Agenda Text
Director of Capital Projects responding to #200065 and #202158 re: the city's Inflow and Infiltration policy.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
In response to Agenda Items 200065 and 202158.
1. That the City Engineer provide the Board of Aldermen with a copy of the storm water policy and written discussion of the 4 to 1 plan.
2. That the Superintendent of Water and Sewer provide this Board with information regarding the state law of 4 to 1 infiltration in-flow for water and sewer charges of large developments, and that the water and sewer fees for Assembly Row, Maxwell Green, and other large scale developments be provided, as well.
The attached memorandum has been prepared summarizing the history of the Inflow and Infiltration program in the City of Somerville and proposing that an ordinance be considered to formalize this process moving forward.
Water and Sewer fees will be provided by the Water/Sewer Superintendent in a separate response.
Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.
Robert T. King, PE
Director of Capital Projects and Planning