Agenda Text
Green and Open Somerville submitting comments re: a Somerville Green Standard in the proposed zoning overhaul.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Attached please find the Somerville Green Standard. It is a joint effort by the people cc'd here to look at zoning through an environmental lens. We look forward to seeing its introduction into the zoning process and will plan to attend as many of the zoning meetings as we can. Our understanding is that this Wed., Jan. 31st, there is a presentation from the city on how the zoning documents were put together and how to read them (perhaps best viewed online from the comfort of one's own living room), and then a meeting on Feb. 13th where the read-through process begins, followed by a public hearing on March 13th for commentary. Please let us know if other meetings are happening. I know this group stands ready to help get as much of this document into the zoning as possible and will eagerly follow its progress.
Renée Scott
Green & Open Somerville