Agenda Text
Licensing Commission proposing an amendment to Ordinance 2-219, to reduce the required weeks of legal advertisement to two from three, for certain liquor and entertainment licenses.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
The Somerville Licensing Commission is recommending a change to Ordinance 2-219-Liquor and Entertainment Licenses. The change is to reduce the required weeks of advertisement in a local newspaper to two instead of the current three. The Commission feels that two weeks notice is sufficient as other cities and towns routinely advertise for two weeks, and the third week adds an undue burden and expense for petitioners.
The change the Commission is requesting can be implemented by replacing the word “three” with the word “two in Paragraph (a) of Ordinance 2-219.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
For the Commission
Jenneen M. Pagliaro
Administrative Assistant
After the phrase "and a public hearing shall have been held", insert "not less than three weeks after the notice's first appearance,".