City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/25/2011 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
191085 4191085Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of a $5,000 grant from the New England Grassroots Environmental Fund to support the Arts Council's Mystic Mural project.Approved  Action details Not available
191231 5191231Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of an MBTA Drainage Easement in Assembly Square.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
191239 5191239Mayor's RequestRequesting the authorization of a Special Events Revolving Fund for FY11 to offset the costs of overtime related to preparing and cleaning public spaces for private events.Approved  Action details Not available
190162 5190162Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a supplemental increase in the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Program (BCRLF) of $400,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency.Approved  Action details Not available
190942 5190942Mayor's RequestRequesting approval of an extension of the Homeland Security Grant Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Boston to December 31, 2012.Approved  Action details Not available
191380 5191380Mayor's RequestTransfer $32,000 from the DPW Sanitation/Recycling Acct. to the School Custodian Overtime Acct. to fund a projected deficit for the rest of the fiscal year.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
191381 5191381Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer $12,500 from the DPW Sanitation Recycling Acct. to the School Custodian Salaries Acct. to fund salaries for the remaining portion of this fiscal year.Placed on file  Action details Not available
191383 5191383Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to declare as Surplus Equipment several Cisco 3500 network switches that are no longer being used or supported.Approved  Action details Not available
191084 5191084Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of $12,000 in the Fire Dept., from the Salary Acct. to the Supplies for Men and Women Acct., for bunker gear and other equipment.Approved  Action details Not available
191024 5191024Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $2,500 grant from the MA Dept. of Public Health for the Fire Dept.'s Mass Decontamination Unit.Approved  Action details Not available
191382 5191382Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to raise the FY2011 Council on Aging Revolving Account Spending Limit from $55,000 to $90,000.Approved  Action details Not available
191378 5191378Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $115,000 from the remaining balance of $416,933 from the Argenziano School Construction Project to fund the construction of an outdoor Ice Skating Rink adjacent to the Veterans Memorial Ice Rink.Approved  Action details Not available
191379 5191379Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $72,735 from the Receipts Reserved-Parking Meter Receipts Acct. to the Traffic and Parking Professional Services Acct. to pay for on-line customer credit card transactions.Approved  Action details Not available
191346 6191346Mayor's RequestRequesting an increase in the Dilboy Revolving Account Fund Expenditure Cap by $40K to accomodate additional activity through FY11.Approved  Action details Not available
191083 6191083Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of $120,000 from the E911 Salary Acct. to the Police Overtime Acct. to cover expenses.Approved  Action details Not available
191345 6191345Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of $43,838 from the Sanitation Recycling Acct. to the School Custodians Professional & Technical Services Acct. to fund the remaining portion of the AM/PM Cleaning Corp. contract.Kept in committee  Action details Not available