Agenda Text
Requesting a transfer of $11,972 from the SPCD Economic Development Salaries Account to the SPCD Planning and Zoning Salaries Account to implement the recommendations of the Classification and Compensation Study.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I respectfully request a transfer in the amount of $11,972 from the OSPCD Economic Development -Salaries Account to the OSPCD Planning and Zoning - Salaries account to implement the salary recommendations of the "Classification and Compensation Study for the City of Somerville" conducted by the Edward J. Collins Center for Public Management. The amount transferred represents lag monies from unfilled positions in the approved FY2013 OSPCD Economic Development Budget.
Salary adjustments recommended by the study are retroactive to July 1, 2012.
Thank you for your consideration.
Joseph A. Curtatone