Agenda Summary
Amending Section 2-326 of the Code of Ordinances, related to the Personnel program.
Official Text
That the Code of Ordinances be amended by making the changes as noted within.
Sec. 2-326. Personnel program.
It is the purpose of this article to establish a comprehensive personnel program in the city. The system of personnel administration established herein shall be consistent with the following merit principles:
(1) Selection and advancement shall be made on the basis of ability, knowledge, and skills; (2) Compensation shall be established on an equitable basis;
(3) Training and development opportunities shall be provided as needed to assure high-quality performance by all employees;
(4) Retention of employees shall be on the basis of their performance. A reasonable effort shall be made to assist employees in improving work performance; and if, following such effort, inadequate performance cannot be corrected, separation shall occur;
(5) Fair treatment of applicants and employees shall occur in all aspects of personnel administration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, age, relationship status, sexual orientation, or handicap and with proper regard for their privacy and constitutional rights.