Agenda Text
Ben Asack submitting comments re: establishing a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I was hoping to pass forward a suggestion about starting a community initiative in the city to the Board of Alderman; starting a CERT program. CERT stands for "Community Emergency Response Team", and is a FEMA and Citizen Corps program that educates citizens in disaster preparedness and basic disaster response skills. CERT volunteers can immediately assist others in their neighborhood and the community following a disaster or major emergency. They also can be activated by the local police/fire agency. Many nearby cities, towns, and universities utilize this program including The City of Boston, Tufts University, Boston College, Arlington, Melrose, Belmont, Concord, Brookline, Malden, and MIT. Since Somerville is the densest community in New England, with around 79,000 residents, a program such as this implemented in the city would be invaluable in a disaster or major emergency. The Massachusetts Emergency Preparedness Region 4b, which the city of Somerville is a member of, also maintains a CERT team. They have assisted it's sponsored communities in starting up such teams.
CERT training is around 17-24 hours and covers disaster preparedness, basic fire safety/suppression, disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, team organization, as well as other topics. Members usually also have the option to take supplemental courses in the Incident Command System, NIMS, First Aid, CPR/AED, First Responder/Emergency Medical Responder, amateur radio operations, flood response, assisting people with special needs, sheltering, mass care, etc.
While I understand that there is already an existing Auxiliary Fire Department for lighting, rehab, air supply, pump-outs etc, in a large disaster or emergency, a CERT team can provide immediate emergency response in the community before such professional help can arrive, and assist professional responders if the situation calls for it. Volunteers can be utilized in both emergency and non-emergency situations. Surrounding communities have also utilized CERT volunteers to dig out fire hydrants and storm drains after major snowstorms, provide first aid and traffic control at community events, staff shelters in natural disasters with the Red Cross, assist in the operation of EOCs, participate in missing persons searches, evacuations, neighborhood checks, and emergency drills.
Creation of such a team would be exactly in line with the city's "Somervision" plan and would be a major step in ramping up the city's ability to prepare and respond to any type of major emergency.
X. Goal: Ensure that the Somerville municipal government and residential and business communities are well prepared and equipped to address emergency situations. A. Policy: Somerville public safety officials should ensure that emergency systems operate regionally. 1. Action: Coordinate locally and regionally to implement effecticve plans to respond to all hazards, disasters and threats. 2. Action: Work with regional partners to implement and test emergency systems.
B. Policy: The City should expand informational resources regarding public safety to residents. 1. Action: Provide information to community members and assistance to prepare and respond to emergencies. 2. Action: Develop neighborhood partnerships to promote a safe and healthy community. 3. Action: Utilize existing neighborhood and cultural organizations’ communication networks and outreach methods to provide recommended actions in an emergency situation.
I will leave you with some links below:
Info on how to start a program:
As a resident of Somerville, I think it would be a excellent program to implement in the city.
I have already tried to get in touch with the Fire Department but have not gotten a response. Thank you very much for your time and I hope you strongly consider creating such a program.
Ben Asack