Agenda Text
Requesting authorization to enter into a street tree planting contract in excess of three years.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I respectfully request that you authorize the solicitation and award of a tree planting contract in excess of three years in accordance with Section 2-369 of the Somerville Code. The initial contract will be for one year, with two additional one-year options. Because each year of planting includes two subsequent years of watering, however, invoices could be submitted over the course of five total years.
Each year, the City uses a portion of its CDBG funding to plant trees in income-eligible areas of Somerville. Both the federal and state government strongly support this practice as trees provide increases to air quality, pervious surface areas, neighborhood land values, and overall quality of life. Location and type of tree plantings are determined by the City’s Green Infrastructure Planner in coordination with the City’s tree warden and DigSafe. Decisions take into account resident requests, but are based primarily upon recommendations made by the City’s contracted arborist, the Davey Resource Group and data collected during the City’s first-ever comprehensive street tree inventory conducted last year.
Because the first three years post-planting often indicate a tree’s likelihood of long-term survival, the City’s tree program calls for two subsequent summers of watering, as well as emergency response to periods of drought or intense heat. In order to receive the best possible value for taxpayers, the City is proposing to issue and Invitation for Bids for one year of tree planting with two additional City option years. Therefore, due to the subsequent two-years of watering associated with each planting, the total contract could be in place for up to five years and your approval is required under Section 2-369 for the solicitation and award of such contract
Respectfully Submitted,
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