Agenda Text
DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 5/22/14.
Official Text
Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 5/22/14 Meeting
ORDER 12. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works determine who is
responsible for the large metal plate in the roadway at the juncture
of Route 28 and McGrath Highway, (heading towards the 93-S on
ramp), and provide the Ward One Alderman with information as
to when it will be removed.
RESOLUTION We have contracted with a professional engineering company to design the underground work necessary and to make permanent repairs. The plates are owned by MassDOT and we have commitments that the MWRA and MassDOT, District 4 will work with us once the plans are complete.
ORDER 13. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works place Mt. Pleasant and
Tufts Streets On The Repaving List.
RESOLUTION The City is implementing a pavement management program based on a pavement management study performed by Fay Spofford & Thorndike (FST). The DPW and SomerStat We will be happy to make a presentation at your convenience.
ORDER 14. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works remove the dog waste on
Pearl Street, between Myrtle and Florence Streets, and install
signage reminding residents to pick up after their pets and to not
feed animals in the area.
RESOLUTION There are city ordinances that come under animal control with regards to educating constituents of the requirements of owning a pet in the city. I will refer this order to the animal control officer. At this time, there are no posted signs except in parks with regards to this issue.
ORDER 16. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works trim the tree in front of 3
Kensington Street.
RESOLUTION This item has been completed.
ORDER 17. Order By Ald. McLaughlin, Lafuente
That the Commissioner of Public Works make the walkway in
front of 371 Medford Street handicapped accessible.
RESOLUTION Myself and the Highway Superintendent will inspect this request next week.
ORDER 19. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works install a temporary speed
bump on Mt. Vernon Street, between Pearl Street and Broadway.
RESOLUTION I will refer this item to Traffic & Parking.
ORDER 20. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works take the appropriate
measures to raise the low hanging wires on Everett Avenue.
RESOLUTION The correction will be made today in-house or we will notify
the proper utility today.
ORDER 21. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works make the sidewalk in
front of 17 Mt. Pleasant Street accessible for handicapped
RESOLUTION Myself and Mr. MacEachern will inspect this next week.
ORDER 22. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works inform the Ward One
Alderman when the metal roadway plate on McGrath Highway,
near the Stop and Shop, will be removed.
RESOLUTION We have contracted with a professional engineering company to design the underground work necessary and to make permanent repairs. The plates are owned by MassDOT and we have commitments that the MWRA and MassDOT, District 4 will work with us once the plans are complete.
ORDER 23. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the roadway
and/or the sewer opening at the corner of Broadway and Melvin
RESOLUTION The Acting Director of Engineering will inspect this sewer and take the necessary steps to repair it.
ORDER 25. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works inspect the street lights
along Broadway and repair any that are not working.
RESOLUTION The item has been completed. NStar will make the connection to light the roadway.
ORDER 27. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works remove the bricks
scattered along Hillside Avenue and 94 Pearl Street.
RESOLUTION The bricks have been removed.
ORDER 28. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works install temporary trash
receptacles along lower Broadway.
RESOLUTION I spoke with MassDOT at our bi-weekly meeting this morning and asked them to put the decorative barrels that were there in a visible location until the work is completed.
ORDER 29. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works clean the front of the
East Somerville Library.
RESOLUTION I requested MassDOT to have the contractor take care of this request as it is their responsibility.
ORDER 38. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalks at
the listed Ward One locations.
RESOLUTION This work will be completed on Tuesday, 5/27/14 (weather permitting) minus 51 Cross St. as we have made arrangements with the property owner.
ORDER 39. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works remove the trash at the
listed Ward One locations.
RESOLUTION #1 McGrath @ Otis: This location is a DCR spot. However, we pick up the liter.
#2 The second location falls under MassDOT along the highway and Main Ave. fence we contacted MassDOT to clean this area.
ORDER 40. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works notify the appropriate
utility company to remove the double poles at the listed Ward One
locations and inform the Ward One Alderman when each will be
RESOLUTION This has been an ongoing issue. The chairman of DPW Public Works and Public Utilities has been spearheading meetings regarding this issue. All utilities have been put on notice and they are working with DPW until another meeting with the subcommittee is scheduled. Mr. MacEachern and I met with all the utility companies today as part of this process.
ORDER 41. Order By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the potholes at the
listed Ward One locations.
RESOLUTION This has been completed.
ORDER 44. Order By Ald. Rossetti, Ballantyne
That the Commissioner of Public Works report the upcoming
schedule of street repaving and add Powderhouse Boulevard if not
already on the schedule.
RESOLUTION The FST street pavement management plan has been formulated and put out to bid with a bid opening of June 11, 2014. We will be happy to make a presentation to the board at your convenience.
ORDER 46. Resolution By Ald. Niedergang, McWatters
That the Administration explain to this Board the decision-making
process for deciding which streets get repaved and consider
adding Porter Street to the 2014 list, as it was not included in a list
issued as part of a City news release on May 7th.
RESOLUTION The FST street pavement management plan has been formulated and put out to bid with a bid opening of June 11, 2014. We will be happy to make a presentation to the board at your convenience.
ORDER 47. Order By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the dead bulb in
the green GO part of the traffic light facing east on the northeast
corner of Cedar and Summer Streets.
RESOLUTION This has been completed.
ORDER 48. Order By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the streetlights that
are out on Hudson Street, by Benton Road and on Woodbine
Street near Junction Park.
RESOLUTION The work orders will be sent to the Siemens, the City contractor and DPW will follow up.
ORDER 53. Order By Ald. McWatters
That the Commissioner of Public Works patch the sidewalk in
front of 21 Prospect Hill Avenue with cement and also replace the
RESOLUTION The sidewalk is complete. Awaiting tree planting by OSPCD to complete all work at this site.
ORDER 54. Order By Ald. McWatters
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the potholes on
Monroe Street.
RESOLUTION This item has been complete.
ORDER 56. Order By Ald. Sullivan, Lafuente, White Jr., Connolly, Rossetti
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street lights
located on Crest Hill Road and at 130 Ten Hills Road.
RESOLUTION A work order has been placed for 130 Ten Hills Road. Please provide a pole number or address for Crest Hill.
ORDER 57. Order By Ald. Sullivan, White Jr.
That the Commissioner of Public Works re-install the PETER
PIRO SQUARE sign at Partridge Avenue and Medford Street.
RESOLUTION This function is performed by Traffic & Parking.
ORDER 59. Order By Ald. Connolly, Gewirtz
That the Commissioner of Public Works remove the graffiti tag
from the white fence on the right side of Winter Street, after the
first driveway on the right.
RESOLUTION This has been completed.
ORDER 60. Order By Ald. Connolly, Gewirtz
That the Commissioner of Public Works remove and replace the
dead tree opposite 81 College Avenue.
RESOLUTION The arborist will be here May 23, 2014 to inspect this tree. We will take actions accordingly to his recommendation.