved  Action details Not available
189781 4189781LicenseRenewing Garage License, Original Auto Body and Mechanic, 12-16 Joy St., 8 Autos Inside, 2 Outside.Approved  Action details Not available
189780 4189780LicenseRenewing Garage License, Drain Doctor, 612 Broadway, 15 Autos Inside, 10 Outside.Approved  Action details Not available
189779 4189779LicenseRenewing Garage License, Foreign Body Works Inc., 593 Somerville Ave., 10 Autos Inside.Approved  Action details Not available
189778 4189778LicenseRenewing Garage License, Samay Inc., 73 Summer St., 2 Autos Inside, 10 Outside.Approved  Action details Not available
189777 4189777LicenseNew Garage License, BH Towing and Auto Repair, 13 Joy St., 6 Autos Inside, 3 Outside.Approved  Action details Not available
189045 5189045Mayor's RequestThat the BOA Accept Utility Improvements in Assembly Square Completed by FRITApproved  Action details Not available
189794 5189794Mayor's RequestRequest to Reauthorize the attached list of Departmental Revolving Funds for FY2011Referred for recommendation  Action details Not available
189359 5189359LicenseNew Automatic Amusement Device License, Holiday Inn, 30 Washington St., 1 Device.Approved  Action details Not available