City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/8/2022 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
213184 3213184OrderThat all departments attach guidelines and requirements associated with any grant applications, prior to seeking this Council’s approval.Placed on file  Action details Not available
213175 5213175Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $45,799.57 using available funds in the Department of Public Works Administration, Electric, and Buildings accounts.Approved  Action details Not available
212849 5212849ResolutionThat the administration assign staff to support the Wage Theft Advisory Committee.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
212850 5212850OrderThat the Administration update this Council on the status of the Police Staffing Study which was included in the FY2022 budget and estimated to take 2-4 months.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
213016 5213016Mayor's CommunicationConveying a request for City Council input on priorities for the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
213172 5213172Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a Preservation Restriction for 181 Broadway.Approved  Action details Not available
213174 5213174Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to transfer $1,200 from the Police Department Professional & Technical Services account to the Police Special Items Rental-Buildings account to cover the West Substation rental costs.Approved  Action details Not available
213173 6213173Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $34,685 from the Street Tree Stabilization fund to pay for expenses related to the tree health maintenance program.Approved  Action details Not available
212846 6212846OrdinanceProposing an ordinance relative to a mid-fiscal year report of municipal finances, with next-fiscal year budget projections.Kept in committee  Action details Not available