Agenda Text
Requesting approval to pay several prior-year invoices in the Traffic and Parking Dept. totalling $1,700.12.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board Members:
I am hereby respectfully requesting approval to pay several FY11 invoices for the Traffic and Parking Department out of the FY12 appropriation.
The invoices are as follows:
1. Best Buy $149.99 from 6/23/11
2. W.B. Mason $390.61 from 6/30/11
3. W.B. Mason $172.02 from 7/01/11 (net)
4. Duncan Solutions $300.00 from 8/31/11
5. Duncan Solutions $687.50 from 6/30/11
As always, my staff is available to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you for your consideration.
Joseph A. Curtatone