| 3 | 202621 | Order | That the Director of SPCD share with this Board any plans for improving the performance and credibility of the Somerville Redevelopment Authority, and distribute to each Alderman the Kennedy School report on the future of the SRA. | Work completed | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 202626 | Ordinance | Proposing an Ordinance to safeguard vulnerable road users. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | 202256 | Resolution | That this Board be given the powers of the Redevelopment Authority for Union Square redevelopment. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 6 | 202122 | Resolution | That the Administration present its recommendations and a draft ordinance for the proposed Rental Registration Program (#199934) to the Committee on Legislative Matters at its meeting on October 20, 2016. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 9 | 199934 | Order | That the Supervisor of Inspectional Services create a Rental Registration Program to require owners of 6 or more rental units that are not owner-occupied to annually register those units, pay a registration fee, and provide information to facilitate inspections, notices of violations, and resolution of complaints. | Kept in committee | |
Action details
Not available