Agenda Summary
Requesting approval of a transfer of $25,000 from various SomerStat Ordinary Maintenance Accounts to the SomerStat Salaries & Wages Temporary Account to fund additional temporary employee time.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
The Mayor respectfully requests that this Council approve the transfer of $25,000 from various SomerStat OM Accounts as listed below to the SomerStat Salaries & Wages Temporary Account (0112251-512000) to fund additional temporary employee time:
* Professional & Technical Services (0112252-530000), $10,000
* In-State Conferences (0112252-571001), $5,000
* Software Services (0112252-530028), $5,000
* Stationery (0112252-542001), $3,000
* Employee Training (0112252-530008), $2,000
Appropriate staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Respectfully Submitted,
Katjana Ballantyne, Mayor