City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Licenses and Permits Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/9/2014 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
197208 2197208LicenseRenewing Flammables License, Alewife Automotive, 395 Alewife Brook Pkwy.Approved  Action details Not available
197216 2197216LicenseRenewing Garage License, Alewife Automotive, 395 Alewife Brook Pkwy.Placed on file  Action details Not available
197217 2197217LicenseRenewing Used Car Dealer License Class 2, Alewife Automotive, 395 Alewife Brook Pkwy.Placed on file  Action details Not available
197244 2197244Public EventPublic Event Permit, Vecna Cares 5K/Robot Run, Davis Square-Highland Ave-Summer St, changing the date to Sep 21, 6-11AM.Placed on file  Action details Not available
197342 2197342Public EventPublic Event Permit, SVG Films filmshoot, Lincoln Park, Jul 17-18, 9AM-6PM (raindate Jul 25-26).Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196869 3196869LicenseRenewing Garage License, Alewife Automotive, 395 Alewife Brook Pkwy.Approved  Action details Not available
196959 3196959LicenseNew Extended Operating Hours License, Papa John's Pizza, 622 Somerville Ave., opening Sun-Thu to 2 AM, Fri-Sat to 3 AM.Placed on file  Action details Not available
197078 3197078Public CommunicationCentral Medford Trust submitting comments re: the petition for a Grant of Location by Comcast at 265 Medford St.Work completed  Action details Not available
196980 3196980Grant of LocationSubmitted by Comcast to install a manhole in the sidewalk and 8 feet of conduit from that manhole to 265 Medford St.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
197172 3197172OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) provide the Committee on Licenses and Permits with an explanation of how the work on St. James Avenue, referenced in #196765, was performed prior to the issuance of a permit and whether the work has been inspected.Work completed  Action details Not available
196487 4196487LicenseNew Mobile Food Vendor, Fugu Foods.Placed on file  Action details Not available
196789 4196789ResolutionThat the Administration appoint a point person to provide an explanation, cost analysis, and recommendation to this Board about whether an application for a public event permit should be approved, unless the application is by the City or is for a block party or other localized event on a residential street.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196800 4196800OrderThat the City Clerk determine the amount of public event fees charged by other communities.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196760 5196760ResolutionThat the Administration create a process to evaluate public events for financial impacts on city resources, and use it for all public event applications.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196740 6196740CommunicationDeputy Director of Communications responding to #196239, conveying a calendar of FY14 public events and providing information about the public event review process.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
195222 9195222LicenseNew Mobile Food Vendor, Bon Me Foods.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195198 10195198LicenseNew Mobile Food Vendor, Tenoch Mexican.Approved as amended  Action details Not available