Agenda Text
Requesting Approval to Extend the Contract for J&J Contractors to Complete Punch List Work at the Argenziano School
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
In 2006, J&J General Contractors, Inc. and the City of Somerville entered into Contract #06-093 for construction of the Dr. Albert F. Argenziano School at Lincoln Park. At this time, the Capital Projects Management Department requests the Board of Alderman, in accordance with §2-369 of the Somerville Code, extend Contract #06-093 to December 31, 2010. This extension will allow the City to continue working with J&J General Contractors, Inc. to complete any and all outstanding punch list items, including additional work assigned to J&J General Contractors, Inc., as well as acceptance of the HVAC control system, and final repairs to the building envelope to address water infiltration.