Agenda Text
Chairman of the Board of Election Commissioners conveying sincerest appreciation for the use of the Aldermanic Chambers for early voting this year.
Official Text
Honorable Members of the Board of Aldermen,
On behalf of the Somerville Board of Election Commissioners and our election staff, please accept our sincerest appreciation for allowing the use of the Aldermanic Chambers for the purpose of early voting from Monday, October 24th through Friday, November 4th and, on Tuesday, November 8th as a central tabulation location for processing early voting ballots.
The use of your Chambers allowed the City to showcase the building and center of government in Somerville. Many voters commented about having resided in the City for many years and only now visiting City Hall for the first time. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive.
It was not by accident that Somerville achieved a 30% response to early voting with 16,415 voters turning out prior to Election Day. This put us well above the state average of 22%. We believe that a big part of our success was due to the positive input and suggestions of members of the Board of Aldermen at the numerous committee meetings when we discussed the City’s options to offer extended evening and weekend voting hours. We thank you for your collective guidance which helped lead us to a 100% final score of voter satisfaction in Somerville.
We look forward to our continued work together to promote open and accessible elections in the City of Somerville.
Nicholas P. Salerno
Chairman of the Board of Election Commissioners