City of Somerville header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/16/2014 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room – 2nd Floor – City Hall
City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
196058 3196058Officer's CommunicationAssistant City Solicitor responding to #195769 re: GPS devices on city vehicles and collective bargaining rights.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196125 3196125Public CommunicationSanford Pooler submitting comments re: #195769, installing GPS devices in city vehicles.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
197850 3197850OrderThat the Director of Finance and/or the City Treasurer report to this Board on what categories of grants, gifts, payments, donations, etc. and by what type of entities need to be formally accepted by a vote of this Board and which do not require official acceptance.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
196191 4196191Mayor's CommunicationConveying the partnership agreement with Tufts University.Work completed  Action details Not available
195787 4195787OrderThat the Purchasing Department purchase decibel meter readers for the use of the Police and Inspectional Services Departments.Work completed  Action details Not available
197063 4197063Officer's CommunicationDPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 5/8/14.Work completed  Action details Not available
197421 4197421Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of 3 Electronic Meters as mitigation from Kung Fu Tea at 237 Elm Street.Approved  Action details Not available
197420 5197420Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a $20,000 grant from the MA Public Safety and Security Highway Safety Division for the Police's Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket Mobilization Program.Approved  Action details Not available
197418 5197418Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $110,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to conduct a Street Light Conversion Energy Audit.Work completed  Action details Not available
197820 5197820Mayor's RequestRequesting the expenditure of FY15 funds totaling $961.05 to pay prior year invoices in the Police Dept.Approved  Action details Not available
197752 5197752Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a $10,000 donation from the estate of Mary Fontaine to the Council on Aging, for activities and social programs.Approved  Action details Not available
197750 5197750Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of an Emergency Management Performance Grant of $44,435 from the MA Emergency Management Agency for Fire Dept. emergency operations.Approved  Action details Not available
197751 5197751Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a grant of $11,975 from the Mass Cultural Council, for the Arts Council's ArtsUnion Union Square programming.Approved  Action details Not available
197749 5197749Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a $50,000 grant from the Office of Justice Assistance for the Police Dept.'s Mental Health Collaboration planning program.Approved  Action details Not available
197757 5197757Mayor's RequestRequesting the establishment of an Infiltration/Inflow Stabilization Fund.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
197822 5197822Mayor's RequestRequesting the acceptance of a gift of $4,137.46 from Federal Realty Investment Trust for Fire Department overtime expenses incurred for the Riverfest Fireworks.Approved  Action details Not available
197852 5197852Mayor's RequestRequesting an Order of Taking of real estate property at 515 Somerville Avenue to provide for the relocation of the Fire Department from its current facility in Union Square.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
197818 5197818Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay FY2014 invoices totalling $8,542 from FY2015 Personnel Dept. Ordinary Maintenance funds.Approved  Action details Not available
197821 5197821Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay FY2014 invoices totalling $380 from FY2015 Personnel Dept. Ordinary Maintenance funds for North Shore Psychiatric Services.Approved  Action details Not available
197819 5197819Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to pay FY2014 invoices totalling $1,575 From FY2015 Personnel Dept. Ordinary Maintenance funds for NWI Investigative Services.Approved  Action details Not available
196463 5196463OrderThat the Director of SPCD (ISD) provide the Finance Committee with a copy of the application for residential property rodent control assistance.Work completed  Action details Not available
194845 5194845ResolutionThat the Administration arrange for the climate change consultant, Seed Systems, to appear before the Finance Committee to discuss #194312, a requested appropriation of $24,000.Work completed  Action details Not available
195157 6195157ResolutionThat the Administration set up a program to reimburse all retirees on Medicare, 80% of their out of pocket contributions, on an annual basis.Work completed  Action details Not available
194503 6194503OrderThat the Director of SPCD respond in writing within 30 days with a breakdown of all funds provided through the CDBG program, DIF bonds, "I Cubed Bonds" or the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and spent to fund work or purchase materials in connection with Assembly Square, whether by the City, the State, any agencies thereof, or by Federal Realty Investment Trust or any subsidiaries or related companies.Work completed  Action details Not available
196265 6196265Mayor's CommunicationUpdating this Board with respect to Partners Healthcare at Assembly Row.Work completed  Action details Not available
196468 6196468OrderThat this Board’s Committee on Finance determine the use and allocation of all funds donated to the city for the American Youth Football League.Work completed  Action details Not available
197416 6197416Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to borrow $1,000,000 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, for ADA Accessibility - Curb Ramp installation and improvements.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
197531 6197531Officer's CommunicationEconomic Development Director conveying information regarding the Union Square D-2 North Prospect Block.Work completed  Action details Not available
197518 6197518Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $107,200 from the Parks Stabilization Fund to partially fund the renovation and safety improvements for the Kennedy School PlaygroundPlaced on file  Action details Not available
197610 6197610Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of $2,000 from Ordinary Maintenance Accounts to the Personal Services Account within the Constituent Services Department to cover wage adjustment for fill-in operators.Placed on file  Action details Not available
197701 6197701Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to borrow $200,000 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, for Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Upgrades.Approved  Action details Not available
197339 7197339Mayor's RequestRequesting that the City-owned portion of 163 Glen Street be declared available for disposition.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
197675 7197675Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to amend #193816, an authorization to borrow and bond for Union Square Urban Renewal Block D2, by increasing the total amount to $9,500,000.Approved  Action details Not available
196469 8196469Mayor's CommunicationSubmitting the city's FY2014-FY2018 Capital Investment Plan.Work completed  Action details Not available
195964 8195964Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $31,500 from the Wage and Salary Stabilization Fund to the Library Salaries Account to establish the position of Associate Director of the Library System.Placed on file  Action details Not available
197186 9197186Mayor's RequestRequesting acceptance of a mitigation payment of $94,744.75 to establish the Open Space Improvements Stabilization Fund.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
195532 9195532Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to borrow $500,000 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, for ADA Accessibility - Building Improvements.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
195373 9195373Mayor's RequestRequesting authorization to borrow $900,000 in a bond, and appropriate the same amount, to implement a comprehensive wayfinding plan.Placed on file  Action details Not available
195571 9195571Mayor's RequestRequesting an appropriation of $500,000 and authorization to borrow that amount in a bond to retain a qualified planning and land use concern to develop a major plan change to existing Assembly Square Urban Renewal Plan.Work completed  Action details Not available
196288 9196288Mayor's RequestRequesting the transfer of a parcel of land at 163 Glen Street to the Redevelopment Authority for neighborhood development.Kept in committee  Action details Not available
195769 11195769Mayor's RequestRequesting approval to appropriate $106,812.60 from Free Cash to the Highway Professional & Technical Services Account to provide the first year of GPS monitoring services for city vehicles.Kept in committee  Action details Not available